Heavenly flame!!!

In original time , if Xiao Yan would have been captured by the elders of Yun Lang sect , Yun Yun wouldn't have done anything but to rather watch him getting tortured with a sad expression .

Thinking all this , he could only shake his head in disappointed . He didn't knew what to do at this point of time , but one thing he was certain about is , if anyone would dare to cause problems for him , either willingly or unwilling , he will get slaughtered by Xiao Yan . Because the current him didn't had any plot armour.....well , actually not even previous Xiao Yan had this plot armour , that's why he had such a miserable death . And above that , he didn't even had the protection of Xun'er in this timeline .

At this point , he suddenly got up from the chair and said " Yes... that's it . I don't have the plot armour , nor did the previous Xiao Yan had it , Yao Lao is captured before time , Xun'er isn't with me . Isn't all this means that there is someone else who have the plot armour ..?? .

If I am right then I think , Xiao Ning is also a transmigrant.... but his talent , it is not good at all . But he has Xun'er..

But that alone can not decide it . Oh.....God..... I should stop thinking about it.... My head is going to burst !!"

But I should always remember this , that there are very high chances that I don't have the so called ' plot armour ' so I can probably die.... I will have to take on each and every step with utmost precision .

And above that , there is no room for mistake , or everything will be over... "

While thinking all this , he again sat on the chair , closed his eyes to take a small nap .

The moment he closed his eyes , he remembered something and he subconsciously brought out the red jade pendent which he got from Luo Bu .

Taking it out , he used his spiritual perception to see through it but soon , he found out that there was a spiritual barrier on it , to stop any outsider from see through it .

Seeing this , a glint flashed in his eyes and he thought " Hmm...just as I anticipated , it is not an usual pendent , and by the strength of the barrier , it seems to be the work of a person whose spiritual strength was almost as good as a tier 6 alchemist .

But it's a good thing that the owner of this barrier is dead , so probably it can't resist me . And due to the passing of time , the barrier have weakened by a great margin . But still it will take some time to break it . " He said .

After that , he got up . Went in his room , set in a lotus position and started his job .

Huge amount of spiritual strength seeped into the pendent like a wave of tsunami .

He continued his process for around 2 hour's . After a while , a small cracking sound was heard , many small cracks appeared on the red colour jade pendent and then .

* Boom *

With a loud bang sound , the crystal shattered and soon a red glow spread in every direction , the red glow was so intense that for an instant Xiao Yan closed his eyes and thought ' Dam.... what is in it ??.....'

After a while , he opened his eyes but the moment his eyes opened , he exclaimed " Heavenly...flame !!!! "

Just after his words fell , the temperature increased significantly , followed by which , a cluster of faint red colour flame appeared in the middle of the room .

The moment the flame appeared , the temperature increased significantly , a faint red glow appeared and took the shape of a unique beast . That beast looked towards the sky and roared .

Seeing the flame , he narrowed his eyes and said " No....no.... , it is not a heavenly flame ..... , it is a sub-flame .

But whose sub-flame is it ??...it is taking the shape of a beast and is faint red in colour . If I am correct , then it is ' Ten thousand beast flame ' .

After uttering those words , his mind went under turmoil for a while . But soon he came out of his thought and said" Someone sealed this..... sub-flame in this pendent , that means that person must have had encounter with the original flame .

If only I can get the location of the original flame , then I might be able to subdue it.... But who will tell me , the person who knew is already dead . And he only left this sub-flame..." The moment he said those words , he lost his composure and said .

" Yes.....yes.... of course , he only left this sub-flame...there is definitely something with in it . I think , I might get some info in it , once I refine this sub-flame ."

Thinking this , he took a breath and boom . His Dou Grandmaster level Dou Qi erupted , his entire body was covered by a dense , light blue colour flame . ( Green core Lotus flame )

He swiftly changed his hand seals and then with a bang sound , huge amount of spiritual strength wrapped in green flame rushed forward to subdue the flame .

In the middle of the hall , a faint red colour flame was levitating , it has taken the shape of an unknown beast , which was looking up at the sky and was roaring . But soon from each side , huge amount of spiritual strength , completely surrounded the cluster of flame .

The moment the flame was about to get surrounded , it swiftly increased it's strength and tried it's best to broke free .

That hot red colour flame tried it's best to burn the light blue flame of Xiao Yan but...alsh....it was of no use . Afterall it was just a sub-flame , struggling for around few minutes . It gave up . Seeing this Xiao Yan coldly snorted and extracted the flame back .

The next second , he was holding a cluster of red flame wrapped in light blue flame ( green core Lotus flame ) .

Seeing this , a thought flashed in his eyes and with a flick of his finger , he devoured the flame .

Seeing this anyone would have thought that he was a mad man but he who already has the protection of the heavenly flame , it wasn't a problem .