Tier 5 Alchemist

Everyone who was in the group felt a huge burden getting lifted from them the moment Xiao Yan passed by them . They have cold sweat on there forehead and there body were shaking lightly . In the group, Luo Bu was a little afraid but still his hands were shaking as well . He thought in his mind ' What the hack happened..... He seems to be completely different from before . He is lot more dangerous..... not just dangerous , he is like a completely different man ...'

While all the people in Luo Bu's group were afraid to death , Xiao Yan completely ignored them and moved forward . After walking for a while , he stopped around 100 cm from them , beside a table .

He sat on that table , on the table a tea pot was present and few sets of tea cup were present as well . He took the tea pot and started making the tea for himself and after a while , he took the first sip from the tea cup and said " You have just as much as time , as I finish this cup .

If you will not leave her by then , I will turn all of you into ashes . But of course if you leave her before the given time , then there will a small opportunity , a chance... for you all . "

That's it , after saying those line , he completely ignored them and stopped saying anything . Luo Bu's group was so scared at this point of time , that they didn't knew what to say or do . After a while when , they say that Xiao Yan's tea was about to end . A man from his group said with a terrified expression .

" Boss please let go of her , please.... please... Boss , he is dangerous !!!....

Bos....boss , you....why are you not listening ?? "

Hearing this , finally Luo Bu can not take it any more and lifted the sword from Xue Lan's neck and set her free .

" Xiao Yan we did as you said , now what ??? " Asked Luo Bu with a somewhat lost expression .

Hearing this everyone was at lose . Xiao Ding and Xiao Li along with the entire square were shocked to there core . Not once did they thought that they would be able to win without even lifting a finger . It felt like , they really underestimated the real terror his brother carry along side .

In the sky , Hai Bodong was even more shocked but after a while , he said " What a terrifying young man , to be able to force his enemies to surrender even without lifting a single finger.... goss...if he will not fall in the mere future , then he is destined to rule the Jia Ma empire. "

When Luo Bu asked the question to Xiao Yan , the former completely ignored him for a while , he only opened his mouth when his tea was over .

" Eww... This tea , it is not so good . Does any body of have cigarettes?? ." Inquired Xiao Yan .

Everyone was startled upon hearing this . After a while , a man from Luo Bu's group said " I...I do . "

" Oh....that's good , congratulations , since you have what I want , come out give it to me and you are free . " Said Xiao Yan .

When the man heard this , he felt a serge of Joy flowing through him . In an instant he appeared near Xiao Yan , helped him took a cigarette and turned it for him . After a while , Xiao Yan took a puff and " Cough...cough....' My body isn't use to it . With some time , I naturally will be like my real self ' ....."

" Now since you broke the rules you should be given a punishment but since you did what I said and grabbed the opportunity.... I will give you a chance . "

" Anyone among you will come and fight me..... " He said but the moment , these word feel everyone's moral went down , they did all of this to stop the conflict with him and he wanted to drag them back to fight him , were they fools or what .

Seeing them , he shook his head and said " You all... don't worry , I will not do something so pitiable as asking you to defeat me . The only thing you have to do is , land a single blow on me . And if you succeed then , you will have the right to ask me any demand you have..... and by the way , I am also a low tier 5 alchemist .....and as I said you can demand any thing which is in my reach ..... and all the charges from you will be lifted of betrayal..... as well . "

Boom !!!!!..the moment these words fell , an uproar spread in the square . All of them were at awe . Everyone was shocked , including Hai Bodong.... Even Xiao Ding and Xiao Li were shocked . With an awkward expression they thought " Is he really a tier 5 alchemist ??"

They completely forgot his arrogant words under the cover of a tier 5 alchemist . If Xiao Yan was truly a tier 5 alchemist , then everything he did up till know can we consider his decency or else people of this class might not even think to fight against someone like them .

He just have to say a word and even a Dou Wang would be ready to thrash them to pulp .

After a while , Luo Bu said with little hesitation " Are you really telling truth ?

Are you really a tier 5 alchemist , and you're challenge , do we just need to land a blow on you.... Is that it ??"

Hearing this Xiao Yan nodded with his eyelids . Again an uproar appeared in the ground .

After a while Luo Bu couldn't resist the opportunity and rushed forward . With a loud roar " Ahhhhhh.... I am coming master Xiao Yan , I am sorry for this . "

Hearing this everyone was shocked , Luo Bu already excepted Xiao Yan as a great master and now was attacking only due to the bet and not because of any ill intent . And one thing was clearly visible in his voice , a lot of respect .


With a loud roar , a dense yellow colour Dou Qi came out of his body , his body was instantly wrapped in a yellow colour Dou Qi armour . This was the signature move of a Dou Grandmaster . There Dou Qi becomes so potent that they can use it to create a set of armour around there body to protect it from any assault .

After covering his body with his earth attribute Dou Qi , he brought out his two swords and rushed towards Xiao Yan who was sitting on the chair with a boring expression on his face .

In an instant he was in front of Xiao Yan , seeing the ignorant manner of Xiao Yan , he felt a little angry but he suppressed his anger and hacked his sword with the aim to sever his throat .

Xiao Yan who has busy taking puffs of smoke , suddenly opened his eyes , a glint flashed in his eyes and he swiftly spread his tier 5 spiritual strength in the surrounding area and without a slightest tension in his eyes , he looked at the sword which was getting bigger and bigger in his eyes , and the next second he twisted his body in a strange manner and the sword missed from a very close range .