Chapter 14: fighting the king of the mountain

Having heard the warnings of the owner of the bull tattoo, the king of the mountain ordered in a majestic voice, " you have heard what he said, attack him, but beware of the attacks of his feet."

As soon as the rest of the men heard the Mountain King's orders, they gathered their courage and attacked Leon, two men advanced one from the front and the other from behind and waved his swords at Leon's neck and chest, but at that moment Leon bent down quickly, which made the swords pass over him, and very quickly Leon moved and kicked the man in front of him, but the man lightly dodged Leon's kick and took a step back, taking advantage of this the man waved behind Leon with his sword and wanted to cut off his head from behind.

But Leon smiled strangely and dodged the sword by bending forward and following the horse, he kicked the man behind him very hard in the stomach, causing him to rush backwards coughing up blood and some bloody pieces of meat.

The men in the back dodged their companion flying towards them causing him to pass through their middle and hit the ground hard as he rolled, and after he stopped rolling his body trembled a little and then died as blood continued to leak from his mouth.

Everyone present felt shocked and took a step back, taking advantage of this moment, Leon moved quickly and kicked with his foot, targeting the man in front of him, but that man gracefully dodged Leon's foot, but Leon attacked again and quickly punched the man in the face with such force that his nose broke while his teeth flew everywhere, and then the man fell on his back while his mouth and nose drowned in red blood.

A feeling of fear rose in the hearts of those present when they saw Leon's arms in the form of a strange-shaped noose.

The Mountain King looked at the Tor tattoo and scolded him loudly, " didn't you say that his strange ability is in his feet, were you lying to me?" "The Mountain King felt very angry and pushed the bull tattoo back, causing him to fall to the ground.

The bull tattoo looked at the face of the Mountain King and begged with a trembling voice. "I swear the last time we fought he didn't use his hands, please forgive me."

"Humph," the king of the mountain snorted and looked at the rest of the guys, who began to retreat back, " what are you doing, garbage collection?" Attack this bastard."

Although the rope King scolded his followers, they did not dare to move and remained standing in their places bewildered, as if afraid of who might kill them first.

"Humph, a bunch of useless people, do I have to do everything on my own?" "The king of the mountain walked majestically as he snapped his huge fingers and when he approached Leon he stood up and looked at him with eyes full of malice.

"You are a really fucking person, but don't think that your ridiculous ability is capable of defeating" as soon as he finished speaking, the rope King took a strange fighting position so that his feet assumed a karate-like pose while he put his outstretched hands in front of him.

Leon looked at the Mountain King's pose warily and at the same time his lips curved in a small imperceptible smile 'Martial Arts, that's what I needed, the system did imitation ability' as soon as the system screen appeared Leon took the pose he imitated from Mark and took small steps towards the mountain king, but suddenly the Mountain King attacked him with the palm of his right hand but Leon quickly avoided the palm and sent a direct punch aimed at the face of the rope King but at that moment Leon felt surprised, his hand was short and did not reach the face of the Mountain King and stopped near his chin.

"Damn," when Leon realized this, he moved quickly, put his arms in front of his face, and at that moment the king of the mountain hit him with his huge palm in his arms, causing him to fall back hard while his steady feet dragged the soil into the ground and formed a path of plowed Earth.

"That damn bastard" when Leon regained his balance and lowered his reddened arms from in front of his face he felt a bad omen and quickly jumped back and at that moment the king of the mountain appeared over the place where he was standing and kicked his previous position with such force that the ground under him shook.

"Come back here mummy face" the Mountain King looked at Leon, who jumped high and ran quickly towards the place where he was going to land, but Leon realized this and made a strange turn in the sky and changed his landing site and then said sarcastically.

"Baby face, I thought you were strong, but all you're doing is rolling around like a big meatball."

The mountain's King arched his eyebrows and ran quickly towards Leon, who took up the boxing pose again, when the Mountain King saw that he smiled sarcastically "You are too stupid to fight me the same way" as soon as he said so the rope King reached in front of Leon and attacked him with the palms of his hand, the rope King's hand movements were very fast and strong that made the air around her Ripple but Leon dodged them smoothly while his blond hair rippled by the wind caused by the blows of the Mountain King.

The fist King felt some anger and increased the speed of his attacks, which made Leon increase his speed as well, but the mountain king suddenly stopped the palm attack and spread his arms and quickly brought them together in an attempt to grab Leon, at that moment Leon bent down and dodged the hands that passed over him and then quickly pulled out a small cooking knife from his pocket covered with a sticky green substance and stabbed the mountain king in his stomach.

As soon as the knife hit the Mountain King's belly, the fat of the rope King rippled, which made the knife slip, but Leon corrected the situation and increased his strength, which made the knife penetrate the thick layer of fat with difficulty and jam into the belly of the mountain mud, whose expressions did not change, as Leon attacked quickly and tried to catch him, but Leon left the knife and retreated back quickly, which made him escape from the Mountain King's fists.

At that moment they both stopped and looked at each other pointedly, the rope King grabbed the small knife in his stomach and pulled it hard which made the blood seep out of the small wound left by it.

"Don't think you'd hurt me with an attack like that."

"We'll see," he said immediately, so Leon took out another knife and quickly attacked the mountain king, but this time he turned his hands and feet for two inches and pushed himself hard off the ground, making him rush forward like a projectile, put the knife in front and tightened his grip around him.

Leon's strange movement was very surprising to the Mountain King, which made him unable to avoid it, and with insane speed, Leon stabbed the mountain king in his stomach again, but this time the knife pierced the belly full of fat quickly and entered all into his body, and when Leon felt, he pushed himself back with his hands and moved a few big distance away from the Mountain King, who insists on his teeth from the intensity of pain.

"Motherfucker, it hurts," the rope King pulled the knife out of his stomach and snarled in a voice full of anger, "let it go" immediately after saying so the Mountain King ran the mountain at full speed like a raging bull and wanted to crash into a billion.

Leon dodged him with ease, but the mountain king quickly changed direction and waved his hand, which took a flat shape like a sword, Leon jumped back and dodged the attack of the generation King, but it was a little slow so that the Mountain King's fingertips touched Leon's chest, which made him feel very painful.

As soon as Leon got away from the mountain king, he looked at his chest to find a superficial wound that looked like a sharp sword had left him.

"This is unbelievable."


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