Chapter 21: acquaintance.

After the test was over, Leon and the rest of the applicants returned to the hotels where they were staying, the Marine Ford was divided into several sections, including the central base, the military port, in addition to the housing area for soldiers and their families, as there was a small civilian port and a residential area full of hotels and the homes of the few civilians on the island.

After Leon returned to his room, he leaned back on his bed and looked at the wooden brown ceiling with misty eyes..

'This still bothers me, I have to raise my strength quickly and I shouldn't waste any time, as soon as he said that, he got up from his bed and conjured the system screen to show several names of martial arts.

"Currently, I know the art of the Iron Fist, which is an art that enhances my strength, armor and grip, I think I currently have to learn a special art with my feet in order to enhance my speed and kicking strength, as the squat training does not work and takes a long time to show its effect."

"Start training system on the art of quick steps "

[Smart Training Assistant has been activated ]

Immediately after, several transparent projections of a pale blue color appeared, indicating the position that Leon should take.

Without any delay, Leon took the pose that the system showed him, he began to follow the instructions of the system for The Breathing Method, his steps were clumsy and stumbling because of their difficulty and because they follow a slightly complicated pattern, Leon sometimes made mistakes in his steps, but after several experiments he was able to follow the instructions of the system accurately, but it is still in the first stage that makes his body get used to the pose he wants to learn, and then comes the most difficult stage that requires him to raise his speed and run following the same course of steps.

After two hours of training, Leon memorized the steps he should follow and after sitting for 10 minutes and taking a short break, he returned to do his training but this time he accelerated his steps.

Step! step! Two steps! Three steps!

When Leon reached the fourth step, the foot projection shown by the system turned red.

"I made a mistake, but it's okay."

Step! step! Two steps! Three steps! Fourth step!

Leon felt happy when he succeeded in the fourth move, but at that moment the system drop turned red again.

'I made a mistake with the fifth step this time, but it's okay if I keep going like this, all I need is two days of training and I will master it almost completely.

After checking his steps, Leon returned to training until the sun went down, and after taking a shower and having dinner, he quickly fell asleep from fatigue.


[ The next morning ]

Leon woke up energetically, although he felt pain in the muscles of his legs and thighs, but nevertheless he felt happy. " Pain means progress, and progress means that I have taken another step towards success."

After motivating himself, Leon washed his face and teeth, went to have breakfast, and then left quickly heading towards the Navy headquarters, on his way he could see several soldiers and also people he remembers seeing last night at the Navy headquarters, but his eyes scanning his surroundings stopped on a silver-haired girl walking with slightly slow steps in front of him, and it seemed as if the girl sensed his presence because she suddenly stopped and turned to look at him.

Leon's eyes and the beautiful girl's eyes met and at that moment Leon greeted her amicably, the girl returned the greeting and stood in place waiting for him.

Leon looked at her with strange eyes, at first he intended to walk forward and ignore her, but he did not want to embarrass her, so he turned towards her, and after he arrived next to her, they began to walk together at slow steps.

No one spoke to them, which made the atmosphere a little strange. Leon sighed to himself as he thought ' if you were going to stay silent you shouldn't have waited for me.'

"What's your name?" Although Leon asked in order to remove the awkward squiggle, his voice was a little stiff, which made him seem indifferent.

"Lily Rose, you can call me Lily, what about you, what's your name," Lily replied in a similar way to Leon, which made his words cold and indifferent.

Leon felt a little embarrassed because the reason for her reaction was that he replied, " Nice to meet you, I'm Leon White, you can call me Leon."

"I'm also honored by that."

After they finished introducing themselves, they fell silent again and continued walking until they approached the Navy headquarters, which is very large. While walking, they contemplated the houses around them, most of which were painted white and blue, which gave them a kind of unique beauty of its kind.

After a short while, both of them arrived at the Navy headquarters and passed through a slightly huge door to reach the huge arena where they had conducted the test the day before.

The Navy headquarters was very large and had dozens of doors, some large and some small, and each door led to a certain area. At the end of the huge square there was a small house with a wooden plank in front of which stood dozens of people with faces full of curiosity.

Lily pointed out to the assembled crowd, " I think they put the test results in."

Leon shook his head, " yes, let's go and see."

Then they accelerated their steps and arrived at the results site, indifferently Leon pushed some people in front of him and opened for himself a corridor through which he passed until he arrived in front of the plank and saw a large white sheet hanging on it in which many names were written.

After a short while, Leon saw his name hanging with the word "success" next to it, although he expected it, but he felt a little satisfied with himself, but at the same time he did not show any keen interest unlike the people next to him who were screaming with happiness or smiling uncontrollably.

Leon kept checking the scoreboard and saw that Lily also succeeded, the success rate was high because only 7 people out of 46 were rejected.

'Did that person from my world succeed' when this idea appeared in Leon's mind, he quickly checked his surroundings, then he saw the ordinary boy who came from his world.

At that moment Leon changed his expression and showed a happy smile, then he walked amicably and patted the young man's shoulder and said, " Hey, Boy, you made it all about you."

The young man felt a little strange at first, but when he saw Leon's friendly and happy expressions, he also replied cordially, " yes, you succeeded, congratulations to you, it means that we have become brothers in arms."

"Leon smiled more broadly," he ate, it seems that he is, "his hand was extended to the young man," I'm Leon White and you are."

"William Tyler" William shook his hand and smiled faintly, after which they both stood silently.

After a short period of waiting, the Navy man from earlier came with metal cards in his hand, one side of which was written in bold "navy" and the other side was filled with some writings.

The Marine looked at them with his usual stern face and said, " let the people who were rejected leave."

All the rejected bowed their heads and left the big square, and when the Marine man made sure that they had left, he looked at the rest and said, " from now on you are Marines, I will now give you your IDs, which you must keep, if you lose it you will be punished and you will not be allowed to enter the headquarters without it."

And then the Marine handed out metal cards to all the successful ones: "go and get your things, because starting tomorrow you will be staying here."


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