Chapter 7: Hidden Agendas

Rachel Harrington stepped out of the sleek black car, a smug smile on her face as she took in the sight of the mansion. She had spent the past few days being pampered and doted on in the hospital, and now she was ready to resume her life, basking in the attention and privilege she believed she deserved.

Aaron followed behind her, a forced smile plastered on his face as they walked towards the front door.

"Where do you think we should have the engagement party, darling?" Rachel asked, her tone sweet and saccharine.

Aaron shrugged, his thoughts elsewhere. "Anywhere you want, Rachel. It's your day, after all."

Rachel beamed, oblivious to his lack of enthusiasm. "I was thinking the Grand Regency Hotel. It's elegant and prestigious. Perfect for our announcement."

Aaron nodded absentmindedly, his mind drifting to his other affairs. "Sounds great."