Chapter 11: The Ultimatum

Elena descended the grand staircase with her usual quiet grace, each step deliberate, as if to prepare herself for whatever awaited her downstairs. The confrontation last night still lingered in the back of her mind, but she had no intention of backing down. She had already crossed the line of compliance with the Harrington family's manipulations, and there was no turning back now.

As she entered the lavishly decorated dining room, she was met with the familiar sight of her father, Mr. Harrington, seated at the head of the table. His face was stone-cold, the rigid lines of his jaw betraying his simmering anger. Mrs. Harrington sat beside him, her expression a well-practiced mask of condescension, while Rachel—smug and brimming with faux concern—looked up from her teacup with a poorly concealed smirk.

"Lily," Mr. Harrington's voice was sharp and commanding, cutting through the room like a blade. "Sit down. We need to discuss last night."