''Yeah, I really didn't I'd remain here after fulfilling my destiny. But surprise!'' Kiara agreed.

''Nice hair by the way''

''Thanks. Though, I still prepared''

''Ugh!'' Tristen groaned.

''What?'' We all asked.

''The cafeteria's outta junk food, no surprise there, now all I got is some tomatoes'' She said staring at the object in her hand.

''You can really run outta food?'' Evie asked with an eyeroll.

''I hate those fruits by the way'' Kiara said.

''No, they're vegetables'' Evie said with a scff.

''Is not!''

''Is too!''

''Is not!'' 

''It's too''

''They have seeds in em! and we all know all fruits got seeds in 'em!''

''Well em....'' Evie trailed off.

''What? you faeries have onions and carrots with seed on 'em!?''

''No! but, the Tariff Act of March 3, 1883, required a tax to be paid on imported vegetables, but not fruit! and the tomato was taxed!''

Ugh. This is getting ridiculous. So I decided to cut in.

''Botanically, a tomato is a fruit because it is a seed-bearing structure growing from the flowering part of a plant. But in the 1803 court case, NIXY the U.S supreme court ruled that a Tomatoe would be classified as a vegetable for tax reasons based on the way in which it is used and despite it's botanical fruit definition. So scientifically it's a fruit, but practically it's a vegetable''.

''There was a moment os stunned silence.

''Man.....'' Evie finally spoke up, ''Just hearing her say a big word like 'botanical' is freaky. Say it again''

I just rolled my eyes. These guys.

''Where..... where did you learn that?'' Tristen asked shocked.

''My brother is a Vegetarian'' I said with a dismissive shrug.