A New Day

[Daniel's Apartment]

The sun is just beginning to illuminate the city of Vale. Birds are singing, people are starting to move through the streets, and the soft rays of light filter through the window, gently caressing Weiss's delicate face. Even so, she remains deeply asleep, enjoying the warmth of the bed, with no intention of waking up.

But her peace doesn't last long. A whisper interrupts the silence.


No response. The voice insists, now a little louder.




The shout jolts her awake. Startled, she sits up too quickly, but her arms are still trapped in the sheets. Before she can react, she ends up tangled and falling to the floor with a dull thud.

The impact leaves her dazed for a few seconds. Her brain is still waking up, struggling to process what the hell just happened. Where was she? And who the hell had thought it was a good idea to wake her up like that?

From the floor, she looks up and finds Daniel standing next to the bed, looking at her with a forced smile.

Weiss frowns, annoyed. "WHAT?!" she shouts, her voice barely holding back her fury. No one. Absolutely no one had ever dared to wake her up like that before.

"I need you to get out of bed," Daniel says impatiently. "The movers are almost done with the living room, and they need to take it apart."

Weiss blinks, still groggy.

"Move...?" she repeats quietly, as if she hadn't heard correctly.

Still half-asleep, she gets up reluctantly, changes as quickly as she can, and steps out of the bedroom.

What she sees in the living room leaves her completely baffled.

Several people are moving back and forth, carrying boxes, appliances, exercise machines... They're even transporting the massive aquarium.

"What's going on?" Weiss asks, still trying to understand the situation.

Daniel sighs, placing a hand on his chest in mock disappointment.

"Weiss, I feel like you don't listen to me when I talk." He shakes his head, as if he's genuinely hurt. "I told you I was moving. I told you just yesterday. I feel so unappreciated right now."

Weiss watches him with a neutral expression, not moving an inch.

She's not falling for his game.

If it were anyone else, maybe she'd feel a little embarrassed for forgetting something like that. But with Daniel… she knows exactly the kind of manipulative bastard he is.

"I thought it would be in a few days or something..." she murmurs, pulling out her scroll to check the time. Her frown deepens instantly.


Anger floods her immediately, but then her gaze shifts to the people moving Daniel's things. At first, she hadn't noticed anything strange due to the surprise, but now that she's paying closer attention, something doesn't add up.

They're all dressed in black suits, hats, and red sunglasses. They don't look like movers. They look like…

Weiss narrows her eyes. "Are those mafiosos?" she asks, her voice full of suspicion.

Daniel looks at her as if she just said the most ridiculous thing in the world.

"They're the moving crew, Weiss. I don't know where you get these ideas."

Weiss frowns even more and gestures at them indignantly. "They're wearing suits!"

Daniel sighs with exaggerated patience. "Weiss, disgustingly rich people aren't the only ones who can buy suits."

She clenches her fists, taking a deep breath to avoid yelling at him. But then, her gaze lands on one of the so-called "movers."

And that's when she sees it.

"That guy has a katana!" she exclaims, furiously pointing at a man who is, in fact, carrying a microwave while wearing a sheathed katana at his waist.

Daniel places a hand on her shoulder. "Don't focus on such irrelevant details."

"We have more important things to do."

Weiss, visibly irritated, yanks his hand off. "We?"

"Well, yeah, but not together, if that makes you happy," Daniel replies. "I need you to get transportation to Atlas for tonight. First-class and private. I won't accept anything less."

Weiss blinks, incredulous. "WHAT?!"

She wants to say more, but Daniel keeps talking.

"Meanwhile, I'll make sure all my things are properly packed and safe."

Weiss massages her temples with her fingers, feeling a headache beginning to form.

"Do you think it's that easy to get transportation to Atlas whenever you feel like it?"

Silence fills the room.

Daniel looks at her.


Weiss closes her eyes for a second and exhales slowly.

"You know what...?" she mutters, resigned. "I don't even know why I bother arguing with you," she says as she gathers her things, quickly grabbing them before heading to the door.

"I'll send you a message when I have the transport. And don't you dare be late. GOODBYE!"

With a loud BAM!, she slams the door shut as she leaves.

Daniel doesn't bother following her; he has more important things to do. He quickly walks to the bedroom, grabs some luggage bags, and starts packing everything he deems necessary for the trip.

An hour passes before the apartment is completely emptied, and Daniel gathers the last of his important belongings before leaving that place forever.

[At one of Roman's hideouts]

Neo sits on a crate, occasionally swinging her feet while meticulously sharpening a small axe. The waiting is making her impatient.

At midnight, Daniel had sent her a message saying he'd gotten into trouble with Beacon Academy and needed a team of "minions" to help him move. Neo had felt a slight twinge of concern for him.

Then, he added something else:

"Also, get something to cut off one of my fingers. Oh, and someone who can reattach it."

And just like that, any worry she might have felt evaporated, instantly replaced with excitement. Neo couldn't help but be thrilled. As strange as it sounded, she knew from experience that he was serious.

She continues sharpening the axe, already considering which of Daniel's fingers she should cut. She's not too concerned about whether they can put it back—surely, they'd find a way. Her gaze drifts toward a medical kit she had prepared in advance. That, along with a few magical healing berries, should be enough.

She lifts the axe, examining the blade with bright eyes. She's never cut off someone's finger before…

Well, that would be a lie. She's cut off plenty of fingers before, but never from someone who willingly agreed to it.

To her surprise—and delight—the wait ends when the door swings open, and Daniel walks in with several suitcases, moving with complete ease. Aegis rests on his shoulder as if it were in its own home. And, in a way, it is. By now, they know the locations of several hideouts thanks to Neo.

That, of course, doesn't sit well with Roman.

The Thief King has made it clear, more than once, that she should stop bringing her "fuckbuddies" to the hideouts. Neo, of course, has followed his orders.

She's only brought Daniel.

Daniel is one. Singular.

So, technically, she hasn't disobeyed Roman, and Neo is very proud of herself for following his orders to the letter.

Neo quickly gets up and runs toward Daniel just as he drops his suitcases to the floor. Seeing her approach, he opens his arms, assuming she's about to hug him.

Of course, he doesn't notice the axe until it's too late.

Instead of hugging him, Neo grabs his left hand and, without warning, yanks him toward a table. Before Daniel can react, his hand is already stretched out on the surface, and the axe is raised high.

"HEY!" Daniel shouts, pulling his hand away at the last second, narrowly avoiding the blade. He quickly checks his hand, making sure it's still intact. When he confirms it's in one piece, he looks up at Neo with a reproachful stare.

"Hello to you too, Neo," he says sarcastically.

She ignores him. Still holding the axe, she looks at him with an expression of clear disappointment. She had obviously expected less resistance.

Daniel sighs when he sees she has absolutely no remorse. He rolls his eyes.

"Let's save the finger-cutting part for last, okay? There are other fun things we can do."

Neo huffs in annoyance. She definitely doesn't like that answer.

Without a word, she throws the axe toward the wall, where it embeds itself with a solid thunk. Then she crosses her arms, puffing out her cheeks slightly in frustration.

Daniel laughs at her reaction. "Ahh, come on, Neo. Don't you want to see something interesting first?"

Neo side-eyes him, clearly uninterested, but Daniel can tell he has her attention. Seizing the opportunity, he steps a little closer.

"Wouldn't you like to see my new abilities or Gacha in action?"

That gets a reaction out of her. Daniel had mentioned his so-called "system" before, but Neo never believed him. His strange abilities, the objects that appeared out of nowhere… She had always chalked it up to his Semblance. A very weird Semblance, she was sure, but right now, she didn't care.

What she did care about was that she might get something interesting out of this. Like that whip she loved so much. Neo loves that whip.

Daniel notices the shift in her expression and smirks, satisfied. He steps back a little and pulls out his journal, checking a list he made on the way to the hideout. He flips through it for a few seconds before setting it aside.

The moment he lets go of it, Neo snatches it up without hesitation. She opens it and starts flipping through the pages with curiosity, but her smile quickly fades as she skims through it, frowning. She can't understand a single thing written inside.

The pages are covered in symbols and scribbles that look like some kind of code. Neo has no patience for that. If she can't read it, then she's not interested.

Bored, she tosses the journal aside and refocuses on Daniel, who is already getting ready.

"Let's start with [Surface Adhesion]," Daniel says, rubbing his hands together excitedly. He gives a small hop and places his palm against the ceiling, sticking to it instantly.

Neo, intrigued, steps closer to examine him. He isn't gripping anything tightly or using any visible support—he's just stuck to the ceiling.

Daniel grins at her reaction and decides to take it a step further. He places his other hand on the ceiling and pushes off, attaching his feet as well. Now, he's completely stuck, walking upside down.

Neo claps lightly, a small smile on her face. She finds it entertaining, even if she still doesn't fully understand how he's doing it.

Feeling confident, Daniel lets go with his hands and stays attached with only his feet. He takes a few steps forward, moving calmly without losing balance.

"It feels natural," he comments, more to himself than to Neo. He doesn't feel any blood rushing to his head or the dizziness that should come with being in such an unnatural position.

Deciding to test things further, he changes direction, walking toward the wall before starting to descend it. His perspective shifts, but his body still doesn't register any discomfort. It's not that gravity has stopped affecting him, but as long as his feet are stuck to a surface, it feels like the world is upside down, not him.

"Alright, that's enough," he says suddenly. He releases his grip and lands smoothly beside Neo, not stumbling or losing his balance. Brushing some dust off his clothes, he grins confidently.

"Let's see what else I've got..."

He makes a mental command and checks his list of abilities.

[Eyes of Icarus].

Daniel approaches Aegis, takes it in his hands, and places it on top of a crate in the middle of the room, as if preparing for something.

"Ready?" he asks, addressing Aegis.

He doesn't get a verbal response, but Aegis's subtle nod is enough. Daniel had already explained the ability he obtained, so there was no need to go over it again.

[Establishing connection...][Connection established.]

Aegis feels a shiver run through its body as the ability activates. However, aside from that initial strange sensation, it doesn't notice any other changes. Daniel, on the other hand, can't say the same.


A sharp pain pierces through his head with such intensity that he loses his balance and collapses to his knees, clutching his temples. His breathing turns erratic as he struggles to process the sensory overload.

He's seeing the world through Aegis's eyes—but not in a normal way. His vision fractures into layers: polarized colors, ultraviolet and infrared spectrums, and an almost impossible distortion that his human brain isn't designed to comprehend.

Everything in the room appears at once, overlaid in a chaotic kaleidoscope of information. Neo is within his field of view, but not as he would normally see her. Her body glows with a reddish heat, every movement leaving a visible infrared trail. The most fascinating part is the aura surrounding her—an ethereal glow clinging to her. Daniel knows she's not actively using her Aura right now, yet he can still see its residual presence, like an energy imprint that never fully fades.

The pain in his head intensifies. He can't process this much information at once, so he immediately cuts the connection with Aegis. His vision snaps back to normal, but the discomfort lingers. He rubs his forehead, taking deep breaths as his brain tries to readjust.

Neo watches him with a raised eyebrow. Her expression is a mix of curiosity and mild concern. Daniel's reaction was exaggerated enough to catch her attention.

Despite the pain, Daniel isn't disappointed in the slightest.

"This is incredible," he mutters, a mix of awe and excitement in his voice. Sure, it nearly fried his neurons, but he feels like he could get used to it. He just needs practice.

He takes a minute to recover but doesn't allow himself to rest too long. There are still things to test.

[Leap of Faith]

He checks the description in his mind and frowns.

"I have no way to test this right now..."

There are no cliffs or elevated surfaces in the hideout, so he sets that aside for later and moves on to the next item on the list.

[Weiss Schnee's Semblance: Glyphs]Allows the creation of floating symbols. Their nature and effect depend on the summoner, adapting to their intentions and needs.

Daniel reads the description carefully. This Semblance is different from the others he has obtained. When he acquired those of Yang, Neo, or even Summer, the ability told him exactly what he could do, or at least gave him a clear idea.

But this time, it doesn't.

It seems like a versatile ability, but that also means he'll have to figure out how it works on his own.

Daniel takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, focusing. Neo steps a little closer, watching him curiously.

At first, nothing happens. It takes him a minute to find the connection, but then, a faint glow appears in front of him. A circular glyph materializes in the air, floating weakly.

Neo raises an intrigued eyebrow. Daniel can't help but feel excited. He did it.

But there's a problem.

The glyph is unstable. It barely holds its position, vibrating as if it's about to collapse at any moment. Something is wrong. Daniel frowns, trying to understand what's missing.

He searches his memory, trying to recall the one time he saw these glyphs in action—the moment he fell from the tower in Beacon. Weiss had tried to stop his fall with her glyphs.

"The symbols..." he murmurs.

He closes his eyes for a second and forces himself to remember. The patterns, the exact shapes. They weren't just floating circles without meaning; they had precise designs, a structure.

He takes a deep breath and tries again, this time with a clearer idea in mind. If he can replicate them correctly… then maybe he can actually make them work.

[Natural Polyglot Ability: Language Added – Glyphs]

Daniel doesn't know what to think as the symbols in his mind begin to make sense rapidly. What once seemed like chaotic scribbles now organize into comprehensible patterns, forming a structured language inside his head.

The glyph in front of him starts to change. Symbols begin engraving themselves around its edges, completing it little by little, the ability translating the information in real time.

"Neo," he suddenly says, catching her attention. "Throw something at it."

Neo doesn't think too much about it. She grabs the first thing she finds—a vase—and, without holding back in the slightest, hurls it with force at the glyph.

The impact is immediate. The vase flies in a straight line, collides with the magical barrier… but instead of stopping, it pushes through the glyph with some resistance and continues on its path—smashing directly into Daniel.


The hit knocks him to the ground. Neo brings a hand to her mouth, but not out of concern. She's laughing. She really enjoys these moments with Daniel.

He groans from the floor, massaging his chest where the vase struck him. Still lying down, he tries to analyze what went wrong. The glyph didn't break, so his concentration didn't fail. So then, what was it?

It was probably the symbols. The combination inside the circle wasn't exactly wrong, but maybe they were poorly arranged.

"Damn it… I need to see more glyphs," he murmurs to himself, already thinking about how to ask Weiss to show him hers.

But he quickly pushes those thoughts aside—he doesn't like wasting time on things he can't fix right now. Dusting himself off, he stands up and moves on to the next item on his list: claiming his final reward.

[Item obtained: Hidden Blade][Image]

As soon as he claims it, a pair of brown leather gloves drop in front of him. Daniel crouches down to pick them up, but—

Neo is faster.

Without bothering too much, he simply lets her do as she pleases. Neo examines the gloves carefully, turning them over in her hands, analyzing every stitch and every inch of the material.

Finally, with a look of disapproval, she hands them back.

That's not a good sign.

Daniel checks them himself but doesn't notice anything particularly bad. They seem like well-made gloves to him.

"What did you think?" he asks, wanting to confirm.

Neo looks at him directly and, without saying a word, gives him a thumbs-up. Then, slowly, she lowers it.

"They're trash," she expresses with absolute clarity.

Daniel blinks. He wasn't expecting such a blunt opinion.

Neo snaps her fingers and moves her hands, explaining her thoughts with quick gestures.

"They're old. No Dust compartment, no shape-shifting mechanism. The material doesn't seem top-tier. They'd be fine if this were five hundred years ago."

Then, she points at the hidden blade with a critical expression.

"The metal isn't great either. Maybe it was back when it was forged, but now it's obsolete."

Daniel sighs as he looks at the gloves. He was expecting something better.

"But at least they look nice," Neo adds with a smile, giving him a light shove on the shoulder.

Daniel feels the weight of disappointment pressing down on him but tries not to dwell on it too much. In the end, what really matters are the abilities.

[Skill Locked: Killing Spree][Skill Locked: Lethal Assassination][Skill Locked: Absolute Silence]

[Requirements]Only those willing to prove their true loyalty may walk the path of the assassin.

The first rite: cutting off a finger, a symbol of irreversible commitment.

Now for the million-dollar question. "Do I have to cut my finger off with the gauntlet's dagger, or does it not matter what I use?" Daniel murmurs thoughtfully.

His words instantly trigger an alert in Neo, who rushes off to retrieve her finger-chopping axe. Her eyes sparkle with excitement as she hurries back to him, moving like a child eager to receive candy.

Daniel, seeing her so enthusiastic, shakes his head.

"Sorry, Neo, but I think this is something I have to do myself."

Neo's face shifts instantly from a radiant smile to absolute heartbreak. She tries to protest, opening and closing her hands rapidly, gesturing in frustration that this wasn't the deal, but Daniel is no longer looking at her.

Focused, he puts the glove on his right hand and carefully draws the hidden blade. The edge gleams under the light. It's sharp—sharp enough to make a clean cut without any trouble… or so he hopes.

He takes a deep breath. Places his left hand on the table, fingers spread.

After much thought, he's decided the ring finger is the best candidate for sacrifice.

"Have the medkit ready," he tells Neo, not taking his eyes off his hand.

But Neo doesn't move. She crosses her arms and looks away, pretending not to hear."Neo, please..."She huffs in annoyance but finally obeys. With a sour expression, she goes to get the first aid kit and slams it onto the table.

Daniel swallows hard. Adrenaline starts coursing through his body as he places the blade against his finger. His breathing quickens."AHHHH!"With a scream, he braces himself. He pushes the blade...And at the last second, he stops."I can't," he says, pulling the knife away before it touches his skin. He sighs, his heart still pounding."It's not worth it," he mutters, slipping the blade back into his glove.

He's about to pull his hand away when—BAM!Neo's axe slams down onto the table with force, making a clean cut.

A moment of absolute silence.

Daniel's eyes slowly move downward. There it is.His ring finger, separated from his hand.

"AHHHH, FUCK!"He jumps to his feet, clutching his left hand and staring at the empty space where his finger used to be. The pain is immediate and searing, making him grit his teeth."WHAT THE HELL, NEO?!" he shouts, furious.

Neo just shrugs. With a calm expression, she lifts the first aid kit as if to say: "You can keep screaming or you can patch yourself up, but not both."

Daniel glares at her, breathing heavily. He'd love to throw a string of insults her way, but the burning pain in his hand reminds him that priorities come first.

He's about to pick it up when—Daniel's freshly severed finger begins to float.

Both he and Neo watch as it slowly rises, spinning through the air repeatedly while faint celestial trumpets play in the background.

The finger glows with an intense golden light before exploding into a shower of tiny, shimmering sparks.

And just like that, in an instant… he's gone.

[Congratulations! Requirements met.]

Skill Unlocked: Killing Spree - Level 1"Throw a weapon at a distant enemy to deal 100% direct assassination damage. Can be chained once."

Skill Unlocked: Lethal Assassination"Launch a stealth attack with lethal precision, dealing 200% assassination damage. The enemy must be within range and there can be no active conflict."

Skill Unlocked: Absolute Silence"Move with the silence of a shadow. Reduces noise in movements and assassinations."

Daniel ignores the messages completely. He doesn't have time to read any of this right now.

He's bleeding out.

He rushes to grab the berry juice, drinking it in large gulps as the wound on his finger begins to close.

When the cut finally heals completely, he checks his hand.

Yeah. He definitely doesn't have a finger anymore.


And to top it off… he can't even use those skills right now. He has no way to test them on anyone.

Well… maybe on Neo…

The thought crosses his mind for a second, but he dismisses it immediately. He knows perfectly well that he can't beat her.

With a frustrated sigh, he takes off his gloves and tosses them into his bag.

"Fucking missions..." he mutters as he leaves the room.

Several minutes pass before Daniel pulls himself together.

He returns to the room where Neo is playing around with Aegis. But as soon as she sees Daniel enter, she puts Aegis aside and immediately walks over to him.

"Are you okay?" she signs.

Daniel watches her for a moment before nodding.

"I'm fine."

The anger has already faded.

After all, he was the one who called Neo to join him in this activity. At the time, he thought it would be fun to have more people involved, and either way… he had already planned to cut off his finger.

He takes a deep breath. There's no point in dwelling on it. Or at least, he'd rather not.

What matters now is moving forward.

"Ready for the gachapon?" he asks.

Neo lights up immediately. Her expression says it all: "Of course I am!"

For a moment, he had thought maybe he'd gone too far… but seeing Daniel's relaxed attitude, she knows everything is fine. [It's not.]

Besides, she always wanted to see exactly where the items came from.

She already saw how the gloves were formed, but she hopes something much more interesting appears this time.

Daniel doesn't waste any more time.

"Start all gachapon pulls," he orders the system.

At least this can't get any worse… right?

[1 hour later][Roman's Hideout]

Roman Torchwick stands outside one of his many hideouts, smoking irritably. He's looking for Neo. That damn girl disobeyed his orders.

He explicitly told her to stop bringing her boy toys to his hideouts, and yet, here she was again. And not just that—she mobilized more than a dozen of his goons and vehicles… for what?

For what, according to his sources, was the relocation of her favorite boy toy.

He grits his teeth. This is humiliating. His people, his resources, used as nothing more than glorified furniture movers.

Annoyed, he kicks the door open and steps inside the hideout. It's empty, which doesn't surprise him. Neo has the damn habit of clearing out the places she hangs around with that brat.

He exhales sharply, rubbing his temple. He can't believe he's thinking this, but—That kid is a bad influence on Neo.

Quickly, he strides through the hideout, feeling an odd sense of déjà vu. A chill runs down his spine as he reaches the farthest door.

The light is on—he knows because colorful lights flicker erratically through the cracks, accompanied by loud, blaring music.

Roman frowns, takes a breath, and pushes the door open.

He was not prepared for this, and he has no fucking clue what's going on.

His brain struggles to process the scene, but there's too much happening at once. The first thing that catches his attention is the most absurd: a dead chimpanzee in the corner.

He blinks, expecting the image to disappear. It doesn't.

Why the hell is there a dead chimpanzee? Where did it come from? How did it end up there? And why does it look like it has a gunshot wound to the chest?

He tries to ignore it, but his gaze keeps wandering around the room, finding more problems.

A hole in the ceiling, burned clean through, like a lightning bolt had struck from above. To the side, a warped metal pipe, almost as if it had been used to channel the discharge.

Further ahead, a perfectly stacked pile of papers stands out in the middle of the chaos. "Since when is there a fucking office in my hideout?"

And then there's the chair. Resting on it: a lobster and a potato with a device attached to it. And he feels like they're watching him.


Roman grits his teeth. No, he's not going to ask.

But nothing, absolutely nothing, prepares him for the abomination happening in the center of the room.

His body tenses, his eyes widen.

Daniel is pole dancing.

The bastard is putting on a full stripper performance, using a makeshift metal pole fixed between the floor and ceiling. Neo, right beside him, is throwing bills. A lot of bills.

Roman feels his breath leave him.

His hideout, turned into a fucking brothel.

He wants to scream, but his throat locks up. He wants to move, but his feet refuse. All he can do is stand there, paralyzed, as Daniel keeps moving with terrifying precision.

With a smooth, agile motion, he grips the pole and spins in a spiral, flexing his legs effortlessly. Then, with a strength he should not have, he launches into an inverted spin, hanging upside down, arms stretched out, legs wrapped around the metal.

"The son of a bitch is good. Too good." Roman thinks.

He transitions into an aggressive spin, using the pole as an axis while his body forms a perfect circle in the air—every movement precise, fluid, defying gravity with impossible ease.

Roman shudders, disgusted, amazed, and strangely hypnotized.

Almost without realizing it, he pulls out his wallet. A bill slides between his fingers before reality slams into him.

With a growl, he shoves the wallet back into his pocket, slams the door shut, and gets the fuck out of there.

He's not staying. Something here is deeply wrong, and he doesn't want to find out what.


Author's Note:This got really long, so I split it. Still short on time, but at least I managed to write this, which is more than I can say for my other fanfic. Oh well. Hope you liked it! Leave a comment—I love reading them! If I can, I'll upload the next part during the week.

Kisses and hugs.