To Be Worthy

Magic, by definition, was the manipulation of supernatural energies, particularly Essence Energy, to achieve intentional tangible results. From casting spells to enhancing one's body, magic was a versatile system that was very integral to the world that Marilyn lived in.

Essence Energy by itself was the most fundamental force that permeated throughout the world. It was the core foundation that composed it, and magic was the art of manipulating this very force to one's own will.

That was the summary of what had been taught to Marilyn ever since this lesson began.

The font of magic was considered to be a special thing for humans, and in turn for Robert as well. It was why he had become so obsessed with the art of using it. And despite his admittedly limited potential to manipulate Essence, he was far more than capable in teaching those that did.

"Magic is a world of visualisation, to wish from your very subconscious and soul for something to be manifested into reality." He explained, "It's a world of understanding, as the more you understand why a phenomenon happens, you would be able to wield it to your whims."

Marilyn had been listening closely to his lecture, sitting upon a rather fancy lawn chair. As promised, it had been exactly one day since his declaration to teach her. Safe to say, the man was quite passionate, if his excitement yesterday hadn't been used as obvious evidence already.

"Of course, us humans didn't have equal talents to manipulate magic in the first place, even those that could were not equal." He said, having been walking back and forth all this time, his tone cheerful and wise. "Almost every race had the highest of highest and the lowest of lows, but they all had different reasons as to why that was the case."

"What about us?" Marilyn asked him, tilting her head cutely, raising her right hand.

"Glad you asked!" He exclaimed, stopping in his stride to kneel and face her. He even booped her nose. "Our maximum potential was always decided by several factors, but chance was also a major one. I just hope that your potential far surpasses mine, Marilyn."

She smiled at that, maybe she could have that kind of potential, probably. It was a matter of chance after all.

"Now! Please do stand up, as I want you to do something simple for me." He said, "I want you to conjure light, any kind, as long as you could do it."

She nodded, getting off of the lawn chair and landing upon the stone path of the manor's front garden. She followed the gesture that Robert mimed for her to do, to hold her hands in front of her chest. Like holding a large bowl of water.

"Now…close your eyes, and visualise what you wished for, visualise the light of your dream and very soul."

She did so, as told by her father she closed her eyes. And with a voluntary deep breath, she entered her own mind.

The noises of the world deafened, and all her focus was put onto this very moment. In turn, the world lost all of its colour, though really this was the product of her mind focusing her perception upon herself.

And so, she began her quest of unlocking her very potential.

What was her wish, truly? To help people, to be strong for them, to be like her father. A capable person, to whom people could rely on whenever needed.

A childish wish one could say, if they were cynical. But it was one that was her own. It had always been her wish to be someone useful and strong, and that shall be so.

What was her dream, truly? Her dream was one of the things people could consider to be noble, but wide-reaching in its vastness, and vague in its depth. It was to say thank you to the world for the second chance it brought to her, and to repay it by being someone that could help in preserving it.

But really, the simplest form of this dream…was to say thank you to her two parents, to her older sister, to her maid and guardian. To thank them for everything. To be worthy of the happiness, love, and acceptance they gave ever since her birth.

She had thought of this dream to be something long-term, to be something that only at the end of her life could truly be achieved, when she would become satisfied with what she had done for them and in their name.

But…what was her soul, truly? What shall it be? What kind of light would it have?

The soul had been a very vague notion to think and discuss about. In both worlds, her past and current ones. It had been more of a philosophical field of study in her past life, but it was also literal when it came to the world that she lived in now.

The notion, idea, and very concept of the soul…she remembered now, she comprehended its existence. When she saw it through the Eyes of Heaven.

Eyes…of Heaven.

Now that she questioned it, why did she see creation unfolding before her eyes? What kind of insanity was that? Was it a sort of gift?

…Perhaps it truly was. It was just that her mindset could not allow her to comprehend it all. But her eyes would've been capable if it did let her understand it all. It would truly be a spectacle to behold.

Despite the unknown variables of the mystery that was that memory, Marilyn grasped by the straws of this gift, in remembrance of it. She attempted to understand the light that her soul shall conjure.

She remembered the light of a star that shined during the first moment of creation. She remembered thousands of them, tens of thousands even, shining before her. The light of a star that had been born even before the platonic concept of light…or that it was platonic, eternal and true.

The light of beginning, representing the very second chance she had been given to her now.

That was what she visualised.

Her eyes opened, both her physical and conceptual. The silver eyes that she had gave way to azure starlight upon her pupils, and within her two hands the light that she had visualised from her very soul was conjured.

Multi-coloured light, shining in its brilliance, much like the light of a star. Swirling in its rainbow-esque appearance, vast in its untapped potential. A true representation of what she could do.

"By the gods…!"

Robert had witnessed it first-hand, the potential of his youngest daughter being shown in front of his very eyes. With this, she could certainly become one of the greatest in this nation…no, perhaps even the world itself.

For one so young, to be capable of this. It was very much a once-in-a-lifetime thing.

He laughed in excitement, holding upon her small wrists as he knelt down before her, truly happy that his beloved daughter could be this talented.

Marilyn was happy too, chuckling even. And though her focus had switched, and in turn the light disappeared, it was truly a momentous occasion.

The mother of her youngest had been watching from the floor above, sitting upon her chair in her and her husband's shared bedroom, drinking her tea. A melancholic smile was present, a tear falling down from her cheek.

"Mrs. Althorn, may I ask what's wrong?" Bethany would ask, standing next to her, observing the scene too happening below.

Both Marilyn and her father had practically run inside, it wouldn't take long before they brought the good news to them directly. But Anna felt a bit…nervous.

"I feel inadequate, Bethany." She said, looking down at herself as she placed the tea cup upon the table.

Those words brought Helena's attention too, who was just enjoying the sweets present right across from her. "Hmm?" She would respond.

"Did I do something wrong for her to ignore me like this?" Anna continued, "For six years…she ignored me. I thought it was simply a quirk in her behaviour, but to think that it was not true…that she could interact normally with her own father and sister, and you…I feel like it was me who was in the wrong."

That's certainly a cause for concern for the maid, who also looked down in deep thought. But before she could make a comment on it, Helena answered first.

"Mother, I disagree! You should probably go talk to her and see for yourself!"


"Marilyn is a kind girl, I know that. Maybe if you have a heart-to-heart with her, both of you could understand each other!"

Bethany was a bit surprised at the mature advice the child gave to her own mother, but looking at her and then back to Anna…

"I would agree, that's the best course of action. Perhaps you should prepare yourself first, but I just know this could work."

Anna raised an eyebrow, it felt like it was too good to be true. She wouldn't think this kind of thing could be solved that quickly, but as she understood it, everything was a process. This could perhaps be a start of that, a healing of their bond.

It's a sort of gamble she would have to take, to say the least. But knowing the support of both the maid and her eldest daughter, a new hope arose for her. If she could communicate her love for her youngest, and in turn have her confirm her love for her own mother, then that would be enough. She could finally rest afterwards.

"Is that right…?" Anna said to herself, smiling a little as she sighed, her confidence showing again. "Alright then, I will consider it. Thank you, both of you, for understanding."

Helena had a toothy smile, giggling a little, showcasing bits of cake stuck in her teeth from all that sweet-chomping. Bethany simply bowed in respect, and in hopes that her mistress could succeed in her endeavour. The both of them wished their superior the best.