To Begin in Earnest

[Object Identified: Violet Flower.

The violet can signify "Modesty" and "Humility" and is often looked upon as a sign of innocence for a plant. Bunches of violets were hence used as gifts for newlyweds. Violets are symbolic of faith, mystical awareness, inspiration, spiritual passion, profuseness and sovereignty.]

"Hmm, that seems about right."

Those were the words said by Marilyn, the moment she scanned her first actual object with her newfound activated ability: Eyes of Heaven. The ability that had been granted to her when she saw creation before her eyes apparently, at least that's what was said to her by Sophia, and what she had suspected all those years ago during her first day using magic.

Now that she remembered it, one of the highlights of her friendship with Violet was that they played video games together, in her home whenever the past version of her was visiting. It made feel a tad bit happy at the thought, the Eyes of Heaven being a reminder of that memory.

A bit of pride and confidence was still present within her at least, now that she can have something to call her own. Not her potential in magic, which she suspects to be something not that rare in the grand scheme of things. Nor would it be her immortality, for she doesn't want to take pride in an ability exploited upon death.

But an ability that lets her understand the world better…with it being considered a unique gift, that's something that would certainly make her feel proud.

She could finally feel stand out, and it would make it easier for her to feel useful. Knowledge is power, afterall.

"Now let's see…"

A white butterfly flew right across her eye, catching her attention, and it would perch upon her nose shortly after. She was calm, and her eyes glowed a starry azure, scanning the insect that's right in front of her point blank.

[Object Identified: Cabbage White Butterfly

A common species of butterfly found in Albion. Some say white butterflies represent purity, innocence, and healing. Others would say that a white butterfly passing by represented the spirits of deceased loved ones.]

She smiled at that. A rather good description, so she internally thanked the ability for giving it to her. Soon enough the butterfly would fly away high into the sky, with Marilyn herself seeing it go quite peacefully.

She wondered, what could possibly happen now…

What would Violet think of this? Of her new life? Obviously she would be happy for her…but what words would she say?

'Congratulations on living a happy second life?' or perhaps something along the lines of 'God bless you, and sorry for not being there enough for you in your previous life?'

Violet was a religious person. It was just not obvious that she was. She believed in her faith and lived by it. She was almost perfect in Marilyn's own eyes. Like the Violet flower itself.

"I always wondered what you would think of me now…friend." She said, to a disembodied and intangible thing. She had a vain hope she would listen, but that might be impossible to do.

But in any case, for the current moment, Marilyn would decide to depart from the village garden, having arrived here about five minutes ago from the mystical door that was conjured.

Many flowers are present upon her wake, and she took care enough to walk gently in order to avoid hurting them. She felt peaceful and in her element here, calm and collected.

Nonetheless, that would be the end of her little experiment, and she would leave the garden in full to reunite with the others.


"So she just left with no reason?"

"That's essentially it, Mr. Althorn."

Two people are currently talking to each other, Robert and Bethany. Mr. Bell had just recently left the two of them to give the lost cat Robert found back to his nephew. It had just been about fifteen minutes or so since Marilyn's departure from the village square, but the mood she left it on was quite worrying. Enough so for Bethany to call for her lady's father.

"I see…looks like we'll just have to wait, then. It might be something personal to her, you know?"

Bethany was in deep thought, mildly distressed from it all. But she trusted her older cousin to have the correct advice for this matter. He always does.

Although, as soon as their conversation ended, the subject of their discussion soon arrived.

"What's going on?" She spoke.

"Ohh, there you are! Bethany was very worried about you." Her father turned to her, a bit nonchalant, but quite happy.

"My lady, did you find what you need?" Bethany turned around as well.


She thought about it for a moment, as the two elders before her stood and watched. It was a weird question to ask of her, but it somehow fits into the journey she just had recently.

Truly, did she find what she needed? The answers that she sought after?

Sophia said she wouldn't reveal anything until the time was right. Even her status as a 'Chosen Person' was incredibly vague and poorly understood by her.

So really, there would only be one answer here that was deemed appropriate.

"No…I didn't."

The maid was a bit saddened, but kept a straight expression, "I see."

"But I found something to call my own. Not my supposed magic potential—"

"I meeaann, compared to me or your predecessors, you're definitely the highest amongst the bloodline." Her father interjected, but Marilyn continued.

"Nor is it my circumstance either. I figured a lot of happy children are present in this world, too." She wouldn't want to reveal her other gift, that only Bethany would ever know now.

"So…what did you find?" The maid would ask her.

"A way to understand, to know things better." She said, "You could say it's a new perspective of sorts."

"What do you mean by that?"

The maid asked again, but Marilyn didn't want to reveal it. She already knew of her apparent immortality, but she would want to keep this secret between herself…and The White Rabbit, who she had no way to hide it from currently.

"I suppose this will remain my secret, just know that it's something positive, Bethany."

Bethany widened her eyes at the proposition, but smiled, bowing before her.

"You're a strong person, my lady. Remember that." She said, standing up straight again, "I hope this newfound perspective for you could serve you well onwards."

Marilyn nodded, "Thank you, for saying that."

Robert just looked on at the two conversing, but decided to chime in afterwards.

"Well….I figured we should just head back home, then? This was certainly a weird day, from how it ended, at least." He said that, afterwards looking at the setting sun.

Marilyn arrived here prior to the early evening, but now it's entering that stage of the day after her debacle.

"I think every day is a weird day with how I do things here…" Marilyn retorted.

"Well you're certainly right about that, everyday with you folk is unique!"

A certain fact, a certain new founding. Marilyn felt her happiest in quite a while now. She just knew that everything else after this would be a new chapter for her.

Her past ended with a tragedy. Her second childhood began with a process of healing from that tragedy. And now, in her teenage years once again, Marilyn had suspected that her journey could finally begin in earnest.