Setting(dark plan)

[Chapter 18]

Veronica's face turned pale, but she masked her displeasure as usual.

David must be worried about her health.

Veronicasmiled and said softly, "David, you really don't have to worry about me.

I am fine." David looked a little cold.

When he saw Veronica's pitiful look, he turned his face away without saying anything.

He was still hovering around Julie.

With a distant smile, Julie said, "Your sweetheart is waiting for you.

Go be with her." Julie had had enough.

These two were free to do all their lovey-dovey stuff here. 

As for her, she wanted to leave right away.

Julie was so tired that she feared she might faint at any moment.

Seeing Julie's red eyes, David felt a pang of pain in his heart.

"L.." David began, but then stopped on second thought "It doesn't matter!" Suddenly, Veronicaopened her mouth and said softly, "David, I know what you mean, but you really do not have to force Julie to apologize to me.

I'm willing to let this slide.

Just let her go." Julie was stunned.

These words brought Julie back to her senses.

Her heart sank to her stomach.

She looked at the man in front of her as if he were a stranger.

So, David was refusing to let her go because she hadn't apologized to Veronica? Damn it! Julie smiled bitterly.

It turned out that this was the so-called favor.

He was so unreasonable that he turned a blind eye to the truth.

David was so unfair.

Her side of the story didn't matter to him.

She was always wrong in his eyes.

At the thought of this, Julie's smile turned cold.

Julie looked at David and asked, "You want me to apologize?" David hadn't expected Veronicato say that.

It was the wrong assumption, so when he saw how Julie looked at him, his heart ached even more.

He was about to say something when Julie shook off his hand.

She walked to Veronicaand lowered her head.

Julie said, "I'm sorry, Veronica." A strange weight fell on Julie as soon as she lowered her head.

She could almost hear the sound of her bones cracking.

She knew that the self-confidence that she struggled to build had just collapsed within her.

Anyway, it didn't matter.

This could be a blessing in disguise.

She had to be completely shattered before she could be reborn.

With that thought in mind, she approached Veronicaand bent over.

She then said with a menacing smile, "I promise you, Veronica.

You'll suffer what I suffered." Veronica's face changed.

If David wasn't here, Veronicawould have jumped out of the wheelchair and pounced on Julie now.

Julie straightened up and looked at David.

"Satisfied? Can I leave now?" David's handsome face darkened.

Julie couldn't understand why he was still unhappy after she already apologized.

But she couldn't care less now.

They were going to be strangers, starting tomorrow.

Julie took off the ring on her finger and threw it at David with a straight face.

"Let's meet at the court tomorrow, Mr.

William." There was a dead silence.

The only sound that was heard came from the ring when it hit the floor.

David's face darkened even further.

He stared at the ring with the expression of someone who was about to go on a killing spree.

"Julie! Have you really made up your mind?" His voice was colder than the devil's.

However, the faint sadness in his eyes was still noticeable.

Julie was surprised to see it, but she soon felt she was imagining things.

How could David be sad by her decision? He always wanted to be with Veronica, so he should be happy now.

"Yes, I have." After giving that straightforward answer, Julie turned around and left without a backward glance.

The air seemed to drop to zero now.

Veronicabegan to shiver.

She held her breath for fear of annoying David further.

It took Matteo a while to recover from the shock.

When he did, he picked up the ring and handed it to David.

He knew that this ring meant a lot to David.

For the longest time, David hung it on a necklace that he always wore.

"Throw it away.

It's useless now." David pulled on a calm expression as he spoke word by word.

Although he didn't look as frightening as before, his aura was still cold.

He was like an ice king whose stare alone could freeze anyone on the spot.

Matteo couldn't bring himself to throw away something so precious.

He made up his mind to keep it safe instead.

"David..." Veronicamoved over to David in her wheelchair.

Holding his hand, she said in a low voice, "That is your grandma's ring, right? And Julie just threw it to the floor just like that.

She doesn't cherish it at all." Veronicahad wanted that ring for a long time, but David refused to give it to her.

She never expected him to give it to Julie.

Veronicasqueezed David's hand subconsciously.

A vicious light sparked in her eyes.

Still unwilling to make any intimate contact with Veronica, David withdrew his hand with a frown.

Veronica's expression froze for a second.

All of a sudden, something occurred to David.

He shot Veronicaa cold look, making her shiver in fear.

"Did you tell Julie that I bought you a ring?" he asked, his voice chilly.

Veronica's face turned pale.

Suppressing the panic in her heart, she bit her lower lip and said, "How could I? | bought the diamond ring for my aunt due to her upcoming birthday.

Is there a problem?" David's eyes slanted as he looked at her.

"You know I hate people who play tricks in my presence the most.

I told you to choose whatever you like, but some things are off the shelf now." It was as if he emptied a basin of cold water on Veronicanow.


Did he find out what she did? But even if she provoked Julie with words, so what? David was always so doting.

He never frowned at her before.

But in recent times, he became suspicious of her and even questioned her.

It was all Julie's fault! That bitch deserved to die! Veronicawas on the brink of losing her temper, but when she remembered Jocelyn's advice, she took in a deep breath.

With tearful eyes, she opened WhatsApp and held out her phone to him.

She uttered, "Are you suspecting me? If you don't believe me, check it yourself!" It was a chat history of her asking her aunt's opinion about the ring a few days ago.

David's face softened a little.

He sighed.

"Fine!" "David, it's still me, Veronica.

How could you think of me like that? Your divorce is getting finalized tomorrow.

Why would I feel the need to do such a thing?" Veronicasaid and began to cry sadly.

"Stop crying, will you? Remember that the doctor said emotional stress is bad for your health?" David cautioned her.

"But I can't help it! You are hurting me, David.

You and I go way back, yet you still don't trust me.

What's the point of me getting better? I'd rather die..." Veronicacried so hard that her body shook violently and she could barely breathe properly.

"Come on, stop talking about death! I'll make sure you get better." David squeezed her shoulder comfortingly.

"David, can we get married tomorrow?" Veronicalooked up with her teary eyes filled with expectation.

Yet, David's eyes darkened.

He didn't respond to her proposal.

Shamelessly, Veronicaacted pitiful again.

"Well, | never expected to marry you in this life.

It's fine though.

1 can die a happy woman now." "This again? I thought I just told you to stop talking about death!" Exasperated, David handed her a handkerchief to wipe her tears.

He then said, "Let's get you to the hospital." He asked Matteo to look after Veronica.

Then, he went to the parking lot to drive out the car.

For some reason, David didn't want to be left alone with Veronica.

Her crying didn't even make him sad or sympathetic.

He just found it very annoying.

Veronica's crying ceased and she collapsed back in the wheelchair after David left.

Jocelyn was right.

David wasn't a man to be fooled easily.

Fortunately, she had prepared a fake chat.

Thinking of all that happened after her return, Veronicabegan to panic again.

It appeared David changed once the divorce was brought up.

He became irritable, uneasy, and impatient with her.

Did he not want to divorce Julie? Had he fallen in love with her? Veronica's face turned as white as a ghost.

She kicked the sofa next to her.

A shopping bag fell and got stuck near the wheelchair.

Her eyes zeroed in on it.

This shopping bag was the same one Julie had clutched tightly just now.

She must have forgotten it.

Wait a minute! The brand name was familiar! Veronicatilted her head.

Soon, she remembered the brand was for a maternal and infant store! Matteo, who was on the phone, had his back to Veronica.

She quietly picked up the shopping bag and looked inside.

Her face fell instantly.

After a moment of shock, she dumped the bag in the trash can hurriedly.

Baby clothes! Was Julie pregnant? How...

How did that happen? Where...


Veronica's mind was in a muddle.

She held her head and tried to think straight.

Judging by Davidl's words a while back, he wasn't aware of Julie's pregnancy.

Getting rid of Julie's baby should be easy.

A menacing expression appeared on Veronica's face.

Her eyes glistened with evil.

Veronicaknew Julie was standing in the way of her rekindling passion with David from the first day.

Anyway, she would deal with Julie slowly once their divorce was finalized!