He Never Did...

[Chapter 85]

She took a deep breath and headed to the bathroom to freshen up.

Out of nowhere, a loud crash echoed through the ward.

Julie's heart jumped.

She bolted from the bathroom to find David near the door, a toppled chair at his feet.

"David?" At the sound of her voice, David turned, and his eyes lit up instantly at the sight of her.

Without a word, he crossed the room and wrapped her in a hug so tight it made her ribs hurt.

Julie squirmed, trying to loosen his grip.

David said abruptly, "I thought you'd run off again." Hearing what David said, Julie's face changed.

What did he mean by that? She gently gave him a push and said with genuine concern, "Let me go first.

You're injured." However, David only held her tighter and, almost sulkily, muttered, "I promise I won't lay a finger on him." "What do you mean?" Julie asked, confused.

"Henley." It was only now that Julie understood what David was getting at.