Someone came

[Chapter 90]

David was still recovering from injuries, with doctors advising against strenuous activities for at least a week.

Yet he made demands almost daily.

To help him with his recovery, Julie promised to fulfill his desires so long as he complied with medical advice.

She'd even consulted it with the doctor.

It would be fine for them to make out as long as the movements were not too violent during these two months.

If he was insistent, she'd plead with David to take it easy and gentle.

Upon reaching the nursing house, Julie noticed the disheveled nurse, Kendra, sitting outside the ward, her face half-swollen.

When Kendra saw her, tears sprang to her eyes.


Megan, I was about to call you.

A man claiming to be a relative tried to feed the patient cake.

When I objected, he grabbed my head and slapped me in the face..." Julie's expression shifted dramatically.