Bad Things

[Chapter 108]

Tessa held the newspaper in her hand and looked at it.

On the front page, there was a piece of eye- catching news.

"One secret in Ardlens was revealed.

A fake socialite lives a shameless life." It wasn't a long article.

But Tessa's full name was written in bold letters, and her background was mentioned in detail.

The article had dug up all the dissoluteness of her life when she was young and studying abroad.

The most ridiculous thing was that such a well-known newspaper company only blurred Tessa's hair.

Her face was clearly exposed.

And each photo seemed especially chosen for the article.

Aside from all kinds of postures, there was also one photo of her at a party with three men.

She looked very dissolute in the photo.

She was wilder than those pornographic stars in movies and magazines.

Tessa's face turned red in anger.