Get Rid...

[Chapter 110]

Henley had been her knight in shining armor more than once.

The thought that his life and career could be finished because of her left her tied up in knots.

Therefore, she was sleepless the entire night, gnawing on the fear that David might lash out at Henley.

The maid noticed Julie's dwindling appetite and kept persuading her to eat more.

In just a few days, Julie had lost noticeable weight.

Unable to take the anxiety any longer, Julie finally asked the maid, "Could I borrow your phone for a moment?" The maid hesitated.

David had made it clear that Julie was not allowed to leave or contact anyone.

But as Julie had been in low spirits in the past two days, the maid figured that one phone call would not hurt, especially since it could cheer Julie up.

With that, she handed over her phone and retreated to the kitchen.

Julie could not recall Henley's number, but Nicole's was etched in her memory.