Concerned about the child

[Chapter 115]

Upon hearing the news, David's grip on the steering wheel tightened instantly.

Anxiously, he inquired, "What happened?" Jocelyn replied between sobs, gasping for air, "Veronica stood up, felt lightheaded, and tumbled down the stairs." "Have you called for an ambulance?" "Yes, it's on the way." Then, a melodramatic wail from Veronica filled the air.

"Ah, my head, my legs...

Where's David? I want to see him..." The feigning in her cry was unmistakable.

Julie felt disgusted.

David, oblivious as ever, fell for this act again.

"Which hospital are you taking her to?" David inquired.

Listening to this, Julie decided she had no reason to linger in the vehicle any longer.

It was better to exit on her own terms than to be forcibly ejected later.

She unbuckled her seatbelt, stepped out of the car, and proceeded to walk away.

David had broken her phone.