
[Chapter 120]

She knew very well that David was a neat freak.

How could he eat her leftovers? .

What was more, he even took the initiative to wash the dishes after dinner.

As he stood in the small kitchen, the surroundings looked a little resplendent.

Suddenly, David turned around.

Julie hurriedly turned her head away, but he still caught her watching him.

She was about to run away when he suddenly grabbed her waist.

He hugged her and looked at her deeply.

"I gave you my first time. You have to be responsible." Julie blushed even more.

"How can you be so shameless?"

David reached out and raised her chin. His charming eyes scanned her pretty face.

"What are you thinking? I'm talking about my first time eating leftovers and washing dishes." Julie pouted.

"You! You said it on purpose." Julie exposed him relentlessly.

He deliberately led her to think wrong.