Did you forget..?

[Chapter 127]

Just as Julie was about to call David for the third time, she hesitated and chose to send a text instead.

"Honey, are you free right now?" She rarely used that endearment, but David liked it whenever she called him that.

Feeling buoyed by their candid conversation last night, Julie figured being a little sweet would not hurt.

She imagined David might be tied up with work but would smile when he saw her message.

Nearly half an hour had passed since she sent the text.

Still, no response came.

Julie found herself glancing at her phone more often than she would like to admit.

It was like having a rock in her shoe, and her focus kept drifting back to her phone.

At last, her phone buzzed.

She eagerly checked, only to find a message from Nicole, asking if she wanted to hit the town for drinks.

Figuring a night out was better than stewing in her own thoughts, Julie agreed.