
[Chapter 129]

A deafening silence filled the villa.

Julie noticed that the maid was nowhere in sight.

The maid usually still had not gone to bed at this time.

She shrugged it off and made her way upstairs to look for her suitcase.

Moonlight spilled into the room through open curtains, so she did not need to turn on the light.

She opened the cabinet door and was surprised to see that her suitcase, the one she had stowed away before, missing, Click.

The light flicked on, illuminating the room.

David slowly approached her, his handsome face shadowed by a gloomy expression.

"What are you looking for?" Julie was startled.

She wondered how long he had been standing here, like a ghost lurking in the shadows.

Wasn't he supposed to be at Veronica's birthday party? But that didn't matter now.

"Where's the maid?" Julie questioned.