C34 Warpath

"It was a man named Dracula Von Death apparently he seemed to be Mr. Eclipse's granddaughter's boyfriend and this didn't sit well with the young master, apparently he d*ugged miss. Hope and proceeded to take her back to his suit only to get noticed by the man, the end result Is this."

Mr. Da said while motioning with his hand toward the unconscious little Tang.

Mr. leis jaw tightened, and he closed his eyes for a moment, trying to contain the surge of emotions.

Eclipse was a man of immense power and connections. Directly targeting him would cause a lot of problems but Dracula...Dracula could be dealt with.


He spat the name, his voice dripping with venom completely Ignoring the fact that his own son d*ugged and almost r*ped Eclipse's granddaughter which was the man's reverse dragon scale.

"I'll make him pay. I'll make him suffer for what he did to my son."

He turned to Mr. Da, his eyes cold and calculating.

"I want you to find out everything about this Dracula. Where he goes, who he talks to, his weaknesses. I want him brought to his knees."

"Yes, sir. I'll start immediately."

As Mr. Da left the room, Mr. Lei looked back at his son, his heart aching with a mixture of sorrow and rage. He placed a gentle hand on his son's shoulder, vowing silently to avenge him, not taking his son's actions Into consideration at all.

And why would he? After all It was his son, he couldn't care less what happened to other people.

Hell, It wasn't the first time his son did something like this, and every time he would task Mr. Da to take care of the aftermath.

It was Immoral, unethical, and absolutely evil but so what he and his son were the ones with power and money.

Those poor p*asant class w*men should feel honored of having the privilege of spending a night with his son.


By the time I reached my landing point which was out of the terrorist bases radar detection range.

I had finished 3 packs of cigarettes, I expertly maneuvered the helicopter to land on the ground.

My view changed to night vision because, the sun had already set, once the fixed landing gear touched the ground I powered down the helicopter.

The blades continued to slow down until they completely stopped, I checked the fuel, and there was enough In the tank to make It back.

I jumped out from the pilot seat, and yanked out my crates, after that I quickly took off my clothes revealing my nanocomposite suit-covered body.

I quickly opened up the crates and started attaching my repaired exoskeleton parts and newly painted In the same camo pattern armor plates that were covered with a special mixture of paint that had both anti-EMP and anti-radar properties.

First came the mechanical exoskeleton, as I did the exoskeleton neural cables seamlessly connected to my neural Interfaces.

Next, where the more substantial components. The chest and back armor plate, a robust piece of armor with a built-in life-support system and fusion core, was the first to be equipped.

I expertly secured them onto my exoskeleton with a series of clicks and locks.

Following the chest and back plate, the leg armor was next. Each piece was carefully aligned and attached, encasing my legs in a layer of near-impenetrable protection.

The armor was designed for agility and strength, allowing for extraordinary mobility despite its heavy-duty nature.

The arm pieces, including gauntlets and shoulders, were then attached, I flexed my fingers, testing the power armors responsiveness.

The interface between the base layer, the exoskeleton, and the armor plates allowed for seamless control as if the suit were an extension of my own body.

Although my power armor didn't Increase my agility and strength by much, It still offered a shit load of protection among other things.

As for the need for neural Interfaces that were connected directly to my body's nervous system.

Well without them my power armor wouldn't be able to react to my brain's decision-making speed.

Finally, the fully enclosed helmet, a high-tech piece with an advanced HUD, communication system, and sensory equipment, completed the ensemble.

After admiring the white skull shaped facial part with air filters on both my cheeks sides for a bit I put It on, at first my view was pitch black but the next second It got replaced by a bloodred HUD view while my round visors Inside the skulls eye sockets started glowing bloodred.

As It did my fusion core roared to life with a sound of hissing and cranking while my AI started running power armors self-diagnostics.

Power Armor green.

Life Support green.

Fusion core orange.

Deflector green

While I started attaching my ammunition all over my body, the moment I pressed it against my armor plates the mags and grenades got magnetically locked In place.

Once I was done I grabbed my beloved 30 mm smart assault rifle with an under barrel grenade launcher and other numerous high tech attachments, as I did my AI immediately ran Its diagnostics on my weapons.

Weapons systems green.

It was an overkill but, considering that the hostiles had military vehicles, It would be just right wouldn't It?

Once I was done I faced toward the hostile base direction marked In my crimson view and started running, at full speed I could run 100 kilometers per hour until I dropped dead.

So It didn't take long before I reached the base which was brightly lit with Interior lighting and searchlights scanning the bases fenced perimeter.

Which based on my sensors, had a s*itload of anti-personnel and anti-tank mines buried beneath the ground.

I rapidly decelerated until my hulking body came to a stop, as I did I knelt down on my armored knee and started scanning the base.

"300 In building Alpha, 200 In building Bravo, 100 In building Charlie..."

I muttered to myself as I looked at the heat signatures Inside the buildings, by the looks of It the amount of hostiles was definitely above a company.

But It wasn't at the level of a brigade thou It came close to It.

It's a bit of a waste to use these bad boys here...

I couldn't help but feel my heart bleed as I raised my rifle while lining It up with the 80 mm fisyion grenades projected arched trajectory In my view.

...but It's definitely worth It.

I finished my thought as I gently pressed my rifles under-barrel grenade launchers trigger, causing an 80 mm shell with a mini fission warhead to eject Itself out.

This thing that I scavenged from my battle brothers pod was basically a mini-nuke, I watched the shell make an arc.

Followed by a mini blinding light that didn't affect me at all because my HUD view immediately darkened before the shell exploded, followed by a mini mushroom cloud, and a shockwave.


I quickly took out the spent casing and Inserted another fresh fission shell which I took off from my right upper arms armor plate, In total I brought 9.


Another building got flattened, claiming 200 more lives not counting the collateral kills of the stupefied hostiles that were happily smoking a cigarette just moments ago.

Finally, the sirens blared with alarms, as the hostiles quickly scrambled out of their beds and started putting on their gear.

But there was no way In hell I was going to let this opportunity slip by, I continued to shoot one mini nuke after another.

Until I had eliminated 90 percent of my initial targets, seeing that there was no point In waisting my precious ammunition.

I pressed my rifles stock against my armored shoulder and started sniping high-priority targets such as watchtowers with machine gunner teams, snipers teams, and anti-armor teams.