C54 Wolves Among Sheep

I said as I puffed out a cloud of smoke from my mouth while Hope changed her position on my crossed and placed on the coffee table legs.

"I'm listening"

Chen who already had an Idea of what I was going to offer said as he narrowed his eyes.

"I can ensure a continuous supply of uncontaminated food, what I released Into the market Is only the tip of the Iceberg"

"In exchange I want supplies, weapons, armor, equipment, vehicles, and any relics you find"

I finished my words, and as I did I could see Chen's gray eyebrows furrow themselves.

"If you have the ability to produce uncontaminated food on a large scale, why do you need those things, It doesn't add up and why would a supreme commander a field marshal at that go alone to an unknown city to what?"

"Play Gladiator and whore around with a random street b*tch? From the way, I see It you're just a f*cking washed up delusional cosmic marine that somehow managed to get his hand on some somehow g*d's know how uncontaminated goods that Is trying to pull a fast one on me"

Chen said as he looked at Hope with undisguised disgust In his eyes while heavily slamming his cane Into the wooden floor as a show of authority.

Hearing the fossil call Hope a random street b*tch, I couldn't help but feel wrath overtake me.

As It did the room's temperature seemed to drop Instantly while the overwhelming murderous aura that I was suppressing gushed out from me Instantly causing Hope and everyone else to shiver.

"Now listen very carefully you f*ck..."

I began In a low dangerous voice as In the blink of an eye, I stood up causing Hope to almost fall to the ground, wrapped my hand around Chen's frail neck, and lifted him up to the air.

Seeing this the militants Immediately fixed their Gatling laser guns on me, but they didn't dare start shooting In fear of accidentally hitting their boss.

"...first of all even if my woman was what you claim to be she's still my woman, and no one I mean no one Is allowed to call her that, IS THAT F*CKING CRYSTAL CLEAR TO YOU, YOU F*CK?!"

I asked with a raised tone as I tightened my grin while looking at Chen's black eyes completely Ignoring the fixed on me rotating barrels wit mine whose scleras had turned pitch black.

The more I looked at him the more I felt like sinking my teeth into his pulsating In my ears necks major artery.

"Let go of the president right f*king now or we will gun you down where you stand, is that f*cking clear?! I rep..."

The militants squads commander threatened me but I completely ignored him as I continued to stare into Chen's eyes.

Fear finally settled Into Chen's eyes whose vision was becoming darker by the second because of the lack of oxygen.

As It did he finally spoke up as he did I released my grip, allowing the man to collapse Into his armchair while I sat back down next to Hope who moved to the side.

"Second of all, I'm not just you're f*cking ordinary cosmic marine, seeing that you didn't react upon hearing my name and based on you're temperament you're obviously a civilian..."

I started saying as I looked at the coughing Chen who kept massaging his bruised neck.

"... I also go by the nickname of the prince of death, the massacre of Aivir Is my handiwork, I think you should have heard of It at least"

I finished my words as I did I finally noticed a change of expression on Chen's face while unbeknownst to me my eyes started returning to normal together with my blood vessels which didn't go unnoticed by everyone else.

Despite being only a child, Chen had heard of It after all the event shocked the whole world.

The mangled corpses which had obvious signs of being t*rtured before their death got paraded on steel bars for all to see.

The media quickly associated the method of execution with Vlad the Impaler's most favorite method.

Thus giving the unknown executioner the Infamous moniker of the prince of death.

"Miss I apologize for my words"

Chen Immediately apologized as he slightly bowed his head to Hope.


I said In an ice-cold voice, I could see Chen's face contort In fury but despite that, he still lowered his head even more but I still wasn't pleased, I continued to stare at Chen whose forehead was thick with cold sweat while subconsciously licking my canines only for Hope to whisper Into my ear.

"Drac, enough..."

Hope pleaded on behalf of Chen as she did I snapped out of my trance.

"You're lucky my woman has a soft heart"

I said slowly as I did Chen raised his head and leaned Into his armchair while waving his hand, as he did his soldiers lowered down their left forearms.

"So where are the rest of youre forces?"

Chen asked after he stopped coughing.

"They are on their way together with our supplies of uncontaminated long-shelf term food"

I simply shrugged my shoulders not explaining too much.

"So do we have a deal or not, because If youre not Interested Ill just find someone else, and lets just say It won't be long before you'll lose youre seat of power"

I said as I puffed out a cloud of smoke from my mouth while dusting off my cigarette causing Chen to start frowning because he knew full well that If someone else got their hands on my supplies and established monopoly It would be only a matter of time before he or she becomes the new flying dragon cities overlord.

"Deal when can expect to receive the first shipment?"

Chen asked after making up his mind.

"About a month give or take, my men will contact you then the shipment arrives"

I said as I stood up while grabbing Hope's hand and beelined straight towards our room only to get stopped by the militant's commander.

"Where do you think youre going you c*nt, Im not f*cking done with you"

The 9 feet tall commander Inside his battle suit cursed as he looked down at me only to feel my palm repeatedly strike his fully-enclosed helmet.

"Hey cupcake I eat idiots like you for breakfast so don't f*cking test me"

I said In a low dangerous face as my palm landed on his helmets faces left side causing the man to stagger from the Impact.


The second In command roared as he fixed his gattling gun on me only to hear Chen's order.

"Let them be"

Chen barked as he did the second In command lowered his forearm reluctantly, seeing this I smirked as I left the first floor with Hope leaving Chen all by himself.

Once Dracula left the pimp came over and sat down In front of deep In thought Chen.

"Truthfully I'm surprised that our buggy man didn't snap youre neck little Chen, I guess he really needs those supplies"

Frankenstein who listened to the entire conversation thanks to her advanced sensors and was quite shocked after learning that UNOE was back said as she crossed her bare long perfect synthetic legs.

"Tch! Shut It you old hag"

Chen barked not the least bit pleased at being called little.

"Hey you little s*it, when you were still trying to get laid with that sorry excuse of yours of a d*ck I was busy dissecting human corpses so you better show respect or don't you want a synthetic body anymore?"

Frankenstein threatened Chen who could only grit his teeth In anger at this after all he knew that It was only a matter of time before he kicked the bucket.

So for the past few decades, he had been searching crazily for the materials and technology needed to build a synthetic body like Frankenstein's.

And this was the reason why Frankenstein who promised to build one for him could do as she pleased In the city.