"Flying Dragon City, this is UNOE Dropship Alpha-1, we are friendly! Do not engage, I repeat, do not engage!"
While the co-pilot flicked switches, activating the tail's bottom lazer Gatling gun, the top's lazer Gatling gun, and the fronts bottom laser Gatling gun on auto, the guns swiveled to life, scanning for targets.
"Alpha-1, you are cleared for approach. Watch your 12, the air's swarming with those damn creatures over"
Came the reply from the city.
"Roger that, over"
The pilot acknowledged.
"Hold on tight, everyone we're diving in!"
The dropship's trusters roared as it nosed down, diving into the fray.
The pilot's hands danced over the controls, launching a barrage of multipurpose missiles from the dropship's main wings to clear a path.
Explosions lit up the sky like the fourth of july, tearing through the mass of flying creatures and sending debris raining down.
The auto Gatling guns erupted, spewing laser beams into the horde, the side gunners joined in, their weapons adding to the cacophony of destruction.
"Open the ramp!"
I barked, as I did the master chief hit the ramps open button causing the ramp to lower down.
"Snipers light the f*ckers up!"
I ordered causing the squads snipers to stand up and lie down after extending their massive mass accelerator sniper rifles bipods.
Hope's also joined In as she started sniping flying monsters together with the two snipers whose mass accelerated solid rounds tore apart anything they Impacted.
The dropship shook as it plowed through the aerial onslaught, the auto Gatling guns carving swathes through the enemy ranks.
The ground below was a chaotic mess of writhing bodies and explosions, the city's defenses holding but straining under the pressure.
"Incoming 9 oclock!"
One of the side gunners called out, swiveling his gun to meet the new threat, the pilot swerved, dodging a massive winged creature that lunged at them.
The pilot flipped his sticks safeties and fired the dropships two fixed 40 mm gattling guns shredding the monster Into shreds.
"Almost there!"
The pilot yelled, sweat dripping down his face as he maneuvered the dropship through the chaos.
The dropship's guns continued to blaze, the combined firepower of our team and the city's defenses gradually pushing back the monstrous tide.
The pilot skillfully guided us toward a clear landing zone Inside the city's perimeter.
"Brace for landing!"
The dropship's master chief shouted as the dropship performed a combat landing, touching down with a heavy thud.
"Alright everyone out except you two stay!"
I barked as I did my cosmic marines raised their seats safety ramps and stormed out forming two neat rows while two of them stayed.
"Keep the engines hot just In stance and stay on the radio"
I reminded the master chief as I and Hope exited the dropship and joined the formations fronts.
"Yes sir"
The master chief acknowledged my order as we started walking through the streets.
The streets were filled with despair—beggars everywhere, hollow-eyed and pleading for help.
The air was thick with gloom more than usual, a stark contrast to the last time we were here, Increased patrols of armed guards and militant personnel moved through the streets, a constant reminder of the situation outside the city walls.
"Drac, it's even worse than the last time,"
Hope said, her voice filled with concern as she scanned the surroundings.
I replied, taking in the desolate scene.
"Let's find the doc and get your augmentations."
We made our way through the streets, ignoring the residents' desperate pleas and the grim state of the once-bustling marketplace.
The sound of distant explosions and gunfire echoed in the background, a grim reminder of the constant threat looming over the city.
Finally, we arrived In front of the rundown butcher as we did I ordered my men to stand guard In front.
"Alright lads don't let anyone come In"
I ordered as I took off my helmet.
"Yes sir!"
My battlebrothers answered In unison as they turned around and formed a line.
"Alright let's get this over with"
I muttered as I lightly kicked the doors open, there I saw the doc with electrified hair his legs on his counter snoring loudly with a yellowed p*rn magazine on his face seemingly not the least bit Interested In the chaos outside.
"This guy doesn't change, does he? He's and old pervert through and through"
Hope muttered under her breath while shaking her head, Ignoring her antics I walked over and shook him awake.
"Hey rise and shine"
He jolted awake, cursing as he scrambled to sit up.
"Who the hell—oh, it's you two. What do you want this time?"
The doc grumbled after noticing that It's us.
I placed my hand behind my back and materialized the container, throwing it to him.
"I want this applied to Hope's bones."
The doc caught the container, his eyes widening with fascination.
"Is this... nanocomposite material used for cosmic marines' bones?"
The doc who was becoming bright red just like last time asked.
I nodded.
"Yeah. Can you do it?"
He shook his head, looking hesitant.
"I'm good, but I'm not that good."
"No problem I'll do the procedure,"
I said.
"You just need to assist me like last time"
The doc considered this for a moment before nodding.
"Alright. Follow me."
We walked to the back of the shop, where Hope proceeded to strip and lay down on the surgical table but not before threatening the doc not to have any dirty thoughts.
"No staring oldman"
Hope threatened as she took off her panties and tossed them to the side.
"Hmph! I'm a professional! A professional!"
The doc grumbled back as he prepared the anesthesia, but when he tried to inject it into Hope's neck, the needle bent.
"F*ck! You cosmic marines and youre g*ddamn skin"
He cursed, his eyes wide.
"Lilith, put Hope in a coma,"
I ordered out loud.
Understood sir.
Lilith's voice responded In my mind as she did Hope's eyes fluttered closed as she slipped into a deep sleep.
"Huh? What happened?"
The doc couldn't help but ask.
"I put her In an artificially Induced coma"
I explained nonchalantly as I grabbed a diamond-covered cutter, the only tool that could barely go through Hope's skin, and made the first surgical cut.
We peeled off her skin and muscles with precision, revealing the bones underneath. Carefully, I drilled into her bones and injected the nanocomposite solution, which would permeate through her bones and cover them in a layer of nanocomposite alloy.
We repeated the process for her entire body, working meticulously for hours leaving fresh neat surgical scars made by a laser used for closing wounds, the doc assisted as best as he could, his fascination with the procedure evident in his focused expression.
Finally, we finished the procedure. Normally, Hope would be bedridden for months as her implanted organs slowly completed her body's augmentations and her body healed the Internal damage done to her but, like last time, her system accelerated the process.
"What the hell? Even with youre ridiculous bodies, you should still be bedridden for a while! I mean for f*cks sake we f*cking carved her open and Injected her bones with liquefied alloy! You know what forget It I'm not even surprised anymore!"
The Doc cursed as Hope's eyes opened, and she sat up, looking stronger and more resilient than ever. She checked her status, nodding to herself with satisfaction.
"Hey Drac, can I punch you pretty please?"
She asked, a mischievous grin on her face.
I sighed, knowing what was coming after all I had almost strangled her to death the last time.
"Fine but it's a one-time thing"