Chapter Four

As they exited the elevator, Guo Ming looked around, expecting heavily armed guards and a security checkpoint every few steps, but instead, he saw ordinary office workers carrying files, plush carpets on the floor, and plants in the corners. Everything seemed normal.

"I thought it was going to be some kind of fortress, but it's just a regular office building! Rich people really do like to complicate things. Even taking an elevator requires identity verification," Guo Ming muttered, finally feeling relieved after a thorough inspection.

The four of them walked down the corridor to a closed wooden door at the end, which seemed like the entrance to the CEO's office.

Ni Mu walked up quickly, pushed the door open, and called out loudly, "Old man, you really put us in a bind. You said you were going to Chengdu but changed plans last minute, making Yueci and me arrange a recruitment event just to bring them here. And you? You just sit here comfortably waiting for us."

Ni Mu's words raised suspicions in Guo Ming and Xu Dongzhuo. Even Xu Dongzhuo, who had been somewhat dazed, became alert. The two exchanged glances and stepped into the large office.

The office was about 300 square meters, with a large wooden desk at the end and a panoramic window overlooking the Huangpu River and the Oriental Pearl TV Tower. The floor was covered with a luxurious Persian handmade carpet, and the sofas along the walls were clearly very expensive.

Three people were already waiting inside. Ni Mu, who had entered first, casually poured himself a drink at a small bar in the corner and sat down to rest.

The most striking person among the three was an elderly man in his sixties. He wore a well-fitted traditional Chinese robe, had silver hair, and his slightly squinted eyes radiated wisdom and insight. His kindly face, marked with wrinkles, seemed to tell a story with each line, exuding an aura of wisdom.

He sat quietly on the sofa, raising his eyes to look at the two newcomers without any expression or movement, making Guo Ming and Xu Dongzhuo feel like soldiers standing at attention, unable to move a finger.

Another person was a thin man in his forties with disheveled hair. Despite wearing a designer suit, it was stained and frayed, making him look unkempt. His bright, childlike eyes darted around, constantly examining the two with a slight smile on his lips.

The last person was a well-groomed man in his thirties, with neatly trimmed sideburns that added to his masculine charm. Unlike the scruffy man, he was impeccably dressed and exuded a sharp, competent vibe. Although he appeared scholarly, the contours beneath his suit indicated he was very strong and had likely undergone rigorous combat training.

These two stood behind the elderly man, further emphasizing his extraordinary status.

"Grandpa," Fang Yueci, who had followed them in, said respectfully to the elderly man.

"Hmm, Yueci, you can rest now," the old man, addressed as Fang Lao, smiled kindly.

This old man was Fang Yueci's grandfather? Xu Dongzhuo immediately noted this important information and resolved never to offend him. Guo Ming, on the other hand, wondered if this old man and Fang Yueci had any connection to Fang Chengyi, the president of Nanning Group.

"Hehe... You must be Xu Dongzhuo, and you are Guo Ming, correct? No need to be so formal, come in and sit down," Fang Lao finally smiled after scrutinizing the two for a while and waved them over.

What a setup! How could we not be formal in such a situation? Complaining inwardly, Guo Ming and Xu Dongzhuo reluctantly sat down on the sofa opposite Fang Lao.

"Do you know why you were brought here?" Fang Lao asked after they sat down.

"Isn't it for the internship?" Xu Dongzhuo exchanged a glance with Guo Ming, deciding to play dumb for now.

"Hehe... You two don't seem like fools, why pretend?" Fang Lao laughed heartily.

Embarrassed at being exposed, they were relieved when Fang Yueci brought them drinks, giving them a moment to compose themselves.

Guo Ming licked his lips and tentatively asked, "Xu Dongzhuo and I are just ordinary students without any exceptional abilities. It seems unlikely that the renowned Nanning Group would recruit us for an internship. So, why did you go to such lengths to bring us here?"

"Are you really without exceptional abilities?" Fang Lao leaned forward slightly, looking into their eyes.

Indeed! Guo Ming and Xu Dongzhuo thought simultaneously. Before they could respond, Fang Lao continued, "What are your thoughts on supernatural abilities?"

Fang Lao's question confirmed their suspicions. They had believed their abilities were unknown to others, yet here they were, easily brought to Shanghai. Now, being in the lion's den, they had to see what the other side wanted.

"Well... We used to think it was nonsense, but now... we can't deny it. We haven't thought much beyond that," Xu Dongzhuo said, scratching his head.

Fang Lao turned slightly and said to the disheveled man, "Sun Yi, explain it to them."

The man named Sun Yi nodded, cleared his throat, and began, "Supernatural abilities, commonly known as 'psychic abilities,' were initially categorized under 'spiritual studies' abroad. In 1882, the first recognized 'Society for Psychical Research' was established in the UK, separating these phenomena from spiritual studies and naming them 'parapsychology.'"

"These abilities manifest in two main ways: one, cognitive supernormal phenomena, like 'extrasensory perception,' which includes things like precognition; and two, psychokinesis, where the mind directly influences physical objects, such as telekinesis. There are two main theories about the origins of these abilities: 'innate' and 'acquired.'"

Sun Yi paused to let the information sink in before continuing, "The 'innate' theory suggests some people are born with these abilities, which they might only realize later in life—what we call 'awakening.' The 'acquired' theory posits that ordinary people can develop these abilities through training and practices, such as those employed by some qigong masters."

Ignoring whether Guo Ming and Xu Dongzhuo fully understood, Sun Yi concluded, "Regardless, true psychic abilities are rare. Many who claim such powers are frauds. Genuine psychics either work for government agencies or hide in secret organizations, forming groups for mutual protection and support."

Hearing this, the two finally understood. Xu Dongzhuo, incredulous, asked, "Are you saying you're part of such an organization? And you brought us here to..."

"Yes, you guessed correctly. My granddaughter and Ni Mu saw your awakening on Chunxi Road. You followed them here easily, indicating your lack of self-protection experience, which is dangerous for psychics. Since no new psychics have appeared in recent years and as a fellow psychic, I have a duty to protect you. That's why we brought you here, hoping you won't mind," Fang Lao explained.

"No way! Are all of you..." Xu Dongzhuo and Guo Ming felt an overwhelming sense of absurdity.

Sun Yi continued calmly, "Since you're here, there's no need to hide. You're correct; we're all psychics. Humans naturally fear unknown powerful forces, and with psychics being rare, we can't live like ordinary people. Forming groups to protect ourselves is natural."

"The Nanning Group is just a front. My son founded it to support our organization with funding and cover. This is common in the psychic world, where we use our abilities for things ordinary people can't do. We brought you here to invite you to join us, ensuring mutual protection," Fang Lao said, his tone now solemn.

So, Fang Lao and Fang Yueci were not just related to the Nanning Group president; one was a princess, and the other was the supreme leader. But was Fang Chengyi also a psychic?

"You want us to join... Are there other psychic organizations?" Guo Ming asked.

"Of course, given China's vast population of 1.3 billion, its extensive territory, and countless extraordinary individuals, it's not surprising. Besides the Nanning Group, other major enterprises like the powerful Xioncheng Group, Yuema Industrial, and Litian Group are all closely tied to superhumans. In modern society, no matter what abilities you possess, an individual remains insignificant, and money often proves more useful than superpowers. Thus, it's only natural for China's superhuman organizations to be linked with these enterprises." The man standing behind Elder Fang, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke.

To Guo Ming and Xu Dongzhuo, it was as if they had suddenly discovered an ancient book filled with countless secrets. What was revealed before them was an extraordinary panorama they had never heard of or even imagined. For these two who were just ordinary college students a month ago, the impact was earth-shattering.

"Well... how are we supposed to respond to such a sudden request? Although we know we've acquired some abilities beyond ordinary people, we still see ourselves as normal, not different from others. You keep mentioning danger; do you mean that even if we don't reveal our abilities, we will still face danger?" Xu Dongzhuo asked.

Both Guo Ming and Xu Dongzhuo had already realized the attitude they should hold towards their newfound abilities: not to show off and not to use them for bad purposes. Like suddenly winning a five-million-dollar lottery, they just wanted to keep the prize in the bank and not use it recklessly.

With this mindset, they remained calm about their sudden abilities, neither fearful nor arrogant. Unlike some comic book heroes with naive notions of saving the world or feeling superior, they stayed grounded. This was indeed commendable.

Because of this, they were quite oblivious to potential dangers they might face. Coupled with the overwhelming information from Elder Fang, they felt confused and uncertain about whether to trust him and whether they should join.

Elder Fang continued to persuade them, "As the saying goes, 'a treasure invites trouble.' No matter how you hide your abilities, they won't go unnoticed. I just want you to understand that from the moment you acquired these abilities, you bid farewell to an ordinary life. Even if we don't approach you, other superhuman organizations will, and you might even be recruited by the national security's superhuman division."

"In this world, there are indeed lone superhumans, but they are even more hidden and possess superior abilities. Not all superhumans have a sense of camaraderie; many fear their kind. Once they discover similar people around them, they might even kill them first. Trust us, as new superhumans, joining an organization is your best protection." Ni Mu also spoke up.

This left Guo Ming and Xu Dongzhuo utterly confused. Their faces displayed a mix of bewilderment, hesitation, doubt, and confusion, reflecting their inner turmoil.

It seemed Elder Fang had encountered such situations before, as he did not rush them for an answer but gently patted their shoulders. "I know it's hard to make a decision suddenly. So, why don't you rest first and give me your answer tomorrow?"

Hearing Elder Fang's words, Guo Ming visibly breathed a sigh of relief and pulled Xu Dongzhuo away, eager to leave. Frankly, his mind was in turmoil, and he really needed some peace. But Xu Dongzhuo remained rooted, frowning and looking as if he had made a decision.

Suddenly, Xu Dongzhuo glanced at Fang Yueci, who was sitting quietly, and his eyes grew even more determined. He said to Elder Fang, "I can agree, but I need to know a few things. First, if we refuse, what will you do to us? Second, if you keep calling us comrades, prove it to me."

The room fell silent. After a moment, Elder Fang spoke, "If you insist on not joining, we won't force you. On the contrary, if you are willing, after graduation, the Nanning Group can offer you very lucrative jobs, ensuring you don't have to worry about your livelihood. However, we won't help you with any troubles you encounter. As for the proof... that's simple."

As Elder Fang spoke, Guo Ming and Xu Dongzhuo were astonished to find themselves lifted into the air by an invisible force, floating and gently rotating.

Elder Fang calmly said, "This is my ability, the most common and well-known superpower: telekinesis. However, this ability, when mastered well, is one of the most powerful. Because it is simple, it can simulate many other superpowers. For instance..."

In a corner of the room, all the water from a large fish tank suddenly floated into the air, maintaining its rectangular shape, with the fish still swimming leisurely inside.

"See? Luo Lieran's subordinate Liu Cheming is a top water controller, and I can easily simulate his ability. Now, do you believe me?" Elder Fang twisted his wrist, and the water slowly flowed back into the fish tank.

"Yes, I believe you. Could you please put me down? I'm feeling dizzy..."

"So, have you made up your mind?" Elder Fang asked, staring at Xu Dongzhuo as the two recovered.

"Alright, I'll join!" Xu Dongzhuo nodded.

"Dongzhuo, you..." Guo Ming exclaimed, looking at Xu Dongzhuo in disbelief.

"There's no need to say more; I've made up my mind." Xu Dongzhuo solemnly told Guo Ming.

"You... you're really willing to do anything for a girl."

"Ahhh... shut up, don't say that out loud!" Xu Dongzhuo quickly covered Guo Ming's mouth, awkwardly smiling at everyone present.

"And you? Do you want to answer now or wait until tomorrow?" Elder Fang asked Guo Ming.

"I can't let my brother, who's both lovestruck and foolish, be without my care. Since he's decided to stay, I will too." Guo Ming clenched his fist and nodded.

"Guo Ming, you..." Xu Dongzhuo's eyes were filled with intense emotion.

"Stop talking, we're brothers. No need for words." Guo Ming put his arm around Xu Dongzhuo's shoulder, conveying a sense of brotherly understanding without further explanation.

"Don't tell me you also have feelings for my Yueci?"

"Ahhh... shut up, not everyone is like you!" Guo Ming collapsed to the floor.

"Then who called me lovestruck and foolish earlier?"

"Isn't that true?"

"You dare say it again..."

Watching the two bicker with renewed vigor, everyone present couldn't help but smile. Ni Mu winked at Fang Yueci, who turned away expressionlessly.

"Alright, seeing you so full of energy makes me feel younger. Ni Mu, take them to rest. We'll talk tomorrow." Elder Fang said with a smile.

Taking the two downstairs, Ni Mu led them to another floor, which looked completely different from above. The entire floor was filled with luxurious guest rooms, like a high-end hotel.

"This place really has everything!" Guo Ming said, only returning his gaze to Ni Mu after a beautiful service lady disappeared around a corner.

"This floor is for guests and comrades who need to stay at headquarters temporarily. Designed to five-star standards, you'll have a good rest tonight!" Ni Mu replied with a smile.

"What! So besides you, there are other comrades?" Xu Dongzhuo asked in surprise.

"Of course, we're just a small part of the group. Don't worry; you'll have a chance to meet them later. Just be prepared; not everyone is as normal as me." Ni Mu said, opening room number twenty-three and leading them inside. "Alright, you'll be staying here tonight!"

Before they could admire the luxurious decor, they noticed a detail simultaneously.

"Why... is there only one double bed?" Guo Ming asked, pointing at the large bed.

"This is prepared for you! Aren't you lovers? You even quarreled on the street over love. Rest assured, although you're the first gay couple in the organization, we won't discriminate against you." Ni Mu's expression was more surprised than Guo Ming's.

"Who did you say is gay? Do we look like one of those disgusting BL couples?"

"Dammit! You think anyone would take a joke seriously?"

Guo Ming and Xu Dongzhuo's bodies shook with anger, and suddenly they pounced on Ni Mu, choking him and shouting.

"Stop! I get it... Help! Waiter, get them two single rooms!"

Later that night, Xu Dongzhuo lay on his bed, watching TV out of boredom, when a knock came at the door. Guo Ming walked in, tossing Xu Dongzhuo a can of beer.

"Feeling troubled, came over to chat." Guo Ming said, plopping down on the sofa.

"Yeah, so much has happened this month. I really don't know what our future holds." Xu Dongzhuo sighed, joining Guo Ming on the sofa.

"Do you think our decision was too hasty?" Guo Ming asked suddenly.

Xu Dongzhuo was silent for a while before asking back, "What do you think?"

"When you decided to stay so quickly, I was really surprised. You're not that kind of person! Even if you're infatuated with Fang Yueci, this isn't like you." Guo Ming said, looking at Xu Dongzhuo.

"Don't you think this is interesting?" Xu Dongzhuo pondered before replying.


"I admit, the first time I saw Fang Yueci, the impact was unforgettable. I've never felt this way before; I think it's love at first sight. But my decision to stay isn't just because of her.

Actually, I'm very curious about what living an adventurous life, so different from ordinary people, would be

like. We're just ordinary students. Without these sudden abilities, we'd probably live ordinary lives, growing old without leaving any memorable moments. But this is an opportunity given by fate, don't you think? So I want to see what kind of life these abilities can bring me." Xu Dongzhuo took a sip of beer, sharing his thoughts.

Guo Ming looked at Xu Dongzhuo as if seeing him for the first time, then sighed, "I can't believe you'd think like this. But you're right; since fate gave us this chance, we should make the most of it. Haha! Maybe we can be like the 'X-Men,' going on adventures around the world!"

"Come on! You've read too many comics." Xu Dongzhuo laughed, giving him a playful punch.

"But we still know nothing about these comrades behind the Nanning Group. What if we've joined a criminal organization? With all the mystery and organization, it feels like we're in a gang movie. I don't want to do anything bad; my dad would kill me." Guo Ming said worriedly.

"True, maybe when we return to Chengdu, we'll be appointed as the branch leaders of Erxian Bridge."

"D*mn! You think this is the Beggars' Sect?"

"Don't worry, remember 'Twin Dragons of the Tang Dynasty'? United as brothers, we are invincible. Don't forget, our abilities are a gift from fate, we're not going down easily. If we've boarded the wrong ship, we'll leave. I don't believe anyone can stop us." Xu Dongzhuo said seriously.

"Yeah, united as brothers, we are invincible." Guo Ming nodded, gripping Xu Dongzhuo's hand.

"Dongzhuo, there's something important tomorrow morning at nine, don't forget... huh?" Just then, the door burst open, and Ni Mu walked in, only to stop in surprise at seeing Guo Ming there too, and then looking at their clasped hands. "You guys really are gay..."

"Shut up! Mention this again, and we'll kill you!"