Sealing Her Fate

Tholarian's nose flared in rage as he dismissively said. 

"You will do your duty and go with Alpha Dusartine as I had announced."

"I am your daughter. How can you shove me in the arms of a killer?" Cassandra asked, her voice strained, her eyes looking for any mercy on her father's face. Siroos was expecting such words from his mate after what he had done in the arena. 

"You dare ask that after you stole that gem from me. One more word and I will forget you are my daughter. I will punish…" Tholarian's sentence wasn't even complete when Siroos threateningly growled. 

"No one will lay a hand on her or I will cut it into a million pieces. Don't disrespect my mate. She may be your daughter, but you will tread with respect." 

Tholarian's colder-than-ice eyes flickered to Siroos and the room shook with his magic. It danced on his fingertips; wisps of it shot out and swirled in the air, charging it.