Arriving In Dusartine

The Lands of Dusartine were vast with rugged terrain characterised by its harsh climate. The scorching sun shone mercilessly on the ochre-coloured earth and gold-shaded sand during the day. While nights brought a sharp drop in temperature and howling winds. 

It was interspersed with towering sand dunes, which occasionally shifted with winds. The monumental rock formations provided natural shelters. These formations were often riddled with caves and tunnels, some of which served as the entrances to Siroos's shifter clan.

Most of their dwellings were inside these caves or underground in the vast natural area. 

It was cool which shielded them from the sun and other predators that lurked in the sands of Dusartine. 

Some stone houses had been built along the biggest oasis that lay outside their main dwelling.