Collecting The Poison

Before she melted like candle wax in his arms and her heart exploded from beating so fast the moment broke due to a knock on the door. 

Using all his willpower, Siroos tore his eyes away from Cassandra's enticing lips and ordered. 


The door screeched as it slowly slid open revealing Haylia and Healer Fownso. While Haylia held a relaxed smile, Fownso seemed utterly relieved. 

Cassandra, on the other hand, wished for the ground to open and swallow her whole. How could he sit like that in front of his mother? What would she think of her? She had hardly joined the pack and was already climbing over his son. Although it was the other way around but still. 

"How are you feeling? Child." Haylia asked with deep concerns, lacing her voice. She stepped closer and Siroos lifted his leg and moved it aside, freeing Cassandra's thighs. But his arms still remained glued to her waist so she wouldn't shuffle away. 

"Better, thank you for asking."