Kela's Intrusion

The two females gladly decorated Cassandra's other hand and then her feet. 

"Nissa! Let it dry and then we will wash it off. I think you will get a very bright colour due to the lighter tone of your skin," Ara commented gleefully while changing the candles in candelabras with fresh ones. 

She was a young, mateless girl; the black line on her chin revealed her status. Excited to help their new Luna get ready had given her extra energy. Her richly bronzed skin glowed as if it had been well-oiled. Cassandra remembered her from her first feast and her numerous visits to her room. She was the one Faris was openly flirting with. 

"Thank you, Ara. I am excited to see the colour" Cassandra sat with her hands and legs stretched out, letting it dry. 

Palia brought breakfast for Cassandra and fed her with her hands so that her wet henna wouldn't get spoiled. 

Once it had dried they brought a clay washbasin and helped her scrub off the upper layer of henna.