Bonding Ceremony Begins

The sacred oasis named "Lunar Mirror" was located right outside their dwelling. It was covered on the three sides with tall heaven-bound date palms. They provided shade and a natural leafy barrier. Nestled between them was a special bush which only bloomed every twenty years. 

Beyond it lay the lands with saffron fields and the water from the oasis was used for irrigation purposes. 

Desert marigolds interspersed with lilies lined the front side with contrasting hues of yellow and white against the backdrop of green, totem poles and magic crystals. 

A circular pool of crystal-clear blue water lay in the centre. So transparent that the bottom with small rocks was visible which shimmered in the sunlight like tiny desert fairies were dancing on it. 

The water was still, almost mirror-like, reflecting the deep blue sky above. The sound of gently lapping water added to the peaceful atmosphere of this natural paradise.