Letting Go Of Her Grief

Siroos and Razial returned after gathering all the information they could from Tamkil. Although he didn't know about the tree they were looking for, they acquired quite a bit of information from Tamkil.

Aiko and Faris had arrived at the rendezvous point to pick them up. Faris had accompanied his mate, not wishing for her to go alone.

"I am glad you came along," Aiko said, while settling on a large log inside the snowy forest. Her black coat was snuggly wrapped around her. 

"Couldn't let a lady wait here alone." Faris matter of factly answered, kicking a pine cone and letting a spray of snow fly in the air. 

Aiko giggled and opened one portal in front of Faris and another behind him.

The cone flew through the front portal and came out from the one behind him, hitting his back. 

"Ouch!" He swiftly turned rubbing his back and found the cone lying behind him.