An Epitome

Nevan navigated through the packed streets. It was an art in itself, being able to find a way out when you couldn't even see your own feet touching the ground. He was on his way back but before that, he had wanted to go to a quiet place to check out the new achievements on the system, he had made today.

The game had been incredible and he had made an acquaintance. Who knew, maybe this will help him someday? The future will tell. He was thinking about the things he had done today and how much time he had left before he had to go to that selection. Not long. He had to be ready in about five days.

"Now, please, welcome a special guest in our studio. A man who was admired a lot and let an impact while he was on the field. Even to this day, his actions and games have left a huge print on the soccer industry, Eiran Sinclair!"

Nevan's attention went to one of the billboards where the noise came from. An interview? He found himself stopping in his tracks as he recognized the man on the screen. Eiran Sinclair? He had heard this name too. And yet, it wasn't the reason why he stopped.

The black hair, the brown eyes and the sharp features. He hadn't forgotten it. It had just happened just two days ago. The man had approached him and asked whether he would like to join his club or not. He had thought, he was familiar. He had seen him somewhere. It had been Eiran Sinclair?

He had been given the opportunity to join Eiran Sinclair's club? The Eiran Sinclair? The epitome of soccer? And Nevan had refused?

"It's a pleasure to be on this show. That was a flattering introduction just now." Sinclair laughed. The voice was unmistakable.

Nevan's mouth was dry as he watched the interaction on the billboard's screen. Many people had actually stopped, seeming interested in this. Eiran Sinclair was a legend. Even after ending his career and going into retirement, he was celebrated by many soccer enthusiastics.

"But, isn't that exactly who you are, Mr. Sinclair? It has been almost ten years now since you stopped playing soccer and yet you are celebrated as a legend." The moderator spoke. They were sitting at a table in the studio and it was broadcasted live.

Eiran Sinclair was sitting on the left. His hair was slicked back and his still-athletic body was packed in a suit that made him look more like a businessman. Him facing was a reporter of News Today channel. Not just any reporter. Hitoshi, Naoki Hitoshi. That was a sensation itself.

"I would definitely not deny the fame I have gotten from the career I had chosen." Eiran spoke with nostalgia in his eyes. It was clear, he was proud of what he had achieved. Nobody would judge him for that. He deserved this.

Hitoshi seemed to be at ease. As if he was in his domain and that was a fact. The studio was his natural habitat. "We could talk about this topic alone for hours. Everyone would agree with me. You are a legend in the soccer world and this can be proven by your performance on the field." As the professional he was, he brought in a small pause to sound more dramatic. "But this is not what we are here for today."

Sinclair flashed a smile and showed a straight row of his incredibly white teeth. "Now they are keeping the audience in suspense."

The professionalism seemed to fade. It seemed like both of them were familiar with each other. Nevan knew this from his father who was a fan of soccer despite having a tight and busy schedule that Sinclair and Hitoshi were actually old classmates.

"Come on, that is my job!" The reporter exclaimed before shaking his head and speaking up. "You have come here representing a new project. Why don't you tell our viewers more about it?" The camera swung to the retired athlete.

"Yes. Today I will be representing a special project." He confirmed. "Though, to anyone who is not interested in pursuing a career in this field, it will remain a background information. What I also want to remark is that I am only a representative but not in charge of it. Nor am I financing it."

Naoki Hitoshi nodded. "Noted. Just like I am representing this channel. Neither do I own it nor am I financing it."

Sinclair grinned before finally speaking again. "Yes, exactly. It is a project that will help the youth to achieve their dream of being a soccer athlete. Have you heard of Athlete Zone?"

"The training center that is considered a must-have among all the athletes in Japan?"

"Yes. They have a high standing in the soccer society as well. And, the board members are financing a bootcamp where all the athletes that qualify for it will take part. It's called Soccer Prodigy Camp. SPC is the abbreviation for it."

Hitoshi shifted slightly. "SPC, huh? Athletes have to qualify to take part in it. What criteriaa have to be met and when can they do that?"

Sinclair still had a smile on his face as he continued. "There wasn't handed any list of criteria so you can only wonder. The selection will be held in five days at the 11th floor of Athlete Zone. So, anyone who is interested, give it a chance. It is a great opportunity for anyone who is striking a career as a soccer athlete."

It seemed like the interview was reaching its end. Hitoshi took over the conversation and concluded the discussion. "Thank you for coming today, Mr. Sinclair. It is good to spread this news to the youth that is interested."

The crowd started to thin as the billboard screen was changed to something else. There was suddenly a motion and Nevan let himself flow with the crowd.

The sky was starting to get darker now. That was why he decided to go back to Keisuke's place. While he was on the way, he plugged an airpod in his ear so that when he used the system, he wouldn't get any stares for talking to himself.

"Open Attributes and Skills." He commanded. The screen in front of him changed.


[Attributes and Skills]

[Attribute-Points] 2

[Skill-Points] 0


⇢Strength: 8

⇢Perception: 5

⇢Endurance: 12

⇢Charisma: 3

⇢Intelligence: 5

⇢Agility: 6

⇢Luck: 20% (This attribute cannot be upgraded and enhanced actively.)


⇢Nutmeg: 1


Nevan looked at the stats. He was lost in his thoughts as he walked. Then he finally spoke. "One Atribute-Point to Charisma and the other one to Intelligence."



He turned into the street where he had been residing for the past days. His voice lowered as he asked. "What is my level?"

[Host's level is LEVEL 5.]

Nevan opened the door to the house with a spare key and spoke out, telling he was home. He checked on Sumire in the kitchen and told her he would be in his room to cool down after an intense day.

Nevan shut the door behind him and slumped onto the bed, shattered from the whole day. He thought, he could rest for a while but then the door opened.

"Here you are!" Keisuke's voice was like a shot at 3 a.m. Loud and fiery. And he was as cheerful as ever.

Nevan sat up with a sigh. "Hey. Come in."

His friend wandered inside and closed the door before settling down next to Nevan. "Did you see the interview with Eiran Sinclair? They finally made it official!" Keisuke was so excited.

"Yeah. I think, we got lucky that we already knew about this and could have more time to prepare. All thanks to you." Nevan stated. It had been such an advantage.

"That means, we still have to train more, silly!" He blurted out. Nevan looked at him with a questioning look so Keisuke elaborated. "Now that it is official, there will be many people there. Like, many people! Even stronger and better people. Like..." He trailed off. "...Ryota or Takeshi."

Nevan hummed in response as he thought about it. Did he mean the same Ryota, Nevan had met today or someone else? He didn't comment though.

"Tougher opponents. We will be easier to outshine." Nevan agreed. "Means, we have to get even better. You might be at their level but, me and Dax? It is a different story."

Keisuke patted Nevan's shoulder as always. He smiled reassuringly. "No worries, man. We all can do it. Then, we will go to that bootcamp and become professionals."

"That's gonna be so great." Nevan mumbled and leaned back on the bed.

"Oh! Let's go down. I am so hungry." Nevan was simply pulled out of the bed and taken with him, downstairs to the kitchen.

"Do you need any help?" Nevan asked politely as he watched Sumire arrange the table.

She simply shook her head. "No, just sit down." Nevan was about to oppose when she continued with a strict voice. "You boys have been pushing yourself too hard lately. Rest. It's fine."

After everyone had sat down, they had had dinner while Keisuke seemed to have a lot of things to talk about. He was as talkactive as ever. It didn't surprise Nevan. He was getting used to sitting at a rather cheerful dinner table now.