
In horror, his eyes had widened. The last eighteen people would be disqualified. Eighteen people from each group. 108 people in total. This was harsh but the reality. And those who would be disqualified would never be able to filfill their dream of becoming a pro in soccer.

His eyes wandered to the small display at his right upper arm. Instead of numbers it simply showed a '--'. The ranks were loading.

His eyes turned back to the display of the TV where Mr. Tachibana was seen earlier. It had changed to an informative screen.


Group 6

Red line: Rank 378

Good Luck to all the participants.


"That is just crazy." Kazuo spoke. He was the lowest ranked in their group. Nevan knew that he was probably in despair and panic. He could not remember the man having any extraordinary skills expect for his 1v1 play.