Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Ruins of ancient Dracaenae enclave, Continent: Barat, the Year 2041, Planet: Grimoire

Clarence's thoughts veered back to his frustration, and he sighed. No, if he'd been the one to guide them, their futures would've been vastly different. They wouldn't have become what they are now. These twin brothers were definitely something unique in this world. However, Chester's future hung in a very delicate balance. If he wasn't guided correctly, he would become a cursed mage, Clarence cringed, or worse yet. Chester could quickly become someone very insecure about his abilities. Someone might tell him to nullify what little mana and magic possessed if that happened. Just so that he didn't cause anyone problems at all. That just might kill Chester if he chose the latter decision.

Isalo sighed. {So now you know what you must do.} He settled back into slumber.