
Couldn't escape sorrow

Anshu's heart swelled with relief as he saw Afiya's content expression, believing that Siya, their mutual friend, was finally on the path to recovery. Eager to share the good news, Anshu approached Afiya's gaming character eyes bright with hope messaged her "Afiya, I have wonderful news about Siya," he began, his tone filled with optimism.

Afiya's serene demeanor suddenly shifted, a shadow passing over her features. With a heavy sigh, she replied to Anshu and uttered words that shattered his newfound hope. "Anshu, I'm afraid things are not as they seem with Siya. She's not getting better; in fact, she's spiraling deeper into despair," Afiya confessed, her tone laced with concern.

Anshu's mind reeled, struggling to reconcile the stark contrast between his perception of Siya's progress and the harsh reality Afiya unveiled. Siya, the storyteller, the one who wove tales to shield herself from the world, was drowning in her own darkness. The weight of this revelation settled heavily on Anshu's shoulders, a sense of helplessness creeping in as he realized the depth of Siya's inner turmoil.

As days turned into nights, Anshu dreamt and found himself drawn to Siya's side, seeking to unravel the tangled web of emotions that consumed her. In the quiet moments they shared, he glimpsed fragments of the pain Siya carried, hidden behind a mask of false narratives. Her eyes, once bright with creativity, now held a haunting emptiness that echoed the depths of her sorrow. He was all of a sudden awaken and went on messaging siya.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the room where Siya sat lost in her thoughts, Anshu called her with the courage to confront the darkness that enveloped her. "Siya, I know you lied," he whispered, his voice a gentle caress in the silence. Siya's gaze flickered, a flicker of recognition dancing in her eyes before vanishing into the abyss once more.

In the days that followed, Anshu embarked on a journey alongside Siya, he kept calling her everyday navigating the labyrinth of her emotions with unwavering determination. Together, they delved into the recesses of her mind, unraveling the threads of pain and regret that bound her heart. Through tear-stained confessions and whispered truths, Siya's stories took on a new meaning, each word a stepping stone towards healing.

As the seasons changed and the world outside bloomed with new life, a transformation stirred within Siya. The darkness that once held her captive began to recede, its grip loosening with each passing day. In the quiet moments of dawn, Anshu witnessed a glimmer of hope in Siya's voice.It was way long back when he listened to this calmness in her.