
Night of grief

Damini sat at the edge of her desk, her face etched with sorrow as she handed Siya the news article. The headline blared: "Riots Lead to Religious Outbursts: Thousands Killed, Many Missing." Siya's eyes scanned the text, her confusion growing. She couldn't see the connection between the article and her father.

Vivan, having heard his mother's sobs, entered the study, his face reflecting concern. Damini took a deep breath, her voice trembling as she began to speak.

"These riots were not just random acts of violence," Damini started, her gaze distant. "They were orchestrated by political leaders who spread hatred and division. It wasn't just the physical destruction that hurt people—it was the emotional and societal damage that lingered long after. Families were torn apart, lives were shattered."

She paused, tears welling in her eyes. "It was during these riots that our lives changed forever. The chaos and hatred of that time forced many into hiding and survival. I found myself alone with Vivan and you, Siya. It was a time of extreme danger."

Siya's heart ached as she listened, but her curiosity about her father's identity couldn't be suppressed. "But who was my father, Mom? How did he fit into all of this?"

Damini wiped her tears and continued, her voice heavy with the weight of her memories. "Your father, he was an extraordinary man, full of kindness and integrity. He wasn't involved in politics or violence. He was a peaceful man, deeply committed to his family."

She took a shaky breath, trying to gather her thoughts. "When the riots began, we were caught in the crossfire. Your father tried to protect us. He was a gentle soul, and the violence around us was beyond his control. He did everything he could to keep us safe."

Damini's voice cracked as she spoke of the past. "On that fateful day, he was supposed to come back and take us to safety. But the situation worsened, and I had to make a difficult choice. I had to leave our home to find refuge for us. We ended up in a truck, fleeing the violence. When I woke up, we were far from home, and your father was nowhere to be found."

Her eyes met Siya's, filled with a mix of pain and regret. "I tried to find him, but the chaos was overwhelming. I later learned that he had been caught up in the violence and had died trying to protect others. The last memory I have of him is his face—full of determination and love, fighting to keep his family safe."

Siya's heart broke at the revelation. Her father, whom she had only known through fragments of memories and Vivan's diary, was a figure of bravery and love. His death had been a tragic casualty of a time of profound upheaval.

Damini continued, her voice softer now. "After his death, I was left with no choice but to marry Mr. Oberoe. It was a matter of survival for me and for you both. I wanted to protect you and give you a stable life, but the pain of losing your father never left me."

Vivan, who had been listening silently, stepped forward, placing a comforting hand on Damini's shoulder. "Mom, we understand now. The pain you went through was immense, and the choices you made were out of necessity."

Siya, feeling a deep mix of emotions, reached out to her mother. "I'm so sorry for everything you went through. I understand now why things happened the way they did. I wish I could have known my father better."

Damini hugged her daughter tightly, the tears flowing freely. "I wish things had been different too. But we must hold on to the memories of your father—the man he was, and the love he had for us."

In that moment, Siya felt a sense of closure. The truth about her father had brought both sorrow and a newfound understanding. She realized that her father's legacy was one of love and sacrifice, and despite the pain of their past, she could now cherish the memory of a man who had given everything for his family.

As the three of them embraced, they found solace in their shared memories and the strength that had carried them through the darkest times. The past had been revealed, and with it came the promise of healing and a deeper connection to the family they had lost but never truly forgotten.