Suprisenly after I gave birth the duke still acted kind,he let me stay with the child,which I liked so I could teach it not to ever become as fucked up as it's dad, The duke didn't name the child ,he said something about both of us coming up with name,but I didn't care much.
Two months passed and the child still didn't have a name,now I use blindfold to cover my eyes.
I wheeled myself to the garden ,I was getting used to the layout of the mansion, the servants just made a path whenever i was coming their way, I couldn't see it but I could hear footsteps.
I got to the garden and summoned dalia to see if what if was embroidery was accurate,we chatted and she read stories to me.
I heard footsteps,it wasn't the duke or a maid, I could tell, i wondered who it was, then i heard a voice,I instantly knew who it was, it was the marquisette.
"Oh my , what a daughter you are ,you couldn't even invite me to see my grandchild?" She didn't say anything about the state I'm in,or how I'm doing,truly she is dispacle but , I was too warn out to speak, so I signalled her to bend down, I was handed a knife and stabbed i her, I couldn't see the blood but I could hear her screams, I loved it , I loved the fact she was in agony as I her stabbed her, I fell out of my wheel chair but continued stabbing, where I was stabbing was unknown, but she was hurting and that was all that matters.
Dalia didn't even stop me , but when people started coming, she quickly put me back in the wheel chair, she quickly made up a lie that an assassin came and tried to kill me but the marquisette saved me, they believed,I would have believed if I didn't kill her,I started to like dalia even more after that incident.
Few days had passed since that and with the constant crying of the child , I started to wish the duke made me deaf instead of blind.
I started pondering about the incident with that woman and realised, I didn't grab the knife, I was given it, but, by who?
Dalia, how did she know I hated her, only two people knew that and it was Anna and the marquis. Anna! I knew she wasn't like that, I knew she wouldn't abandon me , I frantically rung the bell for Dalia, when she came in I whispered "Anna" and she replied "yea my lady" she is Anna! Her voice ,her looks , all different we started to talk , she told me how she altered her appearance and how she quit working at the marquistate, I burned with joy, but anger at the same time, I couldn't cry ,no matter how much I wanted to, but she comforted me, just like she always does.
The funeral was being held at the marquistate, I attended , but just so I could mock her.
Anna wheeled me into the funeral hall I could sense the eyes on me, some whispered saying it serves me right and some were sympathetic, but none of it fazed me as their thoughts won't get me out of my misery, the duke was in a particularly bad mood the night before as the the marquis asked for a large compensation, lately he had been going easier but last night reminded me of how fickle my life was.
We did all the formalities and I was ready to return as my holes where still throbbing ,then duke angrania asked to speak to me, I didn't want to listen to him, he was talking about how he was sorry for not believing me, I didn't want to hear it, because what would have changed? What if he also abused me?.
I excused my self ,signalled for Anna and started wandering,
Why am I not as those manhwa girls , all they had to do was cook up a bulshit story and boom a contract marriage with an amazing man, I was so furious, I was questioning why I was transmigrated here, blood rolled down my checks....
What if I had better luck and didn't get married to this monster?