
Mara had soaked herself in tears but she didn't care much. To her life had ended long ago for her. No one in this place cared about how she felt her existence was only recognized by few . Her life was terrible but who could she blame she dragged herself into this mess. She hated herself more for being so ungrateful in the past. She wished she could see her mom just one more time at least just to apologize and tell her how much she loved her and say all the things she was too naive to accept years ago. She hated Albert and Angus but even more herself. 

The screams of Julie still echoed in her ears. Just hours ago she had to watch her best friend the only person she had relied on be diced in pieces and she could do nothing about it. And that monster remained unmoved watching her suffer all levels of torture. She recalled how her mother had told her countless times how she was born and the memories where now permanent in her brain. 

Maybe the fates had truly decided to punish her. Lady Deborah showed concern but made it clear countless times that she could not help her escape. She lay on the floor of her new room wishing for her those memories and dream to replay in her head.