The Luoyang Turmoil

As the situation in Youzhou suddenly shifted, Luoyang too was shrouded in ominous clouds.

Half a month earlier, He Jin, leveraging the name of his sister, Empress He, issued an imperial edict summoning Dong Zhuo, the Inspector of Liangzhou, to bring his troops to the capital to purge the eunuchs and restore order.

By now, Dong Zhuo, having received the decree, had already led tens of thousands of his Xiliang troops into the territory of the Capital District, and they were on the verge of reaching Luoyang.

On the other side, Zhang Rang and his associates, realizing they could not sit idly by, also fabricated an imperial order to summon He Jin into the palace.

Confronted with this edict, bearing the imperial seal, He Jin was furious and unable to calm his anger.

"How dare those treacherous eunuchs commit such heinous acts!" He Jin slammed his fist on the table in rage, while his brother He Miao looked on with concern.

"Elder Brother, what is the Emperor's command?"

"The Emperor's health is in decline, and he is unable to attend court. Therefore, he has entrusted Zhang Rang and the others with the affairs of state."

"Who would have thought that Zhang Rang, having gained real power, would harbor treacherous intentions! He has confined the Emperor in the Hall of Cultivating the Mind under the pretense of treating his illness."

"The Emperor has secretly summoned us brothers to the palace tonight to discuss a plan to eliminate these traitors. Such a golden opportunity must not be missed!"

He Jin believed the contents of the letter without question. After reading the edict, He Miao appeared somewhat hesitant.

He Miao cupped his hands and said, "Elder Brother, since the Emperor has been confined by the Ten Attendants, how could he have managed to send this letter out? Could this be a trap set by them?"

"Hmph! How dare they!" He Jin's anger flared even more at this suggestion. "Forging an imperial decree is a crime punishable by the extermination of the entire family. No matter how bold the Ten Attendants are, they would not dare to defy the imperial authority!"

Despite He Jin's assurance, He Miao secretly thought to himself, "You, on the other hand, drafted an edict in the name of the Empress to summon Dong Zhuo to the capital. If this is exposed, wouldn't that also be a grave crime of deceiving the Emperor?"

Seeing that He Miao still had some doubts, He Jin patted his shoulder and said, "Shuda (He Miao), although we are half-brothers, we have been as close as real brothers since childhood."

"Now that our He family has been favored by the Emperor, and since His Majesty is currently under the control of treacherous officials, if we, as brothers, can eliminate these traitors and protect the Han dynasty, our family will undoubtedly become the most prestigious clan in the empire!"

He Jin's words effectively dispelled He Miao's doubts. Seizing the rare opportunity, He Miao immediately pledged,

"Rest assured, Elder Brother. I have always followed your orders without question, and today is no different. I am willing to join you in eliminating the eunuchs and defending the Han dynasty!"

"Good!" He Jin, satisfied, grasped He Miao's hand. "Make sure today's plan is not leaked to anyone. At the third watch tonight, we'll enter the palace in a small carriage to avoid attracting any attention."

"Understood!" He Miao cupped his hands in agreement. After a brief conversation, He Miao left the General's Mansion alone.

Meanwhile, inside the palace, Zhang Rang lay leisurely on a rocking chair, humming a tune contentedly. Shortly, a servant dressed in humble attire knelt nervously beside Zhang Rang.

"Was the letter delivered?" Zhang Rang asked, half-closing his eyes as he looked at the servant.

"Delivered... it was delivered," the servant nodded. "He Jin and his brother plan to enter the palace through the side gate at the third watch tonight."

"Good... very good," Zhang Rang smirked wickedly, then turned to a subordinate named General Chen, who stood nearby. "General Chen, did you hear that clearly? At the third watch tonight, I'll need you to open the gate and let them into the palace."

"Rest assured, Eunuch! I know exactly what to do!" The subordinate immediately cupped his hands in obedience.

Zhang Rang nodded in satisfaction. "General Chen, you're a smart man. Once this is done, the position of General of Wuwei, currently held by He Miao, will be vacant..."

Upon hearing this, the subordinate immediately knelt and shouted, "I am deeply grateful for your great kindness, Eunuch!"


No need to dwell on the events of the rest of the day; time swiftly moved to the third watch of the night. After the curfew had been enforced in the streets, He Jin and He Miao, accompanied by a single servant, drove a carriage toward the palace.

Throughout the journey, He Jin's excitement was hard to contain. After all, being summoned by imperial command was a clear sign of the Emperor's deep trust in him.

He Jin's mind was filled with visions of commanding Dong Zhuo and his Xiliang army to execute the Ten Attendants, having their bodies torn apart by horses, and hanging their heads in the busy streets. From that moment on, who would dare oppose He Jin?

"Stop the carriage ahead!" But just as He Jin was lost in his grand vision, a sharp command interrupted his thoughts. The two brothers inside the carriage exchanged glances, realizing they had encountered a night patrol.

The sound of footsteps approached rapidly. "Who is inside the carriage? What important business could you have at this late hour?"

"Yuan Shao?" He Jin, sitting inside the carriage, recognized the voice outside and immediately cursed under his breath, "This rascal nearly ruined my plans!"

Yuan Shao reached out to pull open the curtain, but the servant quickly stepped in to stop him.

"General Yuan, forgive my directness, but the person inside has urgent matters to attend to. The fewer people who know, the better. It would be wise for you to continue your patrol and turn a blind eye."

"Nonsense!" Yuan Shao, unimpressed, pushed the servant aside. "The area ahead is the palace! What urgent business could take you there at this hour? If those inside don't come out, don't blame me for being rude. I must see who this esteemed person is!"

As the servant tried to explain further, a powerful and authoritative voice called out from inside the carriage, "Yuan Shao! You dare show such disrespect!"

"The Grand General?" Yuan Shao was startled by the voice. A moment later, the curtain was drawn back, and He Miao poked his head out, gesturing for Yuan Shao to get inside.

After a moment's hesitation, Yuan Shao, realizing the seriousness of the situation, quickly climbed into the carriage. "Grand General, General He Miao, what is your purpose in entering the palace at this hour?"

He Jin frowned, realizing that Yuan Shao, although a trusted aide, might cause unnecessary trouble if not properly informed about their intentions to enter the palace. He beckoned Yuan Shao closer to whisper the plan.

Upon hearing the details, Yuan Shao's face changed drastically. "Are the Ten Attendants really so audacious?"

"With the imperial edict in hand, how could it be false?" He Jin pulled out a corner of the imperial decree from his robe to show Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao nodded sharply. "I had no idea. I almost jeopardized the entire plan. Please forgive me, Grand General!"

He Jin, in a good mood, waved off the apology. "Since you were only concerned about the safety of the imperial city, once the Ten Attendants are eliminated, I will personally recommend you to the Emperor for a promotion."

"Thank you, Grand General!" Yuan Shao, overjoyed, expressed his gratitude immediately.

"Now that you understand the situation, keep your lips sealed and leave quietly."


The soldiers waiting outside saw Yuan Shao step out of the carriage, which then continued on its way. The men were puzzled, but Yuan Shao, having calmed down, waved them off. "Keep tonight's events to yourselves. Not a word to anyone."

"Yes, sir!" The soldiers, aware that this was beyond their concern, promptly agreed.

The carriage rolled along until it stopped outside a small side gate of the palace. He Jin and He Miao stepped out one after the other.

The gate slowly opened, and the subordinate named Chen quickly came forward to greet them, cupping his hands in respect. "Grand General, you're finally here. I was worried something might have gone wrong."

He Jin nodded slightly. "We encountered a patrol along the way and were questioned briefly, but it was all handled by our own people, so there's no risk of any leaks."

"That's good. The Ten Attendants just left the Emperor's quarters. Please enter the palace quickly to see His Majesty!"

He Jin nodded again, instinctively reaching for the sword at his waist to hand it over to the subordinate. But the man quickly stopped him.

"Grand General, you're a loyal minister of the court. I trust you completely; there's no need to hand over your weapon. Please, go on in."

Hearing this, He Jin was inwardly delighted. He patted the subordinate on the shoulder and said, "Very well. Once the Ten Attendants are dealt with, your promotion is assured!"

"Thank you, Grand General!" The subordinate stood respectfully at the gate, watching the two brothers enter the palace. As he gazed at He Jin's back, a cold smirk suddenly crossed his face.


"Why have we stopped, General?" On the way, Yuan Shao grew increasingly uneasy. He paused briefly, feeling more and more alarmed.

"No, something's wrong. I feel like this is a trap set by the Ten Attendants!" Yuan Shao muttered to himself. Then, drawing his sword, he pointed it towards the palace. "Quickly! Follow me to the palace!"

Yuan Shao's fears were justified. As soon as He Jin and He Miao entered the palace, an eerie silence surrounded them, growing more unnerving with each step.

Although the Hall of Cultivating the Mind still had faint lights glowing within, the lamps along the palace path were all extinguished.

He Jin felt a sudden unease and turned back to see that the small gate they had entered through was now tightly shut.

"This is bad..." He Jin grabbed He Miao's hand, about to speak when dozens of torches suddenly flared to life around them.

Not far off, Zhang Rang, Zhao Zhong, and the subordinate named Chen stood with arms folded, sneering at the two brothers, who were now surrounded by dozens of armored soldiers.

"He Jin! How dare you sneak into the palace at night armed, intending to assassinate the Emperor!" Zhang Rang shouted, pointing at He Jin.

He Jin, already on edge, was startled and took two steps back in fear. But he quickly regained his composure, pulling out the imperial decree from his robe and raising it high.

"I entered the palace on imperial orders! Zhang Rang, your treachery is evident to all. Today, you've even ambushed soldiers in the palace, planning to assassinate the Grand General of the empire! I demand to see the Emperor!"

"Ha ha ha!" Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong burst into arrogant laughter at the mention of the Emperor.

"He Jin, you fool! Do you really think you can outsmart us? The Emperor has long since passed away, and that so-called imperial decree in your hand is nothing but a forgery! You want to see the Emperor? Then go meet him in the afterlife! Soldiers, kill the traitors!"

"You!" He Jin was horrified. As the soldiers received the order, they rushed forward. Though He Jin and He Miao attempted to draw their swords and fight back, within minutes, they were both cut down and killed on the spot.

"Ah ha ha ha!" Zhang Rang and the others laughed maniacally as the soldiers brought them the heads of He Jin and He Miao. "He Jin, weren't you dreaming of eliminating us? Now, how does it feel to lose your own head first?"

"Ah ha ha ha!"

As Zhang Rang laughed triumphantly, a sudden commotion erupted outside the palace, causing him to stop abruptly.

A loud voice echoed from outside the palace walls: "I, Yuan Shao, have come to support the Grand General! Where is the Grand General?"

"Yuan Shao?" Zhang Rang and his companions exchanged panicked glances. "Damn it, someone else knows!"

Thinking quickly, Zhang Rang grabbed the two severed heads and threw them over the palace wall, shouting loudly,

"He Jin and He Miao entered the palace armed at night, intending to assassinate the Emperor. They have been executed for their crimes! Soldiers outside, withdraw immediately!"

Outside the palace, Yuan Shao, along with Cheqi General Dong Cheng and other generals, saw the two bloodied heads land in front of them.

Yuan Shao's heart twisted with grief. "You treacherous eunuchs! You dared to fabricate an imperial decree and murder the Grand General and a loyal minister of the Han! Follow me! We'll storm the palace and kill these eunuchs!"

Zhang Rang's rash move backfired, providing Yuan Shao and the others with a justifiable reason to force their way in.

With Yuan Shao's furious command, the thousands of soldiers already gathered outside the palace roared in unison and began advancing on the palace...