New Scion Blaunche

Alfred Winson was surprised by the power that the operatives of the SMB had showcased.His monsters possessed greater numbers then the operatives due to his high level spawners.

He was confident until the leader showed himself.This lone man immediately slaughtered the white walkers he'd gathered together.The temperature returned back to normal as he witnessed the white walkers get massacred like a wolf among sheep.

Alfred immediately ordered his scions and unique monster Kalogorax to take to the field whilst he observed the action.Alfred specifically ordered the laughing jester to dispose of the leader.


Gary 12# was increasing his kill count easily but he stopped once he saw new contenders enter the field.His eyes were particularly focused on the black and purple jester.The jester also seemed to be targeting him as it headed in his direction.

It moved like an extremely rapid blur in the eyes of ordinary humans but in Gary 12# eyes he could make out its movements somewhat clearly.When it neared him the jester raised its left fist into the air.The arm and fist swelled to a cartoonish size before the jester swung his massive truck sized fist down with incredible force.

Gary 12# nimbly dodged to the side as the fist landed on two monsters and a peon class operative crushing them into paste.The fist caused a large shock wave and tremor as it collided with the ground.It blew away everyone close by and caused everyone on the battlefield to stumble.

The monsters were awed by the power showcased by Kalogorax as they had no idea he was capable of such destructive power.The operatives of the SMB simply took it in their stride.They had fought many sorcerers with abnormal abilities.This was another Tuesday for them.

Their superior experience shone through as they took advantage of the monsters awe to dispatch a few of them.


Alfred had to remind his monsters that they were in the middle of a battle.The shift of battle seemed to turn in the favour of the SMB operatives.The battle would depend on who won the fight between Kalogorax and Gary 12# however.

Alfred decided that now was a good time to create a colossal dire crow scion since Gregor had already been killed and the officer class operatives who appeared to be equal with the scions were outnumbering his current scions.

Alfred picked a female colossal dire crow as his target.It was the largest and its eyes gleamed with animal like intellect.Alfred filled its body with mana and watched its evolution.

The crows body became humanoid like that of a tall human woman.The difference between her and a human woman was that the crow woman possessed large crow like wings and tail feathers.She wore a black outfit that covered her entire body apart from her face and hands.The outfit was made of black garments and crow feathers.She wielded two black sabers.Her face was human but unnaturally beautiful.If Alfred was still human he would've found her attractive but alas Alfred was a dungeon core.It was never meant to be.In all seriousness though Alfred noticed that she changed far more then he thought she would.

Alfred immediately named her Blaunche and designated her respawn point as a room in the teleporting hotel.Blaunche was about to express her gratitude but Alfred stopped her and ordered her to kill the weaker operatives and then move onto the stronger ones.

Alfred turned his attention back to Kalogorax and Gary 12#.They were nowhere to be found.It became clear that Kalogorax used his most powerful skill like he did with Frank Nostradarmus.The interdimensional fun house skill which allowed Kalogorax to bring whoever he chooses to a different dimension that resembled a fun house.This interdimensional fun house had the effect of confusing the senses and allowed Kalogorax to summon many hostile clowns.

This was how Kalogorax had defeated Frank since he managed to cut him off from his source of power which was his hotel by brininging him into his own personal dimension.This had removed Frank's ascendant physical abilities,durability and regeneration which allowed Kalogorax to kill him.