Making changes

Alfred Winson watched on as Doctor Silas proceeded to experiment on Evan Nokio.He watched on for hours until he got his fill decided to make some changes.

One of his problems was that the operatives were spawn-camping his monsters with extreme prejudice.Alfred moved the monster spawners to the basement and redisignated the spawn points of his scions and named monsters to the basement.He couldn't do the same for his two unique monsters as they spawned randomly from anywhere within his territory.


It was early morning and the students of Former Feels High School were talking about the latest news.Their headmaster had been replaced by a headmistress out of nowhere.The male students were making bets on whether or not she would be hot or not.

The students were also wondering what would happen next in the town.First a few people had gone missing or wound up dead under mysterious circumstances.The people that were suspect some of whom were teachers had left town.Then the video of the mysterious jester that tanked a car crash and moved at inhuman speeds which got mysteriously taken down.

"Where are you Alfred?" David Systema asked to himself.David was Alfred Winsons best friend in high school and was one of the few people that Alfred hanged out with.

It had been a few months since Alfred had gone missing and he still hadn't been found.Not to mention his parents had died and Alfred's little sister had been kidnapped by a teacher.

David's first class had been PE which was as usual until it actually happened.Before the class they had blood samples taken from them and they were put through physical tests.It felt as though they were being tested for something.

Suffice it to say the original PE teacher Mr Bones was one of the people under suspicion of the countless disappearances from the town and was replaced by a different muscular man who was quite handsome and charismatic.He was immediately popular which made few people question what should have been abnormal.

The man also had a powerful feeling about him that made him seem formidable like he could take an entire mob of people and win.He also seemed to have that kind of confidence about him as he assessed the results of whatever tests he was putting us through.

Then there was a break in which people talked about the strangeness of the PE class.Then it was time to go to the main hall where the headmistress would be introduced.

When the students all sat down,the teachers and new teachers all standing at the sides all looking towards the stage.David found this somewhat strange as they seemed just as curious and nonchalant as the students did.Well the usual ones anyway the newer ones still had that eerie confidence about them.

The curtains on stage parted ways to reveal a stunning woman.She had brown hair and brown eyes with an outgoing youth yet a gaze that spoke of years beyond what should be expected of her if that made any sense.

What got all the students attention was the two massive devices that they had somehow installed on either side of the new head mistress.They resembled large speakers but that didn't appear to be all they were capable of.

The following moments were only remembered in brief flashes and loud noises.Yet David remembered what he had learned in the main hall.They were now members of the SMB an organisation that was created to protect humanities interests and protect them from any forces that would harm it be it noble sorcerers,magical races and hostile aliens.

David and all the other students had also learned about the origins of the SMB and its greatness.They were previously several knighthoods that had worked alongside the sorcerers to drive away the fae and mer.After being successful the sorcerers declared themselves to be humanities nobility.

The knightly orders tried to resist them but were ultimately unable to stop them for a time due to being ordinary humans.That was until the friendly alien race known as the Ordos visited the remaining knighthoods who had to flee from their homes and lands due to the sorcerers.

The Ordos sought to uplift humanity as they saw humanities potential surpassed that of the magical races.They did however see that the sorcerers had grown arrogant and corrupt with their power.They genuinely saw that the knighthoods were the way to go in uplifting humanity.

Hence the Ordos gifted the knighthoods with advanced technology which included genetic manipulation and gene crafting technology.The knighthoods became revitalised and renamed themselves the SMB.They were tasked by the Ordos to eradicate the noble sorcerers and magical races threat and to take over humanity.

The SMB have fought over the control of humanity with the noble sorcerers for centuries and humanities progress will remain stuck until one beats the other,hopefully the SMB wins and unites mankind in order to join the Ordos and take humanity to the stars.