Alfred was pleased.He had managed to create his third floor and was able to prevent Omil from retrieving one of Kalogoraxs drop items.
The third floor was massive both in size and magnitude.It was larger then the first and second floors combined.His dungeon core had been moved to the boss room of the third floor.
The third floor had once again been randomized since Alfred felt it would take too long to design it himself but he could alter his floors however he wanted if he wasn't pleased with them.
On that note Alfred had gained two new abilities from his level up.
[Floor expansion:Be able to automatically or manually increase the size of your floors with mana,essence or both.Increasing the size of your floors will make new monsters,loot,environment,traps,events and even mini bosses and bosses appear.Be warned you cannot make a floor larger then the next floor and the appearance of new fauna,loot and traps is random at best as is the way they will interact with each other.Having your floors automatically expand will continuously use up the mana and essence you have.]
This was a fine ability but the rate at which it used up mana and essence was abysmally great.Alfred realised that using essence made for greater expansion then using mana and way quicker to.However Alfred needed essence to summon powerful monsters to fight off the threats of the outside world.The second ability made Alfred groan however.
[Dungeon break meets world:Every month each floor of your dungeon will send the monsters of that floor to a random population centre around the world to attack it.You will gain essence and mana from every sapient creature that your monsters kill.Every floor will attack a different population centre but you can choose to have all floors or multiple floors attack the same population centre.You can also choose a population centre in advance for the dungeon floors to attack.The monsters will attack the population centre until they kill everyone in the population centre or the monsters are all killed.While the dungeon break occurs all floors will be closed to the outside world and anyone inside will be teleported outside.The dungeon can be entered again when the dungeon break for each floor finishes with all the monsters back inside the floors.]
"Hold on a second I thought it was against the rules for dungeons to attack children.Surely a population centre will have children inside it." Alfred was incredibly confused.Thankfully the system answered him.
[While a dungeon floor is attacking a population centre all children will be teleported to a single place some distance away from the population centre when the carnage happens.]
That made Alfred feel slightly better but he still felt disgusted with his current existence.His existence would bring death to random people around the world.Worst of all he couldn't even destroy himself or order his monsters to destroy himself as they would just refuse.
What made things worse was the obscene pleasure each death gave him.Not to mention that as time went on he felt less bad and bad about it.It was like his emotions and instincts were being warped the longer he spent as a dungeon core.
Right now all the three floors monsters were attacking three random population centres around the world and causing havoc.The only monsters that were left out were the monsters outside the dungeon as well as the unique monsters.
Kalogorax was currently dead and would respawn after some time.His drop item had been hidden on the second floor.Detective Grimshaw had been temporarily ejected from the dungeon and was in the vast basement of the hotel.
Even now Alfred was receiving notifications of collecting essence and mana.Although non sorcerors didn't drop a lot of mana there were still a lot of them dying that the numbers were adding up.The essence though was feeding Alfred with constant pleasure and the guilt as well as disgust he was feeling was being washed away.
It was a substantial amount of essence he was getting as well.The number he had was getting well into the tens of thousands.He would be able to buy a few unique monsters.
He refrained from doing so however as he wasn't under much threat and the SMB was currently doing well in their battles.Alfred was going to buy an elemental monster however and it would be at the regular price.
His reasoning was that he wanted to be able to at least counter Omils abilities.Another reason was to be able to break away from the SMB whenever he wanted just in case he needed to.He bet it would be difficult for the SMB to counter an elemental.