A soldier burst into the main residence, drenched in blood and clutching a letter. "My Lord!" he shouted as he entered the office of Gerald Haris, head of the Haris Fortress.

Gerald Haris looked up, alarmed, and stood from his desk. "Lieutenant Ford, what's the matter?"

"The specters have multiplied," Lieutenant Ford gasped. "The capital has been raided, and the mages from Lionel have run out of magic. This letter is from Hera Fortress. Their youngest daughter has just been born, and the Arrow of Life has appeared. The specters are heading their way!"

Gerald wasted no time. He armed himself and called his elite soldiers. As he prepared to leave, he was met by his wife and four-year-old son. "I'll be back soon," he assured them before mounting his horse and riding off into the torrential rain. The head mage of Haris opened a portal to Hera.

When Gerald arrived, Hera Fortress was in ruins, engulfed in flames with the cries of villagers filling the air. A beacon of light, the Arrow of Life, pointed toward the castle. "Ford, direct the others to assist the villagers and aid Hera's disciples. That dark aura suggests there are around a thousand specters here."

"Yes, my Lord," Lieutenant Ford responded.

Gerald dashed inside and found a crying infant amidst the chaos, with Germaine and Yuri unconscious on the floor. A specter loomed over the baby, its dark presence threatening to consume the child's soul. Gerald drew his sword and struck.

The specter dodged the attack and countered. Gerald blocked its strike with his sword and charged at the specter, trying to protect the baby.

To his shock, the specter laughed—a rare and unsettling display of emotion. "Who are you?" Gerald demanded, channeling his soul energy into his sword. "Tell me your name!"

The specter tilted its head and released a surge of dark energy. "W-We h-have c-come t-to l-live," it stammered, its form still incomplete.

"Did you evolve by consuming souls?"

"S-Souls? N-No, i-it's g-golden e-energy that is d-delicious—" The specter was cut off as Gerald's sword pierced it, but it vanished before he could land another blow. Gerald looked around, unable to sense the dark aura anymore. He picked up the crying infant and turned to Yuri, whose body was fading as the specter had drained his golden energy. It was too late.

Yuri weakly opened his eyes. "G-Gerald," he murmured.

"Yuri, stay with me. We can save you," Gerald pleaded.

Yuri shook his head. "G-Get my wife and children out. Save them," he said softly. Tears streamed down Gerald's face as Yuri reached out toward his youngest child. "I-I'm sorry I won't see you grow, my dear. Listen to your mother and siblings, and always be happy."

With those final words, Yuri's body disappeared.

The Empire mourned the losses at Hera Fortress, but amid the sorrow, they also celebrated the birth of a new Keeper. A new chapter had begun with the Keeper of the Arrow of Life.