Struggle Aboard the Airship: A Journey Home

The port of the West buzzed with excitement as people jostled to travel to the capital for the grand festival in the Averia Empire. The scene was chaotic with nobles and prestigious families cutting in line and paying hefty sums of gold to bypass the queues and use the magic portal.

Fionella, now 18 and returning home after 12 years, opted for a different path. Despite her status as the daughter of one of Averia's largest fortresses, she chose to travel by airship instead of using the portal. The airship journey would take 10 hours, but she preferred to experience it.

Raised strictly by her mentor, Fionella had grown accustomed to doing things the right way rather than taking shortcuts. Although she could have taken a boat, which would have reached the capital in three days, she had been banned from the seaport. Now, she prepared to board the airship with other high-ranking passengers. Her right-hand woman, Cassandra, accompanied her. Cassandra had been with Fionella since her departure for the West, growing alongside her and serving faithfully.

"My lady, if you wish, we could have used my magic to take a portal," Cassandra suggested quietly as they walked toward the airship.

Fionella smiled. "This will be my first time on an airship, Cassandra. I want to savor the experience at least once on my way home. Besides, I wouldn't want to disappoint my master by taking shortcuts."

"Your safety is our top priority," a server assured them as they settled into their seats and requested tea. The server promptly delivered the tea, and both women sat facing each other, waiting for the airship to take off.

"I've trained for 12 years, Cassandra. You've seen my growth. I don't need protection. It's my duty to protect others," Fionella said with a reassuring smile before sipping her tea.Cassandra, understanding her young lady's perspective, nodded in quiet acceptance. Fionella was well-trained and had a strong will, making it difficult to win an argument with her.

As the airship ascended, passengers who were on an airship for the first time eagerly stood by the transparent walls, marveling at the view. The land and sea stretched out in breathtaking beauty. Fionella, secretly thrilled by the scenery, couldn't take her eyes off the window, wishing she could enjoy such views every day.

Cassandra noticed the crest on her hand glowing—a sign that her mage mark, symbolizing her affiliation with the House of Lionel, was active. Every mage from the House of Lionel bore this symbol, which lit up under certain conditions: when near another mage or when someone sought to communicate magically.

Fionella knew that Cassandra's glowing crest meant someone wanted to contact her through magical means. Fionella, however, remained absorbed in the view, not bothered by the disturbance.

While admiring the sunset, a small toy ball landed at Fionela's feet. She picked it up and saw a young girl standing in front of her. The ball's appearance reminded her of her own childhood and playing with her older sister.

"Here's your toy," Fionella said with a warm smile.

"Thank you, young lady," the girl replied with a bright smile. "You're so pretty!"

Fionella appreciated the compliment, although she had never been particularly concerned with her appearance during her years of training in the West. While Cassandra occasionally praised her looks, Fionella had never truly taken it to heart.

"Thank you for the compliment," Fionella said, glancing around for the girl's guardian. "Are you alone?"

The girl's face fell, and she began to cry softly. "I-I'm lost. My parents told me to wait in our seats, but the ball rolled away, and I followed it. Now I can't find my way back."Fionella was impressed by the girl's articulate speech. 'She must come from a wealthy family,' she thought.

"What is your name?"

"I am Liana," the girl said, her tears beginning to dry.

Cassandra, who had just returned from a call, hurried over. "My lady, what are you doing here?"Fionella, who had been comforting Liana, stood up. "Her name is Liana. She's lost and scared. We need to find her parents—" Her words were cut off when the airship suddenly jolted, making everyone stagger. Gasps and shouts filled the air as the shaking continued, more intense than anything they had felt before.

Fionella quickly pulled Liana into a tight hug. The girl, who had stopped crying momentarily, began to sob again. The airship kept shaking violently. "Cassandra, find out what's happening!" Fionella shouted, trying to calm the frightened child.

Cassandra, her face pale with alarm, rushed to the window. She looked outside and her eyes widened. "My lady, there are at least ten specters surrounding the airship! I need to go out and fight them."

Fionella's heart sank. It was the first time the airship had been attacked by specters while in flight. She knew this attack was because of her, and it troubled her deeply. "I'll help you. There are too many of them, and we're in the air. It's dangerous even for you. Cast a barrier spell to protect Liana, and then we'll go outside together."

"Understood, my lady," Cassandra replied firmly.

Cassandra quickly created a shimmering barrier around Liana. Fionella stayed close, whispering reassuring words to the scared girl. "Stay calm, Liana. We'll be back soon."

With Liana safely protected, Fionella and Cassandra stepped out into the night. The airship's lights cast eerie shadows as they prepared to face the specters. Cassandra used her floating magic to stay aloft, ready for battle. Fionella used her ability to fly and formed an energy bow from her powers. She nocked an energy arrow, her training evident in her steady aim.

Fionella swiftly vanquished three specters in quick succession. Meanwhile, Cassandra unleashed a burst of light energy with a wave of her wand, dispersing two more of the shadowy foes. The battle intensified when a remaining specter charged at Fionella. Reacting instantly, she transformed her bow into a dagger and struck, piercing the specter and banishing it.

"My lady, are you okay?" Cassandra asked, concern evident in her voice as she finished off the last specter. The oppressive dark aura around them began to dissipate, and the airship steadied.

"The dark aura is disappearing, but we must ensure our safety," Fionella instructed calmly. "Cast a light barrier to protect us; I'll lend you some of my energy." Cassandra nodded, her eyes focused as she began the incantation. Fionella reached out, channeling her energy into Cassandra. Together, they forged an invisible barrier, a shield of light to repel any remaining specters as they made their way towards the Capital.

To be continued