The Return Home

The festival days had been filled with excitement and joy, a testament to the crown prince's meticulous preparation. The event concluded with a grand dinner and a spectacular fireworks display, much to Fionella's delight. Despite the festive atmosphere, the week at home had presented numerous challenges for her, each one testing her resilience and adaptability.

Now, as the sun cast a golden hue over the horizon, the Hera Family busied themselves with preparations to return to their Fortress. The grand hall buzzed with activity as servants packed bags, secured provisions, and ensured everything was in order. The Fortress, their home and stronghold, could not be left unattended for long. Duties awaited them, and Fionella needed to readjust to her old life.

Fionella's friends were few and far between back home, but she looked forward to seeing her nannies again, women who had been like mothers to her. They had cared for her, taught her, and loved her unconditionally. More importantly, she was excited about the duel her brother had promised—a challenge that would allow her to showcase her skills and prove her growth.

"I've noticed you're shining brightly recently," Thea remarked, her voice soft and melodic, as they enjoyed some leisure time in the stables. The flying horses, magnificent creatures with shimmering wings, pranced around them, their manes flowing like liquid gold.

Fionella smiled sweetly, her eyes reflecting the stable's warm light. "I think I've started to become comfortable with the atmosphere, although the early days were rough."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. You'll have to adjust again once you're back home," Thea said, her tone tinged with a sisterly concern.

Fionella nodded in agreement. The journey back would be swift, thanks to the magic portal, a shimmering gateway that would transport them instantly. Traveling by flying carriage, though enchanting, would take days and exhaust the horses' magical energy. Their mother and uncle had already left early that morning, but the three siblings chose to stay behind. Thea wanted to say goodbye to friends, and Rozel had gone to the castle for final farewells.

Thea then went inside to oversee the final preparations, leaving Fionella alone in the stables. She gently brushed the horses' manes, each stroke soothing and rhythmic. The horses, sensing her gentle touch, nuzzled her affectionately. Her smile radiated warmth and contentment, a stark contrast to her earlier uncertainty.

"I am happy to see you smiling so much," a familiar voice said. Fionella turned, her heart skipping a beat, to see Kairon standing with a portal shimmering behind him, its magical energy casting a soft glow.

"I heard you're going home," Andrei added as he emerged from the portal, which closed behind him with a faint whoosh. "Apologies for the intrusion, my lady. We heard from young lord Rozel that you would be leaving today."

"Yes, we couldn't stay longer. I still have matters to attend to as a disciple who's been away for twelve years," Fionella replied, guiding the horse back to its stable with a gentle hand.

Kairon couldn't help but admire Fionella's warm smile. If Andrei hadn't nudged him, he might have been caught staring. "The investigation and restoration of Guren Village is ongoing. Perhaps, I will visit your abode to give you an update."

Fionella nodded, eager for news of the investigation. Though it wasn't her responsibility, she felt compelled to stay informed. Guren Village had been ravaged by mysterious forces, and its restoration was a matter of great importance.

"But you will see me soon enough," Kairon added, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

Fionella tilted her head in curiosity. "Why so?"

"I have been tasked with handling Hera's new headquarters," he explained, his tone steady and confident.

Her forehead creased. Cassandra, who had arrived unnoticed and observed the exchange, approached her lady with a knowing smile. "The Haris Fortress is renowned for their architectural and engineering skills, aside from their expertise with swords. They are knowledgeable in building and crafting," Cassandra explained, her voice clear and informative.

Fionella, who had forgotten the powers and expertise of each land, nodded. "Oh, I totally forgot about that."

Cassandra's smile widened. "But the new headquarters is just one of the projects. I don't see why the young lord himself needs to be involved in such matters."

Kairon, momentarily taken aback by the question, smiled at the young mage. "I haven't accepted projects lately, and I feel like my skills have been dormant for too long. I might as well take this opportunity."

As the conversation unfolded, the portal back to where Kairon and Andrei opened. It was a reminder that the two young men is needed back to residence and shall leave at once. Although hesitant, Kairon bid his farewell before they disappeared. 

Fionella and Cassandra are now left alone. "Young Lord Kairon is surely interested in you, my lady."

Fionella's cheeks turned red, "W-What are you saying, that's not true." she said as she walked away on the way inside the residence. The young mage smiled at her lady's cute actions. 

The journey back to Hera Fortress felt like an odyssey, but as Fionella finally stepped foot back home, her breath caught in her throat. Before her lay the majestic fortress, perched on the peak of a mountain and flanked by a cascading waterfall. The sight was nothing short of enchanting, a stark contrast to the bustling, noisy Capital she had just left behind. Here, nature reigned supreme, its serene beauty a balm to her weary soul.

Fionella wandered the grounds, savoring the tranquility that enveloped her. The air was crisp and filled with the sweet scent of wildflowers, mingling with the earthy aroma of the forest. The chorus of birdsong and the gentle rustle of leaves were a symphony to her ears, a far cry from the clamor of city life. This rural haven was not just home; it was a sanctuary, perfect for the disciples' rigorous training and spiritual cultivation.

Hera Fortress itself was a marvel, with its own bustling capital filled with stalls and boutiques. Yet, the castle and its surrounding quarters were situated on a mountain peak, providing a secluded retreat. Plans were already in place to expand the quarters, reflecting the growing needs of the disciples.

Her room in the castle had been renovated to suit her age and status. It was vast, with high ceilings and large windows that let in streams of sunlight. The opulence of her new room made her previous one in the Capital seem like a mere closet. The walls were adorned with tapestries depicting the rich history of Hera, and the air was fragrant with the scent of fresh flowers. She walked to her veranda, where the sound of the waterfall echoed soothingly.

"This is so good," she murmured to herself, her eyes sparkling with delight. The serenity of the place was beyond anything she could have imagined.

"My lady," a familiar voice called. Fionella turned to see two elderly women approaching, their faces lighting up with joy. They were her nannies, who had cared for her since she was a child.

"I missed you so much," Fionella exclaimed, rushing to embrace them. Tears filled her eyes as she hugged them tightly. She remembered her childhood nights, crying herself to sleep while clutching the scarves they had sewn for her, the only comfort during her rigorous training.

They spent the entire evening catching up. Fionella recounted her experiences in the West, her voice animated as she described her adventures and challenges. Her nannies listened intently, their eyes glistening with pride and relief. They promised to take care of her now that she was home, their words a soothing balm to her soul.

As they chatted, Germaine, Fionella's mother, stood outside the door, listening. She had been there for a while, hesitant to enter. Germaine had never been affectionate towards her youngest daughter. The pain of losing her husband, Yuri, had been too much to bear, and she had unfairly blamed Fionella for the tragedy. This had created a rift between them that seemed unbridgeable.


"Mother, look, I made the stone float!" A young, excited Fionella had once shown her mother her magical feat, her eyes wide with anticipation.

Germaine, weary from a long day of meetings, barely glanced at her daughter. Her expression was cold and unyielding as she walked past the child without a word.

"My liege, the youngest Hera has been coughing and her fever won't subside," Uriel, the loyal retainer, reported urgently.

"Fever and cough are normal. Have the healing mage check on her," Germaine replied dismissively.

"But my liege--" Uriel began but was cut off.

"I made myself clear, Uriel." Germaine's voice was stern and final, leaving no room for argument.

--End of Flashback--

Now, listening to the warm, lively conversation between Fionella and her nannies, Germaine felt a pang of jealousy and regret. She longed to join them but felt paralyzed by years of emotional distance. She went to bed that night, her heart heavy with the hope and fear that their broken relationship might one day be healed.

The next morning, the sun rose over Hera Fortress, casting a golden glow on the landscape. Fionella woke to the sound of birds chirping and the gentle roar of the waterfall. She felt a renewed sense of purpose. As she stepped out onto her veranda, she took a deep breath, savoring the promise of an eventful days ahead.