The Chase for a Princess

"People always try to obtain temporary happiness from indulging in frivolous activities. Even if they're content with their lives at some point, that high will eventually wear off. In the end, they sit there and realize that they're doing nothing but aimlessly drifting. In the end, they meet the consequences of their sins through hopelessness and despair. In the end…they are nothing but human."

"When did you get so nihilistic?"

Callum and I were walking to school. I had somehow digressed to the point of giving a dolorous rant about the futility of life.

"I know it makes me sound like your average cynical teenager, but am I really wrong?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. People say they wish for happiness, but to me, the opposite seems true. I mean, if you want it so bad, then just be happy. It shouldn't be so hard for normal people like us."

"I get what you're saying, but the problem there is that it's easier to delude yourself into sadness than it is for happiness. People are depressed because they prioritize momentary pleasure over real happiness, and that only deepens their sadness."

Callum thought for a moment.

"Then that means they don't really want happiness after all. Sadness is more convenient for them, so that's what they settle for."

"Yeah, and it's dispiriting. Everyone is so miserable that it's beginning to make me miserable."

"Is that why you've been making so many new friends recently? To analyze them like this?"

"I guess so."

"Maybe you're pitying them too much. I mean, anybody would seem sad if you examined them from an outsider's perspective."

I mused.

"Wow. You're really smart, brother of mine. No wonder we've always made a great team."

"Of course."

Callum was right. There were plenty of horrifying scenes from the memories I'd observed, and they elicited quite the emotional response from me. The happy ones, on the other hand, were scenes that I typically overlooked. Perhaps I was being both pessimistic and naive. I failed to realize that this was simply reality, and then fell into a negative space of mind as a result.

It was probably wrong of me to delve into the pasts of others in the first place. From now on, I won't use the ability unless the situation calls for it.

As we continued our stroll, my brother and I witnessed something unusual: Adonis Alexoudis was stealthily leaving the school campus, almost as if he was performing an undercover operation.

"Where's he going?" asked Callum.

"I don't know. Wanna follow him?" I proposed.

"Well, we probably shouldn't, but I really don't want to go to class. Let's do it."

In broad daylight, we ditched school and kept after Adonis as he made his way throughout town. We passed several houses and shops, until finally, looking around as if to preserve his secrecy, he went into an alleyway and stopped there.

"Why are you two following me?"

Callum and I froze. We'd been caught. I sighed and revealed myself.

"Sorry about that. We just wondered where you were going."

"I see. I'll have to explain myself later. By the way, did you happen to see a cloaked individual passing by?"

I paused for a moment and thought about it. While doing so, I noticed someone on the other side of the alleyway, standing in Adonis's blind spot. A cloaked individual. Interestingly enough, it looked like they were gesturing at me to keep quiet, putting their index finger against their mouth.

"No, I haven't," I replied.

"Why were you looking behind me just now?"

As Adonis turned back, the cloaked individual attempted to escape.

"Damn it! You lied to me!" he said, beginning to run after them.

I saw others in the distance chasing that person as well. It seemed that Adonis was with an entire crew. All of them were probably Ignatian spies.

I had refused to peek into his memories again after I realized how dangerous the information inside of them could be. But I now understood something: from the instant I learned about his true identity, I had dug my own grave. It was not in my nature to leave that knowledge to rot. I wouldn't have been able to lay my eyes on Adonis without it reminding me of who he really was.

Sooner or later, this was going to happen. This fate was chosen for me. It was meant to be.

So I moved. I took hold of Adonis and prevented him from leaving the alleyway.

"What the hell are you—"

"What's happening!? I can't control my body! I can't let go!"

Now there's really no going back, I thought.

He grabbed my arm and rammed me against the wall, causing me to let go of him and fall back to the ground. He then quickly ran the other way and chased after his target.

Shit, that hurts…

"Callum! It's your call!" I shouted.

"I'm gonna chase after them. There's no way I can just go back to school now!"

Callum followed Adonis, and I was about to do the same.

"Hey, you."

I heard a relatively high-pitched whisper and stopped in my tracks. I looked back and saw the cloaked individual standing there.

"Oh wow," I said, "you're a sneaky one."

As we approached each other, I got a clearer view of this person's face. It was a young woman. An attractive one, at that, with a glassy complexion and viridescent eyes.

"Sorry for getting you involved in all this. Are you hurt?" she asked.

"I think I'm fine. So why are those people after you?"

I made eye contact with her and centered my mind on a single line of thought.

Who are you?

"It's a long story. Oh, and you should probably tell that guy you were with to come back."

What…? It didn't work?

I tried again. And again. And again. My ability would still not activate.

"Is everything okay? Why are you just staring at me?"

I wonder if I somehow lost it.

"…Sorry, I just realized something. Anyway, what's your name? Mine's Leith."

She seemed reluctant to answer.

"It's okay," I said. "You can tell me. I'm not a bad person. At least, I don't think I am."

"You don't sound very reassuring, but oh well. It's Iris."

I slowly got up. "Well, Iris, I'd love to talk more, but I have to track my brother down. You probably shouldn't stay here for too long either, seeing as how you have people after you and all."

"I know. Sorry I can't help you find your brother. It would be a death wish for me. And thanks for helping me out."

I smiled. "Good luck. Maybe we'll meet again."

"Yeah. Bye, Leith."

We both walked our separate ways…

"Ah, I've found you!"

I immediately turned around. There was a rugged man in a black coat that grabbed Iris's hand.

"Let me go!" she cried.

I didn't know what I could do. He appeared to be someone with the government.

"Who are you?" I asked him as I walked over.

"Leith! Help me!" shouted Iris.

The man reached into his coat and showed me his identification card.

"I'm with the Department of Investigation. My name is Alan Fitzgerald. What is your business with this woman?"

Iris and I looked at each other for an instant.

"I only just met her a few moments ago. Why have you taken hold of her?"

"That, my young fellow, is class—"

Alan suddenly rushed into the alleyway where I stood and hid behind the corner, leaving only Iris visible to the outside.

"Don't run, girl, or I'll kill you and this boy right here," he whispered, pointing to me. Iris obeyed.

I could hear several footsteps. As they inched closer, Alan ran out and revealed his gun, aiming it at the ones who'd just arrived.

"Stop right there!" he yelled.

I looked out to see Adonis, along with his companions, standing there with their hands up.

"What's the meaning of this? Leith, why are you with them?" asked Adonis. I shrugged in response.

All of a sudden, a large man ran up behind Iris and attempted to grab her.

"Iris! Behind you!" I shouted.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Alan had opened fire on the man, killing him off before he could reach Iris. Admittedly, I was quite taken aback by this.

"Damn you…" muttered Adonis.

"Are you okay?" I asked Iris. She nodded.

Alan took hold of her by the arm and pointed his gun at the others.

"You all are under arrest. We will be taking this girl into our custody."

"But how did you know about this? We tried to do it as covertly as possible…" said Adonis.

Alan smirked. "We caught your buddy over there and got him to work with us," he said, pointing to one of the men on Adonis's side.

Adonis scowled. "Ignatia won't overlook this. That is our princess. You've practically declared war on us. Prepare yourselves."

Just as he said that, many other men in black coats had arrived. They placed handcuffs on Adonis and the rest of his group and escorted them away, and then began to haul the body of the man who'd just been killed.

Princess? War? I thought. This doesn't sound good.

"You're probably planning your escape right now, but don't bother. You won't be able to get away. We have agents stationed across the city, so you might as well comply to make it easier for the both of us," Alan told Iris.

She gave me a look of worry.

Don't make that face. I can't do much here.

"And you," Alan said, shifting his gaze towards me, "I know you already said you only just met this girl, but just in case you weren't telling the truth, I'll give you another chance. How do you know her?"

I began to use my ability on him.

"I was telling the truth. I laid my eyes on her for the first time in my life only a few minutes ago," I responded.

It's hard to do it while holding a conversation, but it's working…I can see his memories.

I wonder why I couldn't use it on Iris, though.

"You're a student, correct? Show me your ID."

I had to break eye contact with him for a few seconds as I pulled out my ID and let him examine it. He took out a notebook and wrote down what was probably some of my information.

"Leith Amaryllis," he said, "whose side are you on?"

I paused for a bit and analyzed as much of his past as I could, then replied, "Demosthenes, without a doubt."

"Very well. I'll let you off the hook. I trust that you won't tell anyone about what transpired here, yes?"


"Of course, sir."

You were involved in quite the scandal, Alan Fitzgerald.

I can't use this information to set Iris free. Too many of those agents have seen my face so I'd probably become a target. Although, I can probably scare him a bit just to help the girl, even if a little. It's risky, but oh well.

"Alan," I said, "I ask that you treat her well and keep her out of harm's way."

He looked rather vexed. "Are you seriously making requests? Do you understand the position you're in? I'm already doing you a favor—"

"May I whisper something to you? It's sort of confidential, so I don't want anyone else hearing."

Alan paused, and then nodded yes. I leaned in and spoke a few words. His eyes widened.

"…All right," he said. "I guarantee her safety and proper treatment."

Iris made a puzzled expression. She'd been fairly quiet ever since Alan arrived at the scene, probably to prevent him from thinking there was some sort of connection between her and I. She seemed like a good person.

I gave her a look that said, "This is all I can do. You'll have to put up with it for now."

The two then left, and I could only hope that I'd done enough to ensure Iris's well-being. It seemed like she was the one person I couldn't use my ability on. I felt as if there was some significance to that, but perhaps it was just my apophenia.

"Callum, you there?"

"Over here."

I caught sight of my brother revealing himself from a corner in the alleyway.

"You were hiding this whole time?" I asked, snickering.

"More or less. But we probably shouldn't discuss anything here."

"You're right. Let's go home."