A tale of two

His single comment, 'I was never alive.' Got my head spiraling.

I mean I've heard of the living dead, which I thought were nothing but old folklores created by our forefathers but then this? Witnessing Silas rise from the dead has put me in so many tormenting conditions all at once.

He was on top of me, his grip was tight around my wrists. I was frozen, unable to speak or react.

'Don't say another word.' He commanded and climbed down the bed.

My eyes followed him. He marched to the mirror, admiring how deep I stuck the knife in his chest.

'This was a polished job, are you an assassin?' He shot me a glance. 'Cat caught your tongue?'

I was unable to speak. My ability to speak felt jammed by an invisible force. I climbed down the bed, gaze leering all over him from head to toe. I was confused and terrified to see him standing on his two feet.

I felt tortured watching him pull the dagger out of his chest and all hell came loose when the injury healed instantly. He used a white cloth to dab the blood off his chest, sliding a new shirt on, then he faces me,

'Come over here.'

My body felt paralyzed but when Silas spoke to me, it was as if my legs had a life of their own. I briskly moved to where he is.

'How many of you are there?' He inquired as he buttoned his shirt.

How can someone be so casual about it? I killed him, why isn't he killing me back?

'I… ' I was bereft of words.

He was playing with the dagger in his hand and then, suddenly, threw the dagger at me. It slightly grazed my arm as it flew into the wall, severing my sleeve in half. The other half fell off, exposing my now bleeding arm.

Silas's brows lifts - clearly impressed, 'Not even a single sound. I'm impressed.'

I glanced down at my bleeding arm then back at him. The only words that came out of my mouth were, 'What are you?'

The smirk on his face dissolved into a murderous glare, 'What do you think?'

He started coming towards me in strides, I subconsciously took a terrified step back but that didn't make him stop. He kept coming and I kept retreating till my back was pressed against the wall.

The thoughts that were going in and out my head made my stomach churn, twists like a worm in my gut.

His eyes burrowed deep into mine as if he were trying to hypnotize me, 'who is Arya?' He asked.

I grimaced, swallowing, 'She's my …My …'

'Okay that's enough, I don't care.'

Silas was two times bigger and taller than me. His big frame loomed over me like a dark cloud.

I was literally shaking and had to stiffen my legs to stand erectly.

He brings his head down as if he was going to kiss me and then he whispered softly in my ear, 'What should I do with you?'

All of a sudden, he wraps his hand around my neck as he aggressively rammed me into the wall, cocking his head to one side,

'Should I kill you instead?' He smirked maniacally, 'No?'

I was now quivering under his hold, I have never experienced such immense strength coming from another human before. I wanted to scream but I could not.

Silas leaned, bringing his face very close to mine, 'What use will you be of to me if I let you live?'

Tears started streaming out of my red eyes, Silas's grip around my neck was making it impossible for me to breathe properly. I kept fluttering like a fish out of water. I was helplessly fighting for my dear life against a monster. All along, i thought I was tired of this life but looking death in the eyes made me realize how precious my life was.

'How fragile!' He hissed, releasing me and I flopped onto the floor, wheezing and coughing for air.

I crawled to the door, helplessly trying to escape Silas but I failed. He walked to me, dropped to his knees and grabbed my chin, lifting my head up to look him in the eye.

'The council have been hounding me to marry a wife. They suggested princess Arora of Madelhem, she sounds like she will make a fine queen but I do not wish to disclose my secret to just anyone. It might be my strength but those greedy lots can also make it my weakness. Let me give you a choice, die or marry me.'

It wasn't exactly a choice, it was Silas's sadistic way of forcing me into marriage with him.

'You see, if I let you live, I need to make sure you are under my leash and to do that, I have to keep my eyes on you every single day and night.' He sighed, getting to his feet.

My chin was left with red prints of his fingers from the iron grip.

'Marry me, please?' He made it sound like a request but his body language exuded authority and I felt the blaring echo of the command.

I nodded vigorously.

In that moment, I would've agreed to anything. All I wanted was to escape him, he was a monster and I was the prey. I was stupid enough to attempt assasination on him, and saying no to his conditions will put me in a very tight spot.

'Ah! Not a single hesitation.' He seemed impressed, 'You will marry me even though you want me dead? Why? Do you love your life that much? I thought you didn't care about living since you didn't bother killing the king of your kingdom.'

'You are not dead, you are alive.' I muttered shakily.

'Ah, not dead.' He chuckled, 'But you did kill me, though I was never really alive in the first place.' Takes a deep breath,

'now forget about all of that, I needed a wife and you brought yourself to me, now you will have to stay in this room and trust me, you can attempt escaping but it would be of no use to you. I will find you wherever you hide, dead or alive.' He ended the threat with a devilish grin,

'Make yourself comfortable.' He headed for the door.

'What are you?' I finally found my tongue, 'What are you?'

'Me? I …' he paused a moment, 'I am …your husband, to be.' He shot me a wink and sail out of the room.

Did that just happen?

I got up from the floor and ran for the door, tried opening them but realized I've been locked from the outside. My legs failed me again and i dropped to my knees.

How can a man not die? Why? I killed him, so why didn't he die?

The questions spiral like a hurricane in my head.

Right where I was, on the floor, leaning against the door, I drifted off to sleep.

How could I sleep despite going through such a bizarre experience?

I cannot present an answer for that question but one thing I know is, after getting some sleep, I woke up with a clear mind.

The blaring sound of the early morning bell chimes jolts me awake. My entire body aches, I barely got to my feet when suddenly, the door flew open and a few maids holding covered platters waltz into room.

'What is going on?' I was confused.

One of the maids faced me with a practiced smile, 'Good morning my lady, do forgive us for the unwelcome intrusion but I'm afraid we have little time left and we need to get you dressed for the wedding.'

Her words felt like a nasty joke, I scoffed in disbelief, 'The …what?'

A hot shower in warm milk with red fragrant roses, getting my blonde hair washed in lavender and cloves water which left a shiny and redolent effect.

The dress was too tight for my liking. The low décolletage, unnecessarily long sleeves that added to the heavy weight of the dress.

The golden shoes and later getting my hair done by the so-called best hairdresser in the kingdom - ended with me looking like a massive ugly-looking pumpkin with hair as tall as a giraffe's neck, with way too many flowers that got my above resembling a garden of flowers. And I hate flowers but what choice do I have? I have to marry Silas.

I realized that this nightmare was actually turning true and the fear of marrying a monster enveloped me. Even if there is a slight chance I can escape Silas, even if it means I will keep running for the rest of my pathetic life, I was ready to bet all my cards on that gamble, and so when all the maids were gone, I snuck out of the room and ran, I ran so hard but felt slowed because of the heavy dress that was weighing me down.

I tossed my shoes aside, lifted the dress with both hands and dashed off. A naughty little smile crept up on my face, I was happy that I could finally escape. I was already thinking of how to begin my new life in a new kingdom far away from Silas.

With that thought, I felt hopeful, only for me to take the turn and crash into someone, losing balance, falling.

Right before I hit the floor, a hand curled around my waist and I was slowly pulled up, gaze landing on the most beautiful man I have ever set my eyes on.

He had this lovely green eyes and thick black brows that contrasted beautifully to his thin rosy lips.

I was captivated by this man's beauty, whoever he might be.

A maid came running towards us, panting, 'My lady, you are here, I've been searching for you. It is about time for the wedding and you…' her eyes leered over me from head to toe, 'You look like a mess. We have to get you prepared.'

I didn't give two shits about her, I was merely mesmerized by the man in front of me.

He only realized he was still holding me when the maid cleared her throat and he sheepishly let go.

'Forgive me my lady, I should've kept my eyes on the road.' He said, gave me an apologetic nod and strutted off.

Lust for this man glowed in my eyes. My gaze followed his retreating figure.

He was in a blue and silver armor and walked with a sounding aura that would easily captivate the viewer.

'My lady, my lady?'

The maid snapped her fingers in my face which brought me back to the present. I shot her a glare, 'What?'

'The wedding?'