Magic Haven (Mel)

I don't know when it happened. Me falling in love with my best friend Arcade Lisbon I try to think back but I can't seem to remember the specific time when my mind and heart actually said "You're in love with this man" maybe it was the time he held back my hair when I drank to much. Or the time I was sick and he stayed by me all night. Maybe the time when we fell asleep together watching a movie in my bed. We woke up wrapped in each others arms and he didn't seem mad or embarrassed at all. I guess I can't pin point the exact time I fell for him but it was to late now to turn back cause it went from a crush to madly in love. The problem was I was to much of a coward to confront him and tell him how I felt and see if he felt the same before we parted ways. Now I have no idea if or when I'll see him again. Today was the day of our testing and what I mean by that is different people born with certain hair colors at the age of twenty one would go to a place called Magic Haven to test the strength of their powers. This place was set up by the magic king many many years ago who saved the world from an evil goddess. In fact it was so long ago it was almost nothing more then a tale you tell your children at night. 

Your power depended on your hair color as an example: if you were born with black hair color you were just known as a regular citizen. If you were born with pink hair color you can control the wind. Blue hair was the healing power. Green hair could control water. Blonde hair could control metal, most of their power and training was with the sword. White hair was known as the power of telekinesis it was one of the most powerful ones out of all of them. But legend says that the magic King had red hair which was the power to control all the abilities. But it was just a legend no one really knows because no one's been born with red hair since his time. I had the privilege of being born with white hair. I place myself different than everybody else because my power developed when I was just four years old when most people's Powers developed when they're twelve. Unlike regular citizens with black hair who go to school until they're eighteen and graduate and get a job people with colored hair go to school until thier eighteen and go to a college to study their powers until the age of twenty one. Then we are shipped off to the magic Haven there where many of them across the world where we study again for another year to test and build up our powers. If you had friends that weren't exactly the same age you would probably never see them again. And that's why I'm devastated, Arcade was just a day older than me, a day to May Sixteenth to May seventeenth. And I may never see him again I shouldn't have been so scared to tell him how I feel. The day he was shipped out I gave him a hug and held on to him as if for life as he whispered it would be okay and promised he would see me again. And I kept my mouth shut so I wouldn't cry and out of fear of what I would say. But that was yesterday now it was my turn to go to magic Haven and have myself tested me along with about thirty other people. When we all boarded the bus I was hoping to at least have some scenery on the way to where we were going but instead a portal was opened and all I see now are wobbly purple lines along the side of the bus. Eventually made me tired and I fell asleep and was woken up by my friend Asher Kingston when we arrived. Asher had green hair so he controlled water every once in awhile in college he would try to color his hair white to match me and Arcade but it just made him look weird so we made him wash it out every time. He wanted to be more like us which I admired that but at the same time I really wish he didn't because me and Arcade were known as bullies in school and in college. But hey even bullies can fall in love.

"Hey Mel wake up we're here" Asher said in a whispering tone and elbowed me in the side. I groaned and slide out of the seat reached up and grabbed my bag and suit case from the self above me. I knew I had very little stuff but figured I could just buy whatever I needed along the way. I got In line to get off the bus then realized it was almost dark out. Wow we must have been traveling for a long time since we all got in the bus at nine thirty in the morning and dang it I missed us coming out of the portal kinda wanted to see that. When I got out of the bus I stretched and looked up at the sky the air felt weird here where we even in the same dimension anymore I knew it was possible but I never thought I'd be traveling through a different dimension. Asher got off right after me and stood beside me with his tiny ass bag. I scowled at him

"Is that all you brought?" He shrugged

"I'll buy whatever I need later"

Wow this guy was not worried about the testing at all. I didn't even think he cared whether his power scored high or low. If it was low he would be sent home to live like a regular citizen he will be known as a nothing just like they were. Because for some reason in our world only the Strong survived and the weak were protected by the strong until the strong realize they can take advantage of the weak.

Asher stretched his arms out and groaned extremely loud.

"Wow look at this place it's big as hell". I chuckled I wasn't expecting it to be this big either looked as if it could be as big as a state. I clapped Asher on the back.

"You ready for this"

He gave me a small smile.

"I left my family for this I better be" I pulled his arm excited and nerves for what was coming.

"Then let's go"