Announcement (Mel)

It has been a few weeks since I gotten kidnapped and I still couldn't remember a thing no matter how much I tried. I keep thinking I see the mages face in my dreams but I could never completely make him out, even when Asher and Arcade drug me to the mage in his class the only thing she could tell me was that he probably used a memory spell on my causing me to forget the key moments of what happened. But the one thing that always begged a question was why did he let me live? I clearly wasn't the one that he want so why take me in the first place and then leave me a few miles inside the Magic Havens range. No answer seemed to satisfy me cause I couldn't come up with any, and the ones I made up in my own mind just stressed me out.

Arcade barley let me out of his sight not caring if people pegged us as a couple or not. It wasn't a bad thing there were no rules written against it but we learned it was better to keep your feelings to yourself cause once you finished the year of training and went up against Mages you had no idea if they returned or if you would. But I wouldn't worry about that, I couldn't these thoughts always came to me at night keeping me from sleep, every time I would pull Arcade closer to me gaining comfort in his body heat and scent completely overwhelmed he was finally mine, I couldn't lose him, I wouldn't.

The days wore on and not much happened as we continued our training, I was told I was doing really well but I felt empty inside like nothing I was doing added to anything. We learned more about ourselves, about our powers types and how to contol the energy we pulled from the earth, I started to learn attack magic I could use and wished I had earlier. Asher was getting stronger by the day second In class B under me.

"Do you think we'll ever see our parents again" Asher asked me as we sat in the training room waiting to be instructed. He sounded sad and looked tired, training must be catching up to him, he was spending a lot of time in other people's room almost like he was avoiding me and Arcade but I knew he was just giving us space. I respected him for that but he was getting his heart broken here.

"I don't know" I answered and placed my hand on his shoulder in a comforting way

"If we live that long I guess, it's ok I miss my parents too".

He smiled but pulled away from my touch which kinda hurt a little.

"Attention everyone" a male voice said coming through the door on our left, the whole group turned to look at him. Glenn walked through the group up to the stage in front of us and spread his arms out, I was surprised he was here, I haven't seen him since he came here with us on the bus and instructed us on where we were staying.

"You guys have all done well" he said with a clap of his hand.

"And because of that we have provided a golden opportunity to give you a stage fight which I have been gone and working hard on these past few"

Asher jabbed me in the stomach excitement on his face.

"You will be taken out of there tomorrow morning so get some rest you guys"

He started to leave, that was it? This guy didn't explain shit.


A pink haired boy called from the group a few feet away from me.

"Who are we going to fight against?" He asked and i was as gald I didn't want to be the one to speak up.

Glenn stood at the door ready to leave, he shook his head before turning back towards us.

"Did you guys not pay attention in college? After you guys reach a certain level in training you guys go against the higher class meaning A"

He smiled "have fun" turned and left us standing in shock and excitement.

Asher jumped up and down laughing

"We get to go against class A man that means Arcade—" his voice trailed off when he caught the look on my face.

"Hey it's ok" he soothed

"What if I have to go against him and I hurt him" I said with no emotion.

" You won't you'll see" he didn't sound very convincing and wouldn't look me in the eyes.

"You love him I get it but this is training, this is what we will use for the rest of our lives"

I knew he was right, what we learned here will determine is we live or not going up against our enemy. Whether it was a mage or some other Magical threat.

That night I clung to Arcade not knowing really how to process the fear I was feeling. He wanted me I could tell with him trying to remove my clothes but I wouldn't pull away from his chest to let his hands slide in-between us to really touch me. I wasn't handling this well and I most likely wouldn't even be going up against him but what if I did and I hurt him or he hurt me or someone hurt Asher? It was questions that couldn't be answered until tomorrow but tonight I didn't want to let Arcade go.

"I love you" I suddenly said, he poked his head up giving up the fight with my pants.

"I love you to"

He kissed me hard holding me closer as he plundered my mouth with his tongue. It was my weakness, never failed to make me melt against him.

"You make me feel so much" he whispered "much more then I thought I could, even before confessing to you"

He kissed me again this time it felt like out of desperation. I felt like weeping from the tenderness in this moment.

"Don't leave me" I said breaking the kiss

"I won't"

I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him closer.

"I don't ever want you to go away"

"I won't"

"But when we finish our year here and are forced separate ways I can't.. I don't"

"Shhh" he placed his finger on my lips slightly parting them.

"I would let the world burn to get back to you"

It was such and empty promise but the power I had over him just because he loved me I never imagined it could be like this.

He didn't wait for me to give a reply to what he just told me, not like I could I didn't know what to say but instead he started kissing every part of my upper body till I was so aroused I couldnt see straight.

"You gonna let me take your pants off" he asked amused.


He undid the button and slid them off along with my underwear and grabbed my cock that popped out slapping against my stomach with a thunk.

"Damn so hard for me already" he mumbled stroking me off.

"Always" I said hoarsely.

He spit on his hand and wrapped tightly around my legnth before sliding his finger inside me making me gasped in surprise at the sudden pleasure.

"F..fuck Cade" my dick responded way to eagerly become harder then it already was.

"Easy" he whispered, he spit on his hand again. Obviously he wasn't going to wait annd use lube but now that we've gotten better at sex salvia did just fine. He pulled out and pushed two fingers inside me making me moan loudly, my body growing more eager and hungry by the second.

"Oh fuck Cade please" I knew what I wanted I just couldn't say it, I didn't have any embarrassment while doing this anymore but he drove all thoughts out of my mind while finger fucking me driving me wild with need. I wanted to feel his long hard flesh invade my most secret place and make me beg and cry out underneath him.

"So eager" he said with a chuckle pushing against my prostate and watched me push my ass against him.

"Please I need... Fuck I want you inside me Caden please"

I was ready to scream it from the top of my lungs I needed him, I didn't know how much longer I could last he made me feel so good.

"Then you'll get what you want" Arcade said continuing to slam his fingers in to my prostate over and over again. I couldn't think, I could barely remember to breath.

"I need more" I was finally able to say, he moved his hands to my dick and started to jerk me off pushing my pleasure to its limits.

"Arcade" I moaned his name as he came up to kiss me.

"Fuck me please... I... going to cum" he didn't hesitate a second lowering himself enough to aim his cock at my gapping hole and push his legnth sliding in so easily making my toes curl.

"Oh fuck faster" I begged pulling his hips towards me making him go deeper. He was hitting my spot so good as he hammered into me I felt like I was in heaven like I did every time we made love.

"Fuck Mel I'm going to cum" he moaned loudly slowing his stride.

"Fuck me to" I jerked myself off a little more and felt myself let go waves of pleasure washed over me as white ribbons flew up my stomach. Arcade groaned and with one last push he pulled out spraying his seed mixing it with mine.

I layed there trying to catch my breath.

"Let me clean you up" he said taking his tongue and lapping up our pool of cum on my stomach taking me by surprise on how hot that was. When he was done I pulled him up for a kiss before wrapping my arms around him settling down on his chest once more.

I would kill myself if I ever hurt this man and I would kill any person who hurts him.

"Tomorrow will be ok" he said "I promise"

I ran my hand down his chest to relax to care about tomorrow just now. But I believed him it probably would be alright.