Chapter 4: Naming is Really Hard

"Praise the Lord of Evil!" Everyone shouted in unison.

Regardless of what Lord Takigi thought, the glory of Jashin was paramount to everyone!


That's precisely the point!

If one were to pursue reason, who would worship a god whose existence is still uncertain?

Thus, in the eyes of these cultists, anything involving Jashin is the most reasonable thing in the world!

Don't believe it?

There are two glaring examples right in front of you. With something like [Immortality] existing, what else could be impossible?!

It's precisely because of understanding the mindset of the cult that Akagi Shinsuke dared to push everything onto the so-called 'Jashin-sama' with a method akin to 'you're all foolish idiots.'

As long as it involves their faith—Jashinism—no one dares to question the truth of his words.

After all, if Akagi Shinsuke himself insists on it, who's to say that the unseen Evil God will suddenly appear and expose him?

Of course, this only applies to praise and 'showing miracles.' If he were to defame Jashin, there's no doubt that these people would not seek any verification but would immediately tear him apart in anger!

The outcome of the situation was as Akagi Shinsuke expected. Even if someone harbored doubts, no one was foolish enough to jump out and question him.

Instead, they started praising the Jashin-sama's mercy and greatness!

When it comes to pretending to be clueless, everyone was in perfect harmony!

After the formalities, Lord Takigi began to inquire about the new jujutsu granted by the Lord of Evil.

Akagi Shinsuke was very open and said everything he could. As for what he couldn't say, he just claimed ignorance. After all, he had only recently received this power from the system and did not know much about it.

If you want more information, you can ask the system yourself!

Facing Akagi Shinsuke's candid attitude, Lord Takigi was also troubled.

It seemed that this new jujutsu could only be used by him and could not be popularized or handed over to Hidan for now.

As for whether what the guy said was true or false, Lord Takigi decided not to delve into it further.

Without tearing the facade, he knew he wouldn't get any valuable information. It was better to use a soft approach to continue brainwashing and influencing him.

As long as he could be useful and fight for the cult, other trivial matters were not important.

Lord Takigi believed he could control Akagi Shinsuke firmly, yet he did not realize that Akagi Shinsuke was different from the people he had controlled before.

"Blood Manipulation Jujutsu? Hmph! My immortality combined with [Death-Binding Blood] is the strongest!"

After lying down for a long time, Hidan, now 'faded,' stood up with a displeased look and said.


"What are you laughing at! As long as I get the blood, even the Sage of the Six Paths, I'll kill him for you, bastard!"

"Mm-hmm, good luck~"

"Ahhhh! I'm going to kill you! I swear I will kill you!"

"Oh, is there something else?"


Akagi Shinsuke's extremely perfunctory attitude several times made Hidan so angry he nearly vomited blood.

But then again, if Hidan really had a way to deal with him, he wouldn't have been making threats all this time.

As long as Akagi Shinsuke did not betray the cult, Lord Takigi would never allow them to fight to the death.

So, while very angry, it was a powerless rage!

"Just you wait, this matter isn't over!"

[Ding, Bond Value +1]

After shouting a threat that lacked any real intimidation, Hidan stormed out angrily.

Who would be scared by threats like 'don't leave after school' at this point!

However, the increase in bond value was truly unexpected. Is this really the correct way to open things?

So, Akagi Shinsuke shrugged and didn't respond further. Instead, he quickly used the provided sealing bags to preserve the blood he had lost.

One of the drawbacks of [Blood Manipulation Jujutsu] is that the amount of blood in the human body is limited. To avoid the problem of dying from blood loss before defeating the enemy during combat, people usually store some blood in advance and use it in battle.

Akagi Shinsuke also thought of this, so he simply sealed it up to avoid waste.

Although his face had turned even paler from the significant blood loss, his eyes were brighter than ever!

Because he suddenly realized that his immortality might better enhance the advantages of [Red Blood Jujutsu]!


The next day, aside from the daily mandatory experiments and training, Akagi Shinsuke had an additional task: to develop the usage methods for [Red Blood Jujutsu].

Clearly, compared to [Death-Binding Blood], which is deadly upon obtaining blood, [Red Blood Jujutsu] is not as simple and brutal, nor as unsolvable.

On the contrary, [Red Blood Jujutsu] is more flexible and varied, with its destructive power depending entirely on how the user applies it.

This required him to spend more time on its development, unlike Hidan, who had no such concerns.

Additionally, it was worth noting that, possibly due to the incomplete nature of the cult's forbidden experiments, despite still having chakra, both he and Hidan found it a hundred times harder to use ninjutsu.

It was as if, like Naruto in the ninja academy, every time they tried to use ninjutsu, they were disrupted by some unforeseen factor, leading to frequent failures.

Regarding this, Akagi Shinsuke learned from the cult's researchers that it was likely due to some mutation in their chakra pathways, causing abnormal chakra flow during hand-seals, which led to frequent failures in releasing jutsu.

This was the cult's result from observing and studying them during this period.

Of course, the jujutsu [Death-Binding Blood] was a complete exception.

Akagi Shinsuke was even unsure whether the cult first created the peculiar jujutsu [Death-Binding Blood] and then thought of human modification.

Or if they specifically developed such jujutsu for the 'immortality.'

He suspected that his inability to learn [Death-Binding Blood] was due to himself being a failed product, a half-finished one.

Without that instance of crossing over, 'Akagi Shinsuke' should have, like those other unfortunate ones, died a tragic death.

If he hadn't luckily received [Blood Manipulation Jujutsu] from the system, he would probably soon be labeled as a 'half-failed product.'

For this, Akagi Shinsuke felt a slight sense of relief and frustration.

Relieved that he had managed to overcome the initial difficulty and had some self-preservation ability in this terrifying world.

Frustrated that he might only be able to continue on the path of jujutsu from now on.

"I Practice Jujutsu in the Naruto World"?

It's really overwhelming!

It makes one want to complain!