Chapter 51: Black Flash

The "doctor" Shinsuke performed a large-scale human stitching surgery on the "patient" Hidan with remarkably crude skills.

The entire surgical process was nothing short of a miracle in the history of medicine!

It was truly a case of one daring to stitch, and the other daring to be stitched!

It highlighted the harmonious and trusting relationship between the patient and the doctor.

Despite the lack of anesthesia throughout, the stitching was done hard.

Except for the fact that the arms were of uneven lengths, the legs were attached backward, and a piece resembling an appendix but of unknown origin was left outside... it can be said that the operation was extraordinarily smooth!

The patient immediately expressed extreme gratitude, his eyes red as he grasped the doctor's hand tightly, refusing to let go, and insisted on giving the doctor a gift, which was impossible to decline.

As he spoke, he 'tremblingly' pulled out a black spear from his chest and pressed it (stabbed it) against Dr. Shinsuke's neck.

In a soft and kind tone, he asked, "If I stab you to death now, will it be too late?"

Dr. Shinsuke shook his head, comforting, "I understand how you feel right now, but this is what I should do. So quickly put that away; it wouldn't look good if others saw it."

With that, he resolutely pushed back the 'gift.'

After a few rounds of back and forth, the recently stitched-up Hidan ultimately couldn't give his 'heartfelt gift.'

Because Dr. Shinsuke, claiming that the patient needed a good rest, directly tied up the would-be murderer Hidan and dragged him away...

"Akagi Shinsuke! I ×%¥#@... Mmm, mmm!"

"Whew, finally some peace."

After stuffing Hidan's mouth, Shinsuke nodded in satisfaction.

Soon, he returned outside.

Shinsuke immediately raised an eyebrow.

Do you remember the [Perfect Perfume] he buried in the ground before he went in?

This was originally a backup plan he had prepared for himself, but in the end, it wasn't needed.

Well, not entirely unused.

At least now, it seems that this preparation helped him avoid quite a bit of trouble.

About a dozen curse spirits were blocked here, and there were even two or three unlucky ones that got completely drained.

When Shinsuke dragged Hidan out, he saw the scene of wildly dancing black hair tightly sealing the entrance, preventing the curse spirits outside from entering.

Although they were just small fry, it was hard to say if their chaotic intrusion would have caused any changes in the situation.

Shinsuke's mind moved, and he controlled the black hair to quickly retract.

Soon, only a small bundle remained outside, 'Little Black,' gently swaying like a piece of ink-dyed seaweed, occasionally brushing against the back of Shinsuke's hand.

It seemed to be seeking favor, or perhaps testing its master's mood.

Shinsuke smiled and patted it twice, "Well done, I'll let you out more often in the future, but for now, go back."

As if understanding the compliment, 'Little Black' shyly burrowed back into the ground.

Although it only had basic instincts, 'Little Black' was somewhat smarter than ordinary cursed objects.

Bending down, Shinsuke retrieved the [Perfect Perfume], discarded the blood rope in his hand, and slammed the blade he was carrying onto the ground.

"The one inside is already dead; now it's your turn."

The surrounding curse spirits, who had been eyeing him fiercely, suddenly froze, involuntarily taking a step back.

They, too, sensed that the terrifying pressure... had disappeared!

They immediately wanted to flee.

But when they saw the wounds and bloodstains on the human, along with his pale, sickly face, they hesitated.

Perhaps what this terrifying human said was true, but after a fierce battle, his condition must also be poor.

Otherwise, why bother talking so much instead of just killing them all?

With this in mind, they were suddenly in a dilemma.

If they fled now, they would still die once this human recovered.

But if they didn't flee, it would mean a fight to the death, with a heavy price to pay.

So the question was, who would be the first to test him?


A strange mask with a painted face flew over.

As one of the few [Grade 1 Curse Spirits] present, the Laughing Mask stepped forward.

It wasn't out of courage, but simply because it believed that even if it couldn't win, it could still escape unscathed.

In an instant, the sound of eerie laughter echoed again, and with it, the strange mask in the air began to split.

One became two, two became four, four became eight!

In the blink of an eye, nearly a hundred laughing masks appeared in the sky, almost blocking out the sky, exerting tremendous pressure.

Then they launched an attack on Shinsuke.

At first, Shinsuke was a bit tense, as his condition wasn't great, with limited cursed energy and blood left.

But after the exchange, he immediately wore a strange expression.

Because these laughing masks were... too weak!

Compared to before, apart from their ability to fly, they were utterly useless, not even as good as that needle-shooting furball.

Shinsuke could easily slice them in half with a casual slash, feeling like they were just there to be slaughtered.

The only regret was that killing them didn't yield any cursed soul points, possibly due to them being split entities; the main body had to be killed.

If it were in normal times, Shinsuke, when particularly bored, could probably spend an entire day playing 'Mask Slasher.'

But it was clear that the curse spirits were planning to wear him down.

So, he didn't hesitate.

After confirming that the strange flying masks had no other abilities, Shinsuke thrust his blade into the ground, released the blood rope on Hidan, and clasped his hands together, compressing the blood in his palms.

[Blood Manipulation: Supernova]


Aimed at the sky, the compressed blood shot out like a shotgun, causing devastating damage!

With a single blast, the sky rained down a large number of shattered mask monsters.

At the same time, Shinsuke finally locked onto the main body.

Only one mask monster made a different sound than the other split entities when injured.

So Shinsuke stomped the ground, using the impact to propel himself into the air.

But just then, the seemingly escaping mask monster suddenly let out another eerie laugh.

All the remaining masks in the sky swarmed together, blocking Shinsuke's path.

Shinsuke silently channeled his cursed energy, recalling those precious experiences...

[Black Flash]!

A fierce punch, carrying the momentum of thunder, smashed forward, accompanied by terrifying black sparks!

