Chapter 2

"Don't fall, Vera! I can't catch you if you do"

Xime said as she looked up, while holding the step/steel ladders so that the ladder doesn't shake, and Vera doesn't fall by losing her balance.

"I won't, as long as your holding the ladder it's alright..."

"Nooo nooo Vera, you're supposed to twist it to the right side to loosen it, not left"

Xime sighed, she knew what Vera was doing wrong, even if she that she wasn't that experienced either.

"... Really...? Oh, no wonder it wasn't coming out!"

Xime shook her head as she told Vera not to keep her face so close.

"Don't wooorry! You're worrying too much, just like Ivan, you two are so similar. But anyways, there won't be any problem since I'm wearing rubber gloves"

Vera just with a happy smile not knowing about the consequences as she tried to fix the lights.

As Vera was trying to fix the wires... her forearm, the area where it wasn't covered by the glove, touched the blub

"Oh and Vera, we just switched the lights off, so the bulb might be a little hot—"

The blub was so hot that when Vera tried to yank her hand away, she hit the glass and dropped it.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhkkkk!!!! c-catch it XIIIMEEEE—!!!!"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhkkkk!!!! WHY'RE YOU SHOUTING"

Xime immediately left the ladder as she threw herself to catch the ceiling light that was falling but couldn't save it... rest in peace... it shattered into pieces since it was glass,

"I- aaaaghh!!!"

Vera lost her balance and she fell down, hitting the ground, the ladder hitting the floor too, but thankfully it didn't hit her.

"What's going oooooooon..!"

Xime said in a loud voice as she looked over her shoulder, to look at Vera, on the floor.

Vera slowly got up, rubbing her head, she surely hit her head hard on the ground... her tailbone and elbow too.

"V-vera...? Is your body alright?"

Vera just sniffed, she was a crybaby, she is a crybaby, but surprisingly, she didn't cry a lot this time. Using her forearm to stop the tears from falling.

Xime got up from the ground, ignoring the glass pieces on the floor and dashed to Vera, rubbing her head, so that it doesn't get swollen.

"u-uh... Pain pain go awaaay!"

In the end the Land Owner came because she heard loud crashing—Vera falling down, and saw that the ceiling light was gone—it was shattered into pieces, and fined Vera only 100Phe because she lives alone. Vera and Xime got scolding together.

After the scolding...

"... Vera ..."

"... Yea ..?"

"Let's go get ice cream."

Xime said, getting up and streched her back.

"Didn't we already have it after school?"

"School ended two hours ago, that's long enough, come on let's goo"

Xime grabbed on Vera's arm trying to pull her up.

"Alright alright, but I'm only paying for mine, I don't have much money and you know how my father is"

Vera got up from the wooden floor and walked out of her room with Xime, they went down the stairs, existed the apartment building, mid way they met a handsome pink haired boy with glasses, and continued their way to the ice cream truck in a distance.

"Hey Vera, wasn't that guy good looking?"

Xime asked Vera who was getting the ice cream—Xime was too short to talk face to face.

"Hm? That pinkie? Yea he's handsome"

Vera said as she took a glance behind her.

'oh? Who's handsome Xime?'

Xime recognised that voice... it was Kiki... Xime immediately looked behind her panicking.

"No one! I didn't say anything like the word handsome..."

Vera just smiled and didn't say anything, letting her ship sail..?

"Hmm... really? Because I heard you saying 'Handsome' "

Kiki said as he looked down at Xime, he was jealous.

Vera didn't want to talk in between but because she didn't want to keep on holding the ice cream for Xime, or let Xime get traumatized by Kiki's jealousy, she stood between them.

"She was calling me handsome." said Vera, handing the bubble gum ice cream to Xime, while she holds her own ice cream, chocolate flavour.

"hm? She was? oh alright then" Kiki moved his face away as he turned to the ice cream seller and bought one ice cream.

The reason Kiki believed it, was because Xemi and Vera gives very weird compliments to eachother, for example 'you are such a pookie cutie' etc etc.

"Kiki, you didn't follow us here did you?"

Xemi asked, hiding behind Vera who was now biting on her ice cream without any problem.

"Me? Of course not, I was just walking around and I saw you here!"

" 'Saw, You ' ? Where am I then, do I not exist?"

Vera asked as she shot a glance at Kiki before looking at her ice cream and biting it again.

"... As I was saying, I was just walking around when I saw both of you here"

"You came alone? I thought you were hanging out with Ivan and Ares after school"

Xemi asked, her ice cream gone because she had devoured it, in five bites.

"They ended up being busy, oh and Xemi—"

"I'm goooooing, have fun guyss"

Vera said as she started walking away, wanting to go because she wasn't included in the conversation.

"Wait! I'm coming too!" Xemi turned to Kiki and told him that they'll meet tomorrow again in school before running to Vera and catching up. "Ma'ssalaame!"

Kiki shouted 'same to you' before he put his hands in his pocket, and forcefully ate the ice cream, the weather was cold but not that cold, it's almost winter.




The next day, at 8:00 before any of the classes start.

"oooh look, Xemi is sleeping as all ways, not suprised"

Vera says, staring at Xemi sleeping with her head resting on her desk, Ares and Kiki was there too, in the class where only four of them are there, that was until a classmate of theirs came in, they greeted eachother and the classmate left.

"Xemi reminds me of a Koala." Said Kiki while smiling, his cat like smile is always visible when he's with his friends or Xemi.

"They sleep 20-22 hours, Xemi sleeps every chance she gets, I'll agree with Kiki"

Ares sighed, turning behind him to get a chair for himself. "let me do something"

Ares goes to his bag and starts to dig around for something, after a few seconds he gets out an empty can of juice which he forgot to throw, and balances it on Xemi's head.

Both Vera and Kiki's mouth turns to a O shape.

"Let me add more" Kiki goes to the shelf and gets a book, placing it on top of the can.

"I'll put too"

Vera goes and gets a thicker book, a math's book and balances it on top of the book Kiki placed.

And the tower continued to become taller and taller, Ares putting a chair, Vera putting a metal water bottle she borrowed from her classmate, Kiki put a duster which was standing.

After a while, the tower was completed! A table was also on top of Xemi's head, and on the top most, there was a school bag, it was Kiki's.